444 Chapter 443 
After Ellis had signed his name, he stared at the 
While he hesitated, one of the copies had already been 
taken by Mary. 
With her gaze lowered, Mary carefully placed the divorce agreement into her bag, then turned to look out the window. 
Seeing Ellis’s distracted appearance, Mrs. Olsen couldn’t help but sigh silently. 

The Olsens had a reputation for being emotional, something she had known for a long time. 
Sam remained unmarried because he was always thinking about Jodie South. 

Even her husband was wholeheartedly devoted to her. Ellis’s behavior clearly showed that he has feelings for 
He had even gone to the extent of acknowledging the child for Mary’s sake. 
Only it was a pity… 
444 Chapter 443 
Ultimately, the two of them weren’t meant to be. 
In all other matters; concessions could be made, but the child had caused such a commotion. If it were simply acknowledged… 
Mr. Olsen also frowned, unable to refrain from chastising Mary. “Mary, haven’t we been good to you? How could you do such a thing? Ellis, why didn’t you let her uncle beat her to death back then? Instead, you were forced into agreeing to this marriage! Have you lost your mind?” 
Mary kept her head down, saying nothing. 
Ellis also frowned and remained silent. 
For a moment, no one spoke. 
Nobody noticed that Ellis’s hand was tightly clenched into a fist, and his whole body was exuding a chilling 
The car soon arrived at the hospital. 
Mr. and Mrs. Olsen got out of the car, about to say something, when they saw Ellis suddenly close the door and shout at the driver. “Get out!” 
The driver was taken aback and involuntarily got out 
444 Chapter 443 
of the car. 
Ellis then locked the doors, making it impossible to open from the outside. 
His eyes turned bloodshot as he looked at Mary. 
Mary stared at him. “What are you doing?” 
Ellis’s voice was muffled. “Is this paternity test 
Mary was taken aback. 
Ellis let out a cold laugh. “What? Before, when the child didn’t have a father, you thought of me as the perfect sucker. Now you’re so eager to shake me off. Is it because the child’s father has come back? Or du 
get back in touch with him?” 
Mary said, “I didn’t… Mmph!” 
Ellis swallowed the rest of her words. 
A surge of uncontrollable desire filled Ellis’s chest. He was so angry that he felt he was going to erupt right 
there and then! 
Mary struggled to push him away, “Ellis, let go of me, 
444 Chapter 443 
But Ellis didn’t care at all and bit her lips hard! 
He kissed her fiercely… 
It was as if he wanted to devour her! 
Outside, Mr. and Mrs. Olsen looked inside, trying to see what was going on, but the car windows were tinted with special film. From the inside, one could see out, but from the outside, one couldn’t make out what was happening. 
Mrs. Olsen knocked on the window. “Ellis, what are you doing?” 
Ellis didn’t respond to her and was insistently in control of Mary, frantically wanting to possess 
Mary pushed Ellis away. “Ellis, let me go! You’re There are reporters everywhere. Let go of me!” 
But Ellis just stared at her and sneered coldly, “Do want to leave me for that bastard? Mary, do you thi would let you get away so easily?” 
Mary panicked. “Ellis, we just signed the divorce agreement!” 
“So what?!” 
Ellis’s large hand was pressed on Mary’s abdomen. He applied a slight force, and Mary’s pupils contracted. “Ellis, what are you doing?!” 
“Since you’re leaving me because of this child, then… let the child disappear!” 
After saying that, Ellis began to press down harder! 
This action made Mary’s eyes widen in terror, and she begged for mercy. “Ellis, let go of me! This child is yours!” 
“Three test reports all said azoospermia, and you’re still lying now?” 
Ellis glared at her. “Do you know when I went to th hospitals for the tests, I felt like a joke! Mary, I beli your damned lies!” 
He asked furiously through clenched teeth, “Don’t you love me? Didn’t you tell the reporters that story with genuine affection? So, for my sake, why don’t you get rid of this baby?!” 
Mary cried. “Ellis, you bastard!!” 
Ellis sneered. “Yes, I’m a bastard! I admit it, Mary. I’m telling you, I want you, so you can’t keep this child! 
Today, I won’t show mercy anymore!” 
Feeling the increased pressure of his hand, Mary cried out in pain. “Ellis, no, this child is yours… I’m telling the truth!” 
“You don’t need to try to fool me… I know you’re waiting for Keera and Lewis to come to your rescue, but it’s useless. They can’t get here in time…” 
Suddenly, Ellis pressed her legs down with his body and took out a white pill from his pocket. “I’ve asked the doctors. After taking this, you won’t feel any pain, and the child will come out quickly. Mary, without this child, we will have no more complications. If you like children, we can adopt one later. If you really wan have children, then we can help you choose a qua one from a sperm bank… 
“But not this bastard!” 
After leaving those words, Ellis opened Mary’s mouth and fed the pill into her! 
Mary tried desperately to spit out the pill, but Ellis covered her mouth with his palm, and the pill slipped straight down her throat, leaving her no chance to spit it out! 
In pain and despair, she looked at the frantic Ellis and beat fiercely against him with her hands while a wailing plea escaped her muffled mouth… 
But it was all to no avail. 
Ellis had made up his mind and wouldn’t give up! 
It seemed forever before Mary finally swallowed the pill… 
Only then did Ellis let go of her mouth. 
The moment he released her, Mary immediately pushed him away and started to gag. 
But it was no use… 
All was in vain… 
Mary’s tears flowed uncontrollably, and her face full of despair! 
She glared at Ellis with anger and resentment! 
Her whole body was trembling, and she vaguely felt a heavy, painful sensation in her lower abdomen… 
Mary cried out loud, “Ellis, you will regret this!” 
“I won’t.” 
444 Chapter 445 
Ellis looked at her firmly. “I’d rather have you hate me for a lifetime than let you go!” 
Clutching her fists tightly, Mary said, “Can we do the 
paternity test now?” 
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