Chapter 404 
Cara felt a chill run down her spine. 
She had always thought Conner was a gentle and affectionate man, someone easy to manipulate. But now, she realized he was ruthless enough to harm Nathalie without hesitation. 
His whole loving persona had been a play. 
Conner’s ultimate goal was to secure the Ramor family’s support to bolster his power in Seathburn City. 
“If you don’t want to share the same fate as her, you’d better behave and avoid angering me,” warned Conner, his tone chilly. 
“No, I won’t..” Clara shook her head frantically. “Just let me stay as Nathalie Hamoz and your fiancée, living this life, and I’ll do whatever you want!!! 
“Good.” Conner shrugged off his jacket, adding, “Tomorrow, you’re coming with me to the hospital, and you’ll apologize to Bryce on your knees.” 
“What?” Clara’s face paled. “You want me to apologize to Bryce on my knees?” 

“Not just Bryce, but Maeve as well” 
Clara’s expression darkened further at the second half of his words. “No, I won’t do it” 
Conner shot her a withering look. 
Terrified, Clara shrank back and bit her lip. “Anything but getting down on my knees before Marve. I’ll do anything else.” 
“Even going to jail?” sneered Conner 
“L” Claradell silent. 

He continued, “Do you think you could avoid jail after attacking Bryce? If you can’t settle this privately, you’ll be arrested. You know better than anyone what life in jail is like.” Clara’s heart sank at the mention of jail. She couldn’t bear the thought of returning there. The days behind bars were something she never wanted to experience again. 
Clara clutched desperately at Conner’s pants. “Alright! I’ll do whatever it takes to avoid prison, Just tell me what you need me to do.” 
Crouching, Conner gently touched Clara’s cheek. His demeanor softened, reminiscent of his former affectionate self. “Good girl, Nathalie. That’s right” 
Fear filled Clara’s eyes, leaving her unable to speak. It was only after Conner left that she cumsily got back on her feet 
Glancing down at her slightly swollen belly, Clara felt a rush of relief. Thank goodness she hadn’t terminated the pregnancy. It gave her a way out. 
The following day, Clara was escorted to the hospital by Conner’s associates. 
In the ward, Clara arrived before Maeve, kneeling on the floor with a remorseful expression as she faced Bryce 
“Mr. Grant, it’s all my fault. Please forgive me 
Maeve frowned at the scene 
The Clara before her now was a stark contrast to the arrogant woman she once knew. Clara seemed fragile and apologetic, like a delicate woman pleading for forgiveness. “Mr. Jefferson, what’s this early morning drama with Ms. Stewart? 
Seated on the couch, she observed Clara’s repentant face and remarked, “Ms. Stewart, considering your esteemed position now, kneeling wouldn’t be appropriate.