Chapter 264 
Cynthia didn’t stay long in the ward. She was afraid that she would strangle Mason to death. 
Next, she handled the discharge paperwork for Mason and instructed the hospital staff, “This man has nothing to do with me now. He is involved in a murder case, and the police will come to take him away.” 
Then, she went back to the ward, pulled out a strand of Mason’s hair, and left the hospital with Liam 
Cynthia planned to go back to Regalian Garden immediately to get the surveillance footage and take it to the police station. Thinking of what her mother had suffered while those wrongdoers had been free for so many years, she couldn’t wait a moment. She vowed to make them pay the price in the shortest possible time. 
Since Cynthia wasn’t in a good mood to drive, she parked the car she drove in the hospital and left in Liam’s car. 
Sitting in the car, Cynthis felt exhausted. She looked at the scenery on the street outside the window and thought that Sullivan Group should be busy these days, so she couldn’t let Liam follow her all the time. 
She turned her head and said, “Why don’t you go back to the company? I can handle this on my own.” 
“How can I leave you alone at this time? Liam said softly, his eyes fixed on the road ahead, one hand on the steering wheel. “Nothing is more: important to me than you.” 

Cynthia didn’t insist. Her mind was in turmoil now, and she did need someone by her side. 
She remained silent all the way, and Liam didn’t speak either. It was quiet in the car 
The car soon arrived at Regalian Garden, and Cynthia hurried to the study 
After parking the car, Liam also got out of the car and asked Winnie to put some food in an insulated lunch box. 
It was just after lunchtime. Worried that Cynthia might return hungry after leaving in haste, Winnie had prepared a meal for one and quickly. packed it upon Liam’s request. 
When Cynthia went downstairs. Liam was already waiting with the lunch box in his hand, 
Back in the car. 
Liam put the lunch box on Cynthia’s lap. “Eat this while I’m driving” he said. 
eat right now. 
Cynthia had no appetite now, so she put it away instinctively. “Leave it there. I can’t e 
Hearing this, Liam didn’t start the car and turned to Cynthia with a serious look. “No matter what happens, your health comes first. You have two options. Either eat now before we leave or eat on the way,” he said while opening the lunch box. 
“I really…” Cynthia truly had no appetite, but seeing that Liam had already prepared the spoon, it seemed he was prepared to feed her himself if she didn’t eat. 
Cynthia swallowed the rest of her words and said, “Fine. I’ll eat by myself.” She took the box and scooped a spoonful into her mouth under Liam’s 
Liam nodded with satisfaction, reached out, and touched Cynthia’s head. “Good girl” 
On the way, Liam occasionally checked on Cynthia as she ate. It wasn’t until she had finished most of the food that Liam finally relaxed. 
After having the meal, Cynthia felt noticeably better. 
At this time, the car had just arrived at the police station. 
Cynthia was about to set the food aside when Liam suddenly grabbed it from her hands. Cynthia raised her eyebrows in confusion and saw Liam eating the rest of her meal. 
She hurriedly reached out to stop him. “What are you doing? I’ve already eaten that,” she said. 

Liam grabbed Cynthia’s hand sideways. After swallowing the food in his mouth, he said, “I rushed here and missed lunch. This leftover food is just right for me.” 
Don’t eat it.” Cynthia leaned over to grab it, but Liam easily dodged her. 
“It’s already cold. D 
Cynthia sat back in her seat and blamed herself. Just moments ago, she had been immersed in her own sadness, completely ignoring Liam He must have come as soon as he heard what had happened, naturally not having time for lunch, and she hadn’t noticed it at all. 
Cynthia pursed her lips. You really shouldn’t eat it now. It’s not good for your stomach when it’s cold. Let’s go to a restaurant and order some fresh dishes.” 
Liam ate quickly. He had almost finished the rest of Cynthia’s meal in a short time. He wiped his mouth with a tissue. “It’s okay this time. I know you’re anxious right now and don’t want to waste any time,” he said. 
Cynthia was moved to hear this. Liam truly considered every detail. Her heart, which had grown cold, was now warmed by love. 
Cynthia put away the lunch box, and they entered the police station together. 
The police chief heard Liam’s arrival and hurried out to greet him in person. 
Cynthia played the video she had in hand and stated her purpose directly. These two people killed on purpose. Please arrest the murderers as soon as possible. 
With Liam here, the police acted quickly, aided by the strong evidence from Cynthia’s video. 
At that moment, everyone in the hospital didn’t know what to do Originally, this matter was against the rules. But with Liam, a prominent figure, accompanying Cynthia, no one dared to oppose her demands 
Mason’s account in the hospital was out of money, and the hospital wasn’t a charity place. If the police didn’t come soon to take the two away, they would have to figure out how to handle the situation.. 
Mason, on the hospital bed, heard that Cynthia would hand him over to the police. Thinking of his murder, if he was taken away by the police, considering the seriousness of what he had done, he could very well face the death penalty. 
When people’s lives were threatened, they usually had a strong desire to survive, and Mason was no exception. 
Since Cynthia was set on putting him in a dire sinution, he had no choice but to seek help from his other daughter. 
Mason asked the nurse to call Roseanne. It took a long time to get through. “Hello, Who’s calling?” Roseanne asked. 
Hearing the familiar voice, Mason was a li 
voice. “Rosie, it’s Dad.” 
a little excited. Thinking that Roseanne was the only one he could rely on now, he spoke in a much softer 
“Dad?” At this time, Roseanne had already forgotten Mason. When she heard the voice, she immediately thought of James, but the voice didn’t match. It took her a moment to realize who it really was 
Thinking of what Mason had forced her to do before, Roseanne became cold and sarcastically said, “Don’t pretend to be my dad. I already have 
“What d 
you mean, Rosie? I’m your father,” Mason persisted with a forced smile. 
Roseanne’s voice was cold. “I’m sorry, you aren’t my father. Can I help you! If there’s nothing else, I’ll hang up.” 
Mason was confused, “Rosie, what’s wrong with you? Now, you don’t even recognize your father!” 