Chapter 534 
Watching Harold extend his hand, Gordon stepped forward, gently pushed Harold’s hand down, and said, “Oh, kiddo, Colby never shakes hands with anyone.” 
Harold looked down at his own hand, feeling he wasn’t yet qualified to shake hands with Colby. 
With a twinkle in his eye, Gordon looked at Colby and said, “Colby, do me the honor and come upstairs with me. I have something to discuss with you” 
Hearing this, Colby wrapped his arm around Sophie’s waist and said, “My wife comes with me.” 
Being publicly called his wife made Sophie blush. She shot Colby a look. “I don’t want to go with you. You have your talk. I won’t be in the way.” 
With that, Sophie brushed off Colby’s hand. 
Gordon just smiled lightly, then instructed the butler to push him towards the elevator 
Jenna nudged Sophie and said, “Why not go up and see? Whenever those two talk, Adler and I never get to listen in. You could share the gossip with us.” 

Sophie wasn’t interested in the secrets of these two men. Whatever they discussed was their business, and she didn’t want to interfere The thought of being in a room talking with Gordon, that cunning old fox, made her feel particularly uneasy. 
“It seems I have no chance then,” Harold mused, sitting at the table. He started to serve himself food, reverting to his casual demeanor. “Weren’t you supposed to be toasting me? How come no one is offering me a drink?” 
Jenna pulled Sophie to sit down, saying, “Alright, alright, I will personally toast to you! You should feel lucky! 
Sophie’s face lit up with a smile. It had been a long time since they had all been together like this. 
Meanwhile, upstairs in the study, Gordon took out a document and placed it on the table, saying. This is the casino company that lured Perry into gambling.” 
Colby took the document in his hands and asked, “Who’s the owner behind this?” 
“The codename is K.” 
Gordon fell silent. 
Colby lifted the document in his hand and said, “Don’t tell me this is all you’ve found.” 
“One of the shareholders is Odile.” 
Gordon’s words made Colby frown even more. 
“Listen closely, it’s Odie. Gordon spelled out the name, causing Colby’s frown to deepen 
“Your parents‘ case, and Sophie’s parents‘ case, involve more people outside of Devonport. In addition to Ricardo, who has arrived, and Mr. Elwood, whom you took care of, now Odie from Summerfield is involved. I believe the mastermind behind all this is deeply hidden.” 
Colby sat on the couch, downing the half glass of whiskey in one gulp. 
Gordon stared at Colby and said, “Odie and Ricardo are not on the same level, you know that. We can only rely on new faces to get into the casino, 
“What do you mean?” 
Tve already signed a contract with Ms. Sophie. She’s going to become an actress. You should know that besides casinos, the Minton family is involved in other businesses.” 
Before Gordon could finish, Colby had already risen to his feet, his gun pointed directly at Gordon’s forehead. “I warn you, don’t drag Sophie into this!” 
“It’s not that I want to drag her into this. She’s already involved.” Gordon’s expression remained calm. “You know Sophie is willing to stand by your side. You knew that before, so she knows you understand her. How come you don’t understand now?” 
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The temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees. 
Suddenly, the door was pushed open. Sophie frowned and asked, “What are you doing?” 
Hearing Sophie’s voice, Colby immediately put away his gun, pretending as if nothing happened, and tumed around. Just catching up with Gordon over some drinks.” 
Gordon also wore a light smile. “My health isn’t good. He drank, but I didn’t 
“You have drinks, and you’re not down there enjoying them? Mr. Gordon, your brother is already drunk, Shouldn’t you check on him?” 
Sophie hadn’t expected Harold to have such a low tolerance. Just three drinks in, and he was already out. 
I guess he’s been out of the game too long. I go check on him.” 
The butler entered the room, pushing Gordon out. 
Sophie stepped inside, her gaze falling on Colby’s weist. “Let me see.” 
Colby, not wanting to hide anything from Sophie, took out the gun and placed it in Sophie’s hand. 
Examining the weapon, Sophie looked it over and asked, “How do you use this?‘ 
“Want to leam?“. 
“I think I might need to.” Sophie looked at Colby seriously, “I overheard your conversation from outside. 
Colby pursed his lips. 
Sophie continued, “Mr. Gordon specifically had the butler call me to the door, probably because he wanted me to hear your conversation clearly. So, I think I might need this in the future.” 
After a moment of silence, Colby said, “Sophie, it’s not that I don’t understand you. It’s just that suddenly. I’m afraid, afraid that you might be in danger.” 
Sophie raised an eyebrow. “I know. So, you need to make sure to teach me well. Ensure I have the ability to protect myself, or else ni really be in danger,”