Chapter 269 
“Just follow my orders, and don’t bother about the rest.” 
“Alright, Mr. Brooks.” 
At the same time, the scene of the Scotts making a fuss at Brooks Manor had been captured by paparazzi and spread widely on the internet. 
Maeve couldn’t help frowning when she saw the news in the CEO’s office of Mirage Group. 
She hadn’t expected Philip to fall out with the Brooks family so soon because of her. 
After all, Philip had always been a tirnid person. He wouldn’t make a scene at their place if it hadn’t been something serious. 
“Ms. Scott, are you looking for me?” Zayla came in and waited for Maeve’s decision. 
Maeve said, “I want to acquire Scott Group as soon as possible. Tell the treasurer to draft an acquisition agreement for me now.” 

Zayla was stunned. She had no idea why Maeve was in such a hurry to acquire Scott Group. 
“Is there any issue?” 
“Ms. Scott, it’ll catch people’s attention if you acquire Scott Group now.” 
“It’s okay. Just follow my order. Thold the reins of everything in the Scott family.” 
Philip had given her all the Scott family’s assets a long time ago. She only needed to sign and stamp the acquisition agreement, and it would be legally valid. 
It was just that she thought she wasn’t in a hurry to do so. But now, Philip had fallen out completely with the Brooks family. Before the Brooks family did anything to the Scott family, she had to acquire Scott Group now so that it would have Mirage Group backing it up. 
Philip returned home and immediately used all his connections to look for Maeve. 

Sharon saw Philip’s expression and said tentatively, “Ms. Scott fell into the sea for so long. Even Sergio couldn’t find her body. I bet something had happened to her. The Scott family needs a leader. Phil, you have to think for the company.” 
Philip’s face fell when he heard that, “What body? What happened to her? Don’t jinx it!” 
Seeing that Philip was infuriated, Sharon complained, “She fell into the sea for four days, yet her body is yet to be found. I guess her body was probably eaten by the fish! How could she still be alive? 
“I’m saying this for the sake of you and the Scott family! You can’t just sit by and watch as the Scott family gets stuck in this situation.” 
These days, Philip had handed Maeve all the properties under Scott Group for her to manage. The people working under him were unsatisfied. initially, but they didn’t comment further after seeing how well Maeve managed the company and made profits. 
Now that Maeve had gone missing, Scott Group could hardly operate. 
If Philip still couldn’t take charge of the company, it wouldn’t take long for Scott Group to face financial problems, let alone compete against Sergio 
Philip fell silent after hearing that. Just then, the doorbell rang 
He went to open the door and saw Zayla standing at the door with a lawyer. “Hi, Mr. Scott, I’m Mirage Group’s secretary, and this is our lawyer. 
Philip was stunned. Then, he asked in confusion, “I don’t think we’ve oftended Mirage Group. What’s the matter?” 
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