Chapter 16 

042% 12:39 
Just like Stanley said, John and David came downstairs at exactly six am, like they have been programmed to do 


Jane, what are you doing awake?” David asked, surprise written all over his face. 
“Good morning to you too, David, “I greeted, smiling at him. I set the plates on the table and Stanley placed the food in the center. 
“You know you shouldn’t be stressing yourself, you need rest. Stanley, you shouldn’t have let her join you, John scolded for the umpteenth time and I refused the urge to roll my eyes. 
“I woke up early and I decided to help Stanley, I’m not going to faint from doing what I’m used to doing. Besides, if you didn’t want me to stress myself, the both of you would have woken up to help him out,” I frowned at them and David actually rolled his eyes at me. 
“He is the only good cook among the three of us, so why should we bother?” He retorted and I sneered at him, taking my seat beside John, 
Breakfast was actually silent to my utmost surprise. The only thing I could hear was the clacking of spoons and plates against each other. 
After breakfast, David and John went to do the dishes while Stanley went upstairs. He soon came back, wearing a training suit. That was when I noticed that the other guys were also wearing the same thing. 
guys going to train?” I asked, getting excited already, but John turned to look at me instead. 
“Are you g 
No, you can’t come,” he dismissed and my shoulders slumped. He didn’t even let me start yet. My mood went sour and my eyes brimmed with tears. That was it! The sudden emotional change in me. 
Before I could even register what was happening, I had bursted into tears, as if I was being controlled. I went to sit on the couch in the living room, crying loudly as tears kept pouring from my eyes. 
Jane, what’s wrong?” John asked, his eyes filled with worry as he walked up to me. 
042% 12:39 
Chapter 16 
She wants to go training with us,” Stanley chipped in and I nodded in affirmation. 
“You can’t. It will be too stressful for you,” John tried to explain, but it only made me cry harder, like a five year old. 
“Fine. Let’s go. David will give you clothes to change and you’ll come with us, so stop crying,” he soothed and upon hearing him, I stopped crying at once. 
Will you still scold me for letting her cook with me after you have experienced it yourself?” Stanley taunted John, his eyes filled with amusement. 
I stood up and followed David, who took me to his room and gave me a pair of training suits to wear. I smiled in content as I stared at the clothes in my hands. 
Even though I found it embarrassing to cry like a kid anytime I wanted something from them, it gave me what! wanted so I wasn’t stopping it anytime soon. At least, I had seen something to use as my advantage. 
I thanked David before leaving his room and going to mine to change the clothes. The clothes were a little too big, but David was the only person whose clothes I could wear. I went out of my room and went back downstairs after I had changed and we all headed outside. 
“The doctor mindlinked me just now, she said you are to come for your ch*ck up next week,” John informed me and I nodded in understanding. 
As we walked, the pack members kept staring at me and that made me a bit uncomfortable. I couldn’t blame them though, I was a stranger who was walking with their Alpha, Beta and Gamma, they were going to stare for 
“Are they making you uncomfortable?” John asked and I nodded in response. 
“Don’t worry about them, they are only curious,” he assured, grabbing my hands in his and damn! That was calming. 
We finally got to the training grounds and the people who were trying there greeted the three of them, staring at me with curious eyes.. 
“Good morning, Alpha, Beta, Gamma,” a man who ran up to us greeted and gave me a lie bow and I did the same to him. 
042% 12:39 
Chapter 16 
“This is Jane and she will be training with us from now on. Jane, this is Alec, the one who will be helping you, he introduced and I gave Alec a little smile which he reciprocated. 
She insisted that she wanted to train with us and we had no option but to let her. But when I mean to train her, just give her a little exercise like jogging two laps, just something to keep her busy,” he informed me and I sneered at him. 
“Have I ever told you that I can’t run laps or do push–ups? I’m stronger than you think I am, “I pouted and he chuckled. 
“I know you are, but not in your current situation, you have to be careful,” he reminded me and I rolled my eyes. Damn pregnancy!” Please Alec, you should be careful with her, she is pregnant and the doctor has instructed that she shouldn’t do anything that would stress her and the babies,” he pleaded and Alec lips curved to form an ‘o‘, his eyes going to my belly. 
“Yes, Alpha, I would do as you have instructed,” he replied and bowed in respect. 
We’ll come pick you up when we’re done in about an hour. Male.sure not to bother Alec too much or you won’t come with us anymore” he threatened and walked away. Stanley patted my head before leaving and David waved at me, running after them. 
Should we get started, Miss Jane?” He asked, smiling softly at me and I exhaled deeply before nodding. 
I was going to start from there and then, build my strength after I have given birth. I was going to show Damien that even though I had no wolf, I wasn’t a weak girl like he thought. 