Chapter 262 
Mason listened to Felicia and stood in front of the door. 
Jacinta, furious, tried to push him away but was knocked to the ground by his forceful shove. 
Mason uttered, “I am aware that you have been investigating me. We could have lived peacefully if you had simply turned a blind eye. Don’t blame me for being ruthless now that you have chosen to expose us. He locked the door and approached Jacinta, who was backing away and glaring at him. 
“What do you want?” Jacinta asked. 
“Give me the company, and I’ll let you go. Mason replied. 
“Dream on!” Jacinta spat at him. 
After wiping the spit from his face, Mason slapped her hard. “You’re asking for it I can no longer put up with you” Grabbing her by the collar, he continued, his face contorted with rage, Tll bring the equity transfer agreement later. You better sign it obediently.” 
Jacinta bit her lip stubbornly as her face swelled from the slap. “In your dreams.” 

Cynthia, who was watching the scene unfold in front of the computer, was devastated. Mason actually hit Jacinta. She wanted and repay him for the pain he had caused Jacinta. 
the hospital 
The argument in the video intensified. Jacinta, trembling with anger, asked, “Have you ever considered Cynthia’s feelings? 
Mason burst into laughter after hearing that. “Why would I care about Cynthia’s feelings! Let me tell you something. She’s not my daughter.” 
“What do you mean?” Jacinta struggled to understand what he was saying. 
“I didn’t make love with you that night. Someone else did. I only married you because of your status, Mason explained 
Jacinta was dumbstruck. She only married Mason because she was expecting Cynthia. Despite her dislike for him, she tried to be a good wife. Only at that point did she realize she had been mistaken all along. Mason had ruined her life for his own selfish desires. Unable to accept it. Jacinta lunged forward and bit down on Mason’s wrist with such force that it appeared she was about to tear out a chunk of flesh 
Mason, in pain, pushed her head away. Felicia stepped in, tugging on Jacinta’s hair. Even in this situation, Jacinta refused to let go, and blood poured from her mouth. Mason, experiencing excruciating pain, grabbed Jacinta’s head and slammed her against the wall. Dizzy from the impact. Jacinