Chapter 420 
Jasmine saw Liam and Cynthia off at the door. 

Marina couldn’t help but shout out with her eyes closed, “I’m sorry 
Jasmine, Liam, and Cynthia stopped. A moment later, Cynthia pulled Liam out again. 
Seeing this. Marina was anxious and rushed over to stop them without thinking. 
Marina said, “I’ve apologized. What else do you want?” 
Cynthia, who was blocked on the way, frowned unhappily and looked at Marina with amusement. 
Cynthia said. “You have apologized. It doesn’t mean that I must forgive you.” 
Marina trembled and said humiliatingly. Then what do you want?” 

Cynthia stood with her arms 
ms crossed and said coldly, “I don’t think your apology is sincere, I don’t want to forgive you.” 
Marina’s face turned red. Facing the gazes around her, she wished she could disappear from the world. 
In just one day. Marina’s dignity was severely trampled on the ground by all kinds of things that happened. 
Marina wanted to run away. However, if that matter was not solved, she couldn’t live a safe life no matter where she went. 
Now the Sullivan family was the only one who could deal with 
Marina was silent for a few seconds and suppressed all her unwillingness. 
She bowed to Cynthia again and made a deep bow. 
Marina said, “I’m sorry. I was wrong today. I sincerely apologize to you. Please forgive me! 
Katelyn watched her arrogant granddaughter humbling to ask others for forgiveness, feeling heartbroken. However, Katelyn had no other choice but to be anxious 
Cynthia didn’t intend to push Marina too hard, but Cynthia had to make something clear. 
Otherwise, Katelyn would think that Cynthia bullied Marina. 
Cynthia glanced at Katelyn meaningfully and said to Marina in a cold voice, “Now that you want to sincerely apologize, say what you did today.” 
Cynthia paused and then emphasized, “Remember to tell the truth. If I find that there is a little distortion of the facts, you know the consequences. 
Hearing Cynthia’s words, Marina elenched her teeth hard. Her jaw tightened tightly. She weighed it with hatred in her heart. 
Marina thought, “Cynthia wants to ruin my image in Grandma’s heart. 
‘Compared to my image in grandma’s heart, the photos are more important 
‘I can comfort grandma after it is dealt with. 
After thinking for a long time, Marina finally spoke, “I snatched the antique Mrs. Sullivan liked today. 1 insulted Mrs. Sullivan first and then framed her. All these were done by me I misled my grandma and made her have a bad impression of Mrs, Sullivan. I’m so sorry.” 
Marina quickly said everything in one breath and then lowered her head, 
She knew what her grandmother looked like without guessing. 
As she finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the living room. 
Katelyn’s face was red. She was trembling even with the walking stick in her hand, 
Katelyn couldn’t believe that her granddaughter, whom she had always been proud of, would do these things 
Cynthia was satisfied with Katelyn’s reaction. With a playful smile on her face, Cynthia suddenly pouted and sneered, “It seems that some people are uneducated indeed,” 
After saying that, Cynthia pulled Liam to bypass Marina and left. 
Marina said, “Mrs, Sullivan, have you promised to help me?” Marina had no time to pay attention to Cynthia’s teasing of Katelyn. Marina just 

11:28 AM – 
Chapter 420 
wanted to know how Cynthia would react after she apologized. 
Cynthia said, “Don’t worry. I will solve 
for you 
It had been a few hours since the photos were posted on the Internet. The photos must have spread everywhere. 
It was useless to deal with photos now. 
However, the Henderson family was Jasmine’s relative. Cynthia would better help Marina. 
Liam and Cynthia returned to Regalian Garden. 
Cynthia went shopping and dealt with Katelyn and Marina today. She washed up and lay in bed after returning home. 
Liam washed up in the guest bedroom and came over. 
Liam went to bed and held Cynthia in his arms. Then he put his chin on top of her head and whispered, “Honey, if you feel aggrieved, you don’t have to deal with the photos. How dare she pass my wife off? Just let those photos be posted online. 
Liam still felt guilty 
Liam got a call from 
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from Jasmine and said that his distant cousin was in trouble and asked for help at the police station 
Liam was busy at the time, so he let 
o to deal with it without thinking. 
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When Liam knew that the other party was Cynthia, he had the impulse to slap himself. 
According to Cynthia’s temperament, she was not the one who made trouble 
It was Marina’s problem. 
Compared with Liam’s struggle. Cynthia didn’t mind it 
She smiled lazily and said in a soft voice, “I don’t feel aggrieved. You know my temperament well. Your cousin failed to frame me. I was touched to see you and your grandparents trust me and protect me unconditionally today. 
Liam dotingly scratched the tip of Cynthia’s nose and then held her deeper into his arms. He said, “That’s good. You are my wife. I won’t allow anyone to bully you.” 
Cynthia smiled sweetly. 
She thought of something, raised her head from Liam’s arms, and asked, “What should I do with those photos!” 
Liam said, “It’s not a hurry. Let the photos be online for another night and talk about it tomorrow morning 
Cynthia rolled her eyes and nodded with a smile. 
The next day, when Cynthia got up. Liam had left. 
She rolled on the bed for a while and took out her phone to open the web page. 
After browsing around, she found that the photos of Marina were not cleared but hung in the most eye–catching place on the web page. When Cynthia wanted to call and ask what was going on, the web page automatically refreshed and the photos miraculously disappeared. 
Cynthia thought, “What’s going on?” 
She thought about all kinds of possibilities. 
The sexy photos had a bad influence. Thus, many websites do not use a large page to display these photos. But what happened just now? 
Cynthia didn’t think that it was her illusion. 
The photos just now were not only eye–catching on the website, but also Cynthia received push notifications. 
It was obvious that someone had bought the trending topics, and it should be Sullivan Group who let the photos disappear. 
As far as Cynthia knew, Marina had just returned from abroad. There should be no one who would pay a lot of money to punish her here. 
Just as Cynthia was thinking about it, her phone suddenly vibrated and the word “husband” appeared on it 
Cynthia smiled sweetly and answered the phone. 
Chapter 420 
Liam said in a low and 
nagnetic voice. “Good morning” It made Cynthia feel happy to hear such a voice early in the morning. 
Cynthia rolled over on the bed and said to the phone, “I just woke up. I’m looking at the trending topics” 