11 Chapter 11 – A New Morning 
I woke up feeling refreshed and excited for the day. I couldn’t wait to get to school and see Zelena. Actually, I didn’t want to wait until school. If I go to the path in the forest where we left her yesterday, she’d be bound to come past there this morning. I went for a quick shower, barely able to contain my excitement. I got out and brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I got dressed and headed downstairs. As I opened the kitchen door, I saw Cole and Smith both with their mouths stuffed full. 
“Ahh, there he is” Mum said with a smile. 
She was standing at the counter with her hand on her hip, facing the boys. 
“Morning Mum” I said as I walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. 
“Aren’t you in a happy mood?” she cooed excitedly, 
“Well, I haven’t been able to get anything out of these two about this mystery girl, that has you all spun out” she said expectedly. 
“See, I told you Mrs. M” Smith mumbled with a mouth half full of food, 

“He’s proper whipped“, 
I smiled at them all and grabbed a muffin. 
“Come on boys. Later Mum“. 
The boys mumbled farewell to my mum and followed me out the door. 
“Why do we need to be early today?” Cole asked, even though I guessed he already knows the 
“We’re going to the forest to meet Zee on the way to school” 
“Of course we are” Cole groaned. 
We took off into the forest, but it wasn’t far until we reached the path from yesterday. I stopped by a tree just off the path and then we waited. It wasn’t five minutes until I caught her scent through the trees. She was walking slowly with her head facing up to the sky. Goddess she is beautiful. 
*Wait here you two** 
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and then I walked up behind her, 
“Good morning I said softly. She jumped and spun around with wide eyes and a surprised expression, which made me giggle at her reaction. 
“Whoa sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you” I said raising my arms with a smirk on my face, 
“You didn’t” she whispered as she reached for her hood. 
12:11 — 

11 Chapter 11 – A New Morning! 
I didn’t want her to cover her face, I wanted to see her in the morning light. I jumped forward. and grabbed her wrist before she could pull it all the way up. 
“Please” I pleaded with her as she dropped the hood. I stepped around in front of her to see her more clearly. 
“Please don’t cover your face” I begged. 
She froze, I could smell the fear coming from her. Why was she still afraid of me? I looked at her face. Her lips were parted slightly and her eyes were wide, she was pale and looked scared. I followed her line of sight to my hand holding her wrist. I hadn’t realized I was still holding her. I released my grip and stepped slightly back. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that. Just don’t cover your face, you don’t have to hide from me“. 
I just wish she knew what I knew. I don’t want her to be scared of me, I just want to make her feel happy and safe. 
“I’m, I’m sorry, it’s just um” she mumbled quietly dropping her head. 
Her hair fell over her face. Oh man, I didn’t mean to upset her. I need to make it right. I quickly stepped forward and lifted her chin so that I could see her more clearly. I tucked her hair behind her ear and examined her beautiful face. Her eyes were closed tightly, which made me feel a little rejected. I wanted to feel that same spark, that connection I felt with her yesterday. As I roamed my eyes over the beautiful creature before me, I noticed that there was a small fresh cut on her cheek. That definitely wasn’t there yesterday. I kept studying her face when I saw the band–aid on her forehead. There was an older looking wound poking out of the bottom of the band–aid. This was much bigger than the scratch on her cheek. She would have had to hit her head on something really hard for a gash like that to happen. Then it dawned on me. She didn’t hit her head, someone else hit her on the head. Someone was hurting her. I let out a shocked gasp and let go of her chin. I went from zero to a hundred. My blood burst into flames and I could feel the beginning of my change coming on. 

“Zee, what happened to your face?” I asked her, trying and failing to control my anger. 
She pulled away from me and turned her head pulling her hair back out to cover the band–aid. My rage filled every inch of my body and I could feel my ribs starting to spread and twist. I clenched my fists in an attempt to ease anger. Who was hurting my Mate? 
“Zelena, who did that to you?” 
A growl erupted from my chest and I instantly swallowed it down again. I want to hurt them like they hurt her. I want to make them suffer for putting these marks on my little wolfs face. She took a step away from me, she’s frightened of me. I went to jump forward to grab her, to shake some sense into her, to make her tell me who is hurting her. I need to protect her. I will do anything to protect her. Cole wrapped his arms around my chest, pulling me back and held me in place. 
“Whoa, casy mate” he said calmly. 
11 Chapter 11–A New Morning 
Like a bucket of ice water had been thrown over my head, I snapped back to reality. Zee was standing in front of me, fear written all over her face. My anger subsided instantly. Oh, thank the Goddess Cole was there. I don’t know what I was doing, I just got so angry. I can’t believe I nearly lost it at her, I could have ruined everything. Somehow, I need to show her that it’s okay, that she can trust me to take care of her. 
*I’m okay I swear** 
1 flashed Cole as I threw his arm off me and stepped forward taking Zelena’s hands in mine. And there they were, tingles. Like little electrical sparks dancing through my veins. I crouched down so I was close to her face. 
“Zee. I didn’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry” I summoned up a smile, but it felt fake. 
She smiled at me with a closed mouth and nodded. I stood up straight and released her hands, but she didn’t let go of mine. She was still holding one of my hands gently rubbing the back of my hand with her fingers. She did feel it too. I knew it. A warmth filled my chest and my cheeks. She looked up at me and smiled, her whole face smiled with her. She had the most spectacular smile that made her eyes glitter in the sun light. Like I’d been kicked in the chest, I was breathless. 
“Wow. You are beautiful” I stared at her struggling to control myself again. 
It took everything I had in me not to pick her up in my arms and crash my lips to hers. 
“Okay you two coughed Smith, 
“Let’s go or we’ll be late for school“. 
I let Smith and Cole walk off ahead of us, I wanted a moment with her. I wrapped my fingers around her tiny hand and smiled. I nodded my head in the direction of the school and raised my eyebrows. No words were needed and she understood what I meant anyway. She smiled with a blush gracing her pale cheeks. She nodded her head, and we began walking together. 
I didn’t even notice when we got to the school, I was too focused on Zelena, on her hand in mine and the tiny sparks and warmth that the contact expelled. Cole and Smith opened the doors and we followed them in. I couldn’t stop staring at her. Her relaxed mood quickly changed, and I could feel her growing anxious. There were a lot of people in the hallway, and they were all staring at us. It’s pretty clear to me now that Zelena doesn’t like attention. She pulled. up her hood, dropped my hand and took off before I could do anything. 

“Zee wait!” I called for her, but she didn’t stop. I frowned at the people in the hallway, why can’t they leave her alone. Smith hit me on the shoulder and smiled, 
“It’s all good dude, my first class is with her. I’ll keep her company” he said with a large smile. I nodded and he left. I walked slowly to my first class, listening to the whispers in the hall as I 
“Is he blind?” 
“What’s he doing with her?” 
<  11 Chapter 11–A New Morning  Each comment and accusation made me more and more angry. It shouldn’t matter what these idiots think anyway, I’m only here for a couple of months. Then after that, Zee and I never have to see them again.  Comment  12: