Chapter 470 
Vincent siniled triumphantly. 
However, Mila was still in shock. 
She thought. “He agreed so quickly. Shouldn’t he be more reserved? 
Why do I feel like being set up!” 
Mila was lying in Vincent’s arms, and her forehead could feel his warm breath. 
She didn’t dare to move. Her body was stiff and she didn’t feel sleepy at all. 
Finally, about ten minutes later, Mila couldn’t bear it anymore. She raised her head and was about to ask Vincent, but she saw him sleeping soundly 
She thought, he’s already asleep? 
I just confessed my love for him, and now he’s already asleep? 
Mila couldn’t help poking Vincent in the face, but he didn’t move at all. 
She squeezed his face again, but there was still no movement 
It seemed that he was really asleep. 
Then Mila frowned at once with a displeased expression 
She thought, So only I got excited after the confession. 

Although I was forced to confess my love, I still said it. Now I can’t fall asleep because of that, but he fell asleep in a few minutes! 
Mila couldn’t figure it out and kept staring at Vincent 
She suddenly found that Vincent looked a little haggard, and the stubble around his lips had already appeared. 
She suddenly wanted to pull one. 
Mila pinched a beard. When she was about to pull it, Vincent suddenly moved. 
He lowered his head and kissed Mila on the forehead. The beard broke free from her fingers, and she felt a gentle pat on her buttocks, 
Vincent said, “Alright, stop it. Let me sleep for a while. I haven’t slept for two days and one night to see you.” 
Only then did Mila notice that Vincent’s voice was a little hoarse and sleepy. 
She was no longer shy and directly put her hand on Vincent’s face. 
Mila said, “Did I disturb you from handling the company’s affairs?” 
udly finished handling the company’s affairs. 
“No” Vincent was too sleepy to open his eyes at the moment, but he still said patiently. “I’ve already Besides, you’re much more important than that.” 
Heaning this, Mila felt sweet. Then she realized that 
she was 
was messing 
She immediately lay in his arms and said sweetly, “Just sleep. I won’t disturb you. 
Vincent held back his sleepiness and kissed Mila again 
Mila didn’t feel deepy the whole night. She still didn’t believe that their relationship had become like this. 
After all, they had fallen out like that before. She thought she would never get back together with him again in this life. 
That night, Mila secretly decided in her mind that she would never let him down in this life. 
It was not until dawn the next day that Mila held back her excitement and fell asleep. 
They didn’t wake up until the sun 
hope in 
Vincent woke up first. He looked at the girl sleeping well in his anus with a doting smile on his 
11:24 AM c d 
Chapter 470 
Vincent thought. Now she’s finally mine again” 
Vincent couldn’t help but lower his head and kiss Mila from her forehead to her lips. 
At first, he just gently kissed her. 
He didn’t have extra thoughts. But later, some thoughts became stronger and he started to kiss her more bercely 
He gave Mala a tongue kiss 

Mila felt suffocated in her dream. She opened her blurred eyes and happened to see Vincents face right in front of her 
“Ummm…” Mila gently i 
y struggled and reached out to par Vincent’s chest 
The next second, Vincent grabbed her hands and put them on top of his head. Then he panted and said. “Let me kiss you. I miss you! 
His words made Mila blush instantly. 
She was not a naive girl. She knew what Vincent n 
She actually quite liked Vincent’s intimate actions, and they were already in a relationship now, so it was normal for them to do that. 
But Mila was still a little shy, 
Besides, they were still at other’s place. It was not good to do so. 
Tll give you one moment.” Mila felt reluctant to refuse him. She blushed and slowly stretched out a finger.. 
Vincent was amused by her action 
He lowered his head again and kissed every corner of her mouth. 
But Vincent completely overestimated his endurance. Now with Mila’s cooperation, he started to touch more parts of her body. 
Mila hadn’t done something so intimate for several years 
She fell like a pape that had not been connected for a long time was suddenly injected with sweet spring water. She couldn’t stay calm at all 
In the end, they did everything except for the last step. 
Mila collapsed on the bed, and her whole body turned rosy 
She stared at Vincent with complaint in her eyes and pouted. 
Vincent was very satisfied at the moment. 
He held Mila in his arms and said in a hoarse voice, “I really want to go back as soon as possible. 
Mila knew why he said that. 
She directly turned her back to Vincent. 
Mila thought. “We’ve just confirmed our relationship last night, and he’s already thinking about sex this morning. Are men all like this? 
They didn’t get out of the room hand–in–hand until it was almost noon, 
Everyone was in the yard by then. 
They all looked at their hands that were holding together. 
Mila felt a little embarrassed and wanted to withdraw her hand. 
But Vincent didnt agree. He finally got his girlfriend, and now he almost wanted to announce their relationship to the world. He definitely wouldn’t 
He immediately loosed his hand and put his arm around her shoulders 
Then they walked into the yard. 
Vincent said in a loud voice, “Guys, as you can see, Mila is my girlfriend now? 
Everyone present was stunned for a second by thus sudden announcerbent. 
11:24 AM c d 
Chapter 470 
Liam shook his head speechlessly and then looked away. 
Jasmine and David knew what had happened between them. At first, they didn’t quite like Mila, but later Cynthia and Queena told them something, which changed their attitude. 
Now seeing the two of them getting back together, they also felt sincerely happy for t 
Evan and Delilah didn’t know their condition, so they just watched it 
Cynthia blinked at Mila with a smile and said naughtily. Judging from the time you announced it. I’m your matchmaker” 
Cynthia’s meaningful words made Mila blush 
Vincent was not embarrassed at all and directly thanked Cynthia. 
He said. “Yes, I really should thank Ms. Larson. To show my gratitude, when you marry Liam in the future, I will not tease you at the wedding 
As soon as he finished his words, a branch flew over.