41 Chapter 41–Falling Deepor 
41 Chapter 41 – Falling Deeper 
I pushed the door and it slowly swung open, I stood in the doorway on full display. Gunner’s mouth dropped open and he stared at me, a dark and ravenous gleam flashed over his face. A low seductive growl came from deep inside him, making my legs tingle. Het crawled across the floor to my feet and grabbed my ankle and lifted it to his shoulder. He bit down on the top of my foot and slowly dragged his teeth up my leg, all the way to my inner thigh, where he then bit down again. His growl was doing something to me, I felt the wetness soak my panties and a fire flow through my veins. The sensation sent pleasurable electric shocks through my legs and into my stomach. Using his teeth he pulled down the stocking and took it off. He kissed each of my toes and trailed his kisses back up my leg, without missing a beat he pressed his lips. hard against my crotch. I held onto the door frame as my knees started to shake. He ran his tongue along my panties, the pressure on my lips sent a shiver through my body. The garter belt fell to the floor, and he pulled on my panties. I looked down at him, meeting his gaze. His eyes were full and dark, it made him look wild and insatiable. I nodded slowly, I want him to take them off. I want this, I want him inside me. He slowly pulled them down my legs and I stepped out of them. He lifted them to his nose and inhaled deeply. A heated blush burned my cheeks, as I watched. At least they’re clean, I thought to myself. 
He grabbed hold of my hips and lifted me onto his shoulders, I had to hold in the squeal as he spun me around and laid me on the bed. 
41 Chapter 41–Falling Deeper 
He slowly ran his hands up my body to my neck, using his knee he nudged my legs apart. I was completely at his mercy, exposed and vulnerable. It made my body quiver with excitement, a hot burning desire flushed through me repeatedly. Gunner kissed me eagerly, I clutched his neck pulling his mouth harder into mine. He glided his hand down my belly and over my curls to my waiting wet lips. His finger slid along the slit, up and back. He tickled my clit with his fingers, and I bit down hard onto his bottom lip. As he slid his finger inside me, making me moan loudly, I pushed my hips. forward into his hand. I moved my hands down to his back and pulled him down on top of me, 
“More” I whispered into his ear and biting his earlobe. 

I pulled his boxers down releasing his huge erection. His cock was pressed against my throbbing core, I was ready, I want to feel him. I kissed him hard and fast, giving my tongue generously and taking his into my mouth. 
“Are you ready?” he whispered nuzzling into my neck. 
I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him hard again. He slowly pushed his hips forward a little, and the tip of his hard cock was at my entrance. I moaned into his mouth urging him to give me more. He pushed his hips further forward and his length entered me. A gasp got caught in my throat as the pain caught me by surprise. I tipped my head back and moaned loudly, a stab of pain and a burst of pressure and my virginity was gone. It felt tight and unnatural at first, but with each gentle drive forward of his hips, a tingle began to grow in my stomach and my pussy began to accept his length eagerly. Gunner bit into the base of my neck as he thrusted into me deeper. My mind was fuzzy and I felt as 
41 Chapter 41 Falling Dooper 
though I had no control over my body, I moaned with each push forward. The pressure I felt inside me was unlike anything I could have imagined. Gunner lifted my hips higher and drilled into me. deeper, as he did, he bit down harder into my neck. I cried out. loudly and my body tensed, the sudden burst of pain on my shoulder and the deep pressure in my vagina was the perfect mix. He began to thrust faster, and a warmth started to spread through my body, I could feel my insides contracting. My whole body. tightened then released. I had pins and needles in my toes and my head felt like it was spinning. Gunner’s body went stiff, he groaned and then melted on top of me. I was panting and my skin was hot, and so was Gunner’s as I rubbed my hands up and down his back. He put his hand on my cheek and stared into my eyes. 
“Are you okay?” he whispered. I smiled, nodded and kissed his beautiful lips. His slowly pulled himself out of me, the release was strange and uncomfortable and I instantly missed the feel of him. inside me. He rolled over onto his back and I cuddled into his 
“That was…” I paused, 
“That was amazing” he smiled and kissed me on the forehead. 
“I love you” I whispered gazing up at him. 
“I love you too” he said squeezing me tighter. 
“I almost forgot” Gunner blurted excitedly, pulling his arm out from under my head and leaning over the edge of the bed. 
“I got you something too“. He sat back up and handed me a small black pouch. I looked up at him and smiled. I’ve never been given a present before, this is exciting. I opened the top of the pouch and 
41 Chapter 41 – Falling Deeper 
reached my fingers inside and slowly pulled out a small silver link chain. I held it up and saw a little heart pendant attached to it. I turned the heart around to examine it. There are three crescent moons all connected, the same symbol that is on that old book I found on the shelf. On the other side of the heart, in very small cursive writing are the words ‘My Heart, My Soul‘. Oh wow, this is the sweetest thing ever. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, this was so beautiful and so special. I love him so damn much. “Do you like it?” he asked watching me. I held it to my chest and smiled at him, trying to hold back the tears. 
