42 Chapter 42 – Practicing 
I sat up and kissed him softly, then again, and again. I moved my legs over and sat on his lap, straddling him. I licked his lips and pushed my tongue against his. He ripped the blanket out from his lap and pulled me in closer. He moved his kisses down to the bite mark on my shoulder and kissed it softly, 
“Mine” he whispered. I could feel his erection growing under my ass, I wanted it again. He rubbed his fingers up and down my back as he kissed me passionately. He unclipped my bra and pulled it off my arms, we were both naked now. 
“Again” I whispered in his ear and he sucked and bit along my neck. 
He lifted me by my hips and gently sat me back down on top of his dick. It slid right in, and I felt that same pressure and tightness. I moved my hips forward and back slowly. I was in control this time, I like it. I wrapped my arms around his head and grabbed hold of his hair. He put his hands on my ass and squeezed as I thrusted my hips forward faster. Sitting on him like this, it felt incredible. I moaned loudly, and Gunner was groaning. It was happening faster this time. The warmth spreading and the tightness in my stomach, it was building quick. 
“I think I’m coming” I moaned, 
“Me too, just keep going“. 
I moved my hips faster, I could feel his cock pressing against the inside of me. I started to quiver and my clit was throbbing. I thrust 

42 Chapter 42–Practicing 
my hips hard and my pussy contracted. 
“Ah shit” Gunner groaned. I thrust forward again and my body began to shake. A few more times and everything inside me was exploding. I cried out and squeezed my thighs. My pussy was convulsing and it didn’t stop, I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. The pressure began to subside and I felt weak and tired. I sat in Gunner’s arms, panting and rested my head on his shoulder. 
“Holy shit, Zelena” Gunner breathed. 
“I’m sorry, was I too fast?” 
“No baby, you are a Goddess. A sex Goddess“. 
I giggled shyly and slowly pulled myself off him. I flopped down on the bed feeling completely spent. Gunner laid down next to me and rested his arm across my stomach. I was staring at the roof, listening to him breathe. He was going to be the Alpha, which means I’ll be the Luna one day. But I still don’t know much about being a wolf. There is still so much that I haven’t asked. 
“Gunner?” I asked, not moving, 
“Can you teach me more about the wolf stuff?” 
“Absolutely, what do you want to learn first?” He propped himself 
and leaned on the headboard. 
“Uh… well some basic stuff, I guess. When did you first change?” 
“My wolf was born not long before my thirteenth birthday” 
“Is that what you call it? Being born, like a baby?” 
42 Chapter 42 – Practicing 
“Well yes, another part of your body and soul is born the day that you have your first change” 
“And is that the age most people first change?” 
“Firstly, we use the term Weres, not people. And for males its usually between thirteen and fourteen but for females it’s very random. The youngest has been twelve and, well, you’ve been the oldest that I know of” 
“Why didn’t I change sooner?” I asked thinking about it some more. If I had of changed a few years ago, I would have been able to stand up for myself. I could have fought off my father and saved myself years of torture and abuse. 
“I’ve thought about that a little bit actually. I think it was because of your upbringing. You supressed that side of yourself for some reason. Well I can assume to know the reason but it would only be a guess. Once I found you and the True Mate bond started, your subconscious wolf recognised that it was time. Well that’s my theory anyway“. 
That’s a pretty good theory, it sounds like he has thought about 
that a lot. 
“You can change really quickly, with like no pain” I said, not sure if asking a question or noting the fact. 
“Yeah, I can” he agreed, 
“So, how long did it take you to learn to do that?” I asked him, 
“Learn control?” 
42 Chapter 42–Practicing 
“I think I had it mastered at about sixteen“. 
Three years, it took the son of and Alpha three years to learn control over the change. I dread how long it will take me to learn. 
“Wow, that’s a long time” I breathed out. 
“There’s no rush, you’ll get it when you get it” 
“And what about the other stuff, like the flashing in human form, and healing, and whatever else there is” 
“Well I think it’s safe to say your healing is just fine” he chuckled, 
“Yeah, but that was you giving me your power, I heard Roe and Artemis talking about it” 
“Oh, you did ay?” he said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Nmhm” I hummed, 
“It’s dangerous isn’t it, sharing power like that?” I asked with a grumble, 
“Ah well, it can be if you’re not careful. I passed out a couple of times giving it to you” 
“Gunner” I yelled sitting up and hitting him in the chest, 
“Why would you do that? You could have hurt yourself“. 

He leaned forward and grabbed my hand as I went to hit him again. He held it up to his face and rubbed his cheek with the back of my 
“Because you were so weak, and I knew that I wouldn’t survive if I lost you. 
I had to help, I had to make you better. I loved you then, even if I didn’t realize it. I still love you now“. 
< 42 Chapter 42–Practicing  Oh my. It felt as though my heart grew three times bigger. How could I have ended up with this man, what have I done to deserve him. I tilted my head to the side and gazed at him lovingly. I think actual hearts popped out of my eyes.  **He’s perfect**  Gunner’s eyes opened wide as he sat up straight and put my hand  down.  “You flashed me” he said surprised,  “I did?” I asked, feeling a little surprised myself.  “Yeah, you just said ‘he’s perfect just now“. Oh shit, he heard that?  “I did say that, I said it to myself”  “No, you said it to me” he smiled brightly,  “Try it again” he demanded excitedly.  I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. ‘Gunner‘ I said in my head. I opened an eye looking at him and he shook his head. ‘I love you‘ I said. I looked at him again, still nothing.  **Ah fuck**  He laughed out loud.  **Shit, did it work?**  He nodded still laughing at me.  **Will you stop  o at  me?**  Holy crap, I heard his voice in my head, just like when we were wolves. This is awesome.  5/3  42 Chapter 42 – Practicing  **Say something else**  **You are saying something**  **I am. Fuck yeah**  Gunner leaned forward and kissed me, his whole face was smiling.  “With flashing you can also share images of things, try that” he said proudly.  “But what do I show you?”  “Show me anything, maybe like this“.  A picture of a purple flower growing out of the side of tree popped into my head. It was a gorgeous image. It’s like I could see it for real, like it was from my own memory.  “Wow, what’s that?” I asked him,  “I saw it the other day and it made me think of you” he smiled. Okay, I can do this. Just think of something nice, think of something special. My mind took me to my old basement and the chains on the floor that Dad used to use to hold me still. Uh no, not that, stop it. Think of something different.  “What was that?” Gunner asked slowly, his face contorted into a  wince.  “What was what?”  “You gave me a picture of yourself, kneeling on the floor with your arms in chains. There was so much pain attached to it” he talked slowly with his face scrunched up.  “I didn’t mean too, sorry. After what we were talking about, it was  6/8  42 Chapter 42 – Practicing  just the first thought that came to me. I’m sorry”  “That was real?” he yelled, kneeling up taller. I had a rush of fear blow through me. I needed to cower, to cover myself. I flinched, closing my eyes and I whimpered. I leaned back turning away from him and I lifted my hands to protect my face. I felt cold and angry, and sick to the stomach.  “Shh, it’s okay” Gunner said softly. He gently placed his hands on my skin and ran them down my arms, he carefully grabbed my wrist and turned me back around. Moving slowly and carefully, he moved his hands to rest on both sides of my face,  “I’m sorry, Zee. Shh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. That was my fear, I pushed it onto you. I’m so sorry, it was an accident. Please look at me” he pleaded. I opened my eyes and gazed at his face, his eyes were full of worry and his bottom lip was shaking.  “I’m sorry, I would never hurt you, please know that” his voice was shaky and urgent. I sucked in a deep breath, slowly blew it out, and relaxed. The fear had passed, just like that, it was gone. That was so weird.  “It’s okay” I whispered,  “I’m sorry too“. He pulled me into his lap and hugged me tight.  “You don’t need to be sorry, that wasn’t your fault. I pushed it, please forgive me”  “It’s okay really, that was such a weird feeling”  “I know, I know, I didn’t mean too, it just came out” he said stroking my hair.  7:3  42 Chapter 42–Practicing  “What was it?” I asked him.  “When you showed me the picture, I felt the pain with it. It scared the hell out of me, to see you like that. I forgot that our minds were still linked and I pushed my fear into you”  “You can do that?”  “Ah well, we can, you and me, because we’re True Mates. I don’t think we could do it to anyone else though”  my  “Oh“. Gunner held me in his arms and continued to stroke hair. It felt so nice and comfortable, I felt warm and safe. My body felt exhausted and although I wanted to know more and practice more, my head was heavy and my eyes started to drift. I shuddered awake as Gunner started to lay me down on the bed.  “Shh, go back to sleep, I’m still here” he whispered laying down with me. He pulled me into his arms spooning me and I drifted right back off to sleep.  Comentario  0  A  Deja el primer comentario para este capitulo.  Vote