Chapter 198 
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Xavier had always been a stubborn man. So, Mark had no choice but to follow his instructions and tell the legal department to prepare the agreement. 
“By the way, Mr. Lane, we might not be able to look into your account being hacked this morning. The hacker was using a fake IP address…” 
When Xavier heard that, he frowned. “Send me everything you’ve found now.” 
After he received the information, he entered his study room. He quickly typed on his computer and 
found a loophole in no time, finding the hacker’s actual IP address. “Hexim Pass…” 
Meanwhile, Zachary was hiding in the kindergarten’s restroom and typing quickly on his keyboard. His forehead was covered in sweat. He immediately gave up on changing his IP address. Instead, he just 
connected to another IP address. 
Zachary wiped the sweat from his forehead. “I didn’t expect that bastard father to have such capable men. This money sure isn’t that easy to get. I was almost discovered.” 
Fortunately, he had been feeling paranoid that day and had brought his computer out. 
Xavier only saw that the hacker was in Hexim Pass. “They sure gave up easily.” He didn’t understand what was going on. If it was a rival company, they wouldn’t do something so weird. 
He sent the location to Mark. “Look into it carefully. Find this person at all costs.” Xavier wouldn’t let any threat slip past his fingers. 
By the time he was done giving Mark instructions, breakfast had arrived. He went back to enjoy the food 
with Yvette. 
She still didn’t know that Zachary had almost been discovered by Xavier. At that moment, she was waiting to see if she had gotten pregnant. She also had to find a way to get Noah out safely. 
“Can I see Noah?” After she asked that, she explained, “After all, he’s still young. I’m worried that he has no family by his side.” Ever since her birthday, she hadn’t seen him again. 
Xavier tightened his grip on his spoon and thought about what Shannon had said. Then, he remembered the child he had never had and Claude. He returned to his cold self. “Don’t worry. He’s doing well.” 
The people from Fortian Manor reported Noah’s condition to him every day. If something were to happen, he would be able to learn about it right away. 1 
After being rejected, Yvette became upset, and she had lost her appetite for breakfast. Her gaze darkened as she said, “Don’t you think you’re going too far with this?” 
“I could say the same about you for being with another man and having a child with him–during our marriage!” 
If it had been up to him in the past, he would never have let Noah live at all! 
Yvette couldn’t refute what he had said because she had to hide Noah’s identity. So, she had no choice 
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but to put down her dignity. “I’m begging you to let me see him. I really miss him a lot. Didn’t you say we should treat each other like husband and wife?” 
Xavier didn’t know why he had agreed to her request. 
That afternoon, they arrived at Fortian Manor. 
Noah was getting some sun and felt bored. As he watched the leaves fall, he suddenly felt afraid of death. He figured Yvette would feel terrible if he were to die. He didn’t want to see her cry. 
While Wendy was taking care of him, she realized that he looked like an adult when he was quiet. It seemed as though he had a lot of worries. “Noah, do you miss your mommy?” she asked. 
Noah immediately stopped looking so solemn. “Ms. Wendy, why is Mr. Xavier not here to see me? Does he hate me? Is he not coming to see me again?” 
Wendy felt bad for Noah. She couldn’t believe he would still miss Xavier when the man was so fierce. 
“That’s impossible. I just heard the housekeeper say that Mr. Xavier and your mommy are on their way here.” 
Noah’s eyes 
lit up leaving him there! 
when he heard that. He could finally stop lying around and punish his bastard father for 
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