“I love it. I love it so much, thank you” I cooed, 
“It’s our pack symbol” he said opening my hand and pointing to the 
three moons, 
“You are part of the pack now, so you need your own token“. 

He took it from my hand and clipped it around my wrist. I held up my arm and turned my wrist around in front of my face and watched the bracelet dangle around. Gunner laid back down on the bed and I snuggled into him. I kissed his chest and tickled my fingers in small circles across his skin. As I lay in his arms, it dawned on me that we really don’t know anything about each. other. We have this amazing connection that came on so fast and we got swept up in it. We’ve never really had a full conversation about anything important. I want to know everything that there is to know about him. 
“Yeah babe” 
< 41 Chapter 41 – Falling Deeper  “What’s your last name?”  “Mathers, why’s that?” I sat up and smiled at him and he perched himself up on his arm.  “I just wanted to know. Now, what’s your favorite color?”  “What’s this, twenty questions?” He chuckled,  “Yes, it is, I don’t know anything about you”  “You know that I love you”  “I do know that, but I don’t know any of the little stuff, will you just tell me?“. Gunner sat up and huffed,  “Okay but if I have to answer then so do you, deal?”  “Okay deal” I smiled.  “So, favorite color, was it?” he asked,  “Yes”  “It’s dark blue, and yours?”  “Mine is purple”  “Of course it is. Okay, do you have a favorite song?”  “Um, well I’ve never really had access to music or movies or TV, anything like that. I was never allowed to watch TV or have my own phone or anything, so I guess I don’t know enough songs to have a favorite“.  Gunner was silent, he sat with his head down fiddling his hands. He lifted his head and looked at me.  “Can I ask you about it?” he said softly. I knew what he meant, and  21:52  15/0  41 Chapter 41 – Falling Deopor  as scary as it is to open up about, I know that I can trust him. So I nodded.  “When did it start?” he whispered.  “For as long as I can remember. I don’t remember a whole lot from when I was really young, I just remember the fear of getting into trouble. The youngest I remember was when I was seven or eight, he locked me in the basement for a few days. It was dark and I didn’t have any food, when I cried because I was hungry, he whipped my hands with a belt. So I just stopped crying. After that, it was just an open hand or a belt or something like that, never my ‘face or anything too visible. As I got older the beatings got worse.  He would use chains and whips, he’d kick and punch with more and more power“. Again Gunner was silent, he dropped his hand and clasped his fingers together.  “Did he ever take care of you, like afterwards?” he finally asked, breaking the silence,  “Take care of me, as in fixing the damage he caused?”  “Yeah, did he ever try to help you?”  “Nah, he got use to keeping bandages and band–aids around, because he knew I’d fix myself up. There were some broken ribs, and I think my wrists a few times, but I always tried to do it myself. There was a time when I was about eleven, I think, he got called into the school because one of the teachers saw the bruises on my arms. He was so mad at me for letting someone see, though it was an accident. I really thought he was going to kill me that night, I couldn’t breathe properly for a few weeks after that“. I looked at Gunners hands as I spoke, he was gripping them so tight that the  even  6/9  41 Chapter 41–Falling Dooper  veins were bulging and his skin was turning white.  “You never asked anyone for help?”  “No”  “But why?”  “I was too scared, I didn’t want anyone to know about it because I didn’t believe that anyone could do anything. Especially after that time with the teacher. The only thing that changed after that meeting was that he became more conscious of where he was hitting me, but the hitting didn’t stop. If anything it got worse,  → more brutal. But then you came along.” I smiled weakly and placed  my hand over his.  “Don’t do that” Gunner sniffed.  “Don’t do what?”  “Don’t act like it’s all okay, it’s not okay. He should suffer for what he did to you”  “But what would that change? It happened, I lived through it and I found you. The rest doesn’t matter anymore“. It wasn’t a lie. I am ever grateful to have found Gunner, despite the road I had to take to get here. I crawled over and laid my head in his lap, I reached  my  hand up  and stroked his cheek. He smiled down at me and gently ran his fingers up and down my arm.  “Are you scared about being the Alpha?” I asked, trying to change the subject.  “I used to be, but not anymore” he answered without hesitation,  “Why not anymore?”  21:52  7/9  41 Chapter 41–Falling Deeper  “Because I have you to help me now”  “Yes, you do” I grinned bopping his nose with my index finger.  “How did you picture your future?” he asked,  “Honestly, I never did, I didn’t think I would live this long. What about you?”  “I figured it would look just like my mum and dad’s life”  “Why do you make it sound like a bad thing?” I questioned him.  “It’s not a bad thing, I just always thought of it as boring“. I thought → about what he said for a minute. Boring? I would have given  anything to have a boring life, instead of the one I’ve had so far. He’s lucky.  “The life you have here, the life I have here now, with you, it’s all I could have ever wished for” I told him earnestly.  “Don’t get me wrong, now that you are a part of it, everything is different. I don’t think of it as boring anymore. As long as I have you with me, I will be blissfully happy”  “Aww Gunner, that was really sweet” I cooed.  “Shut up” he chuckled poking my stomach.  “No really, that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. And for the record, Alpha or not, you’re all that I want“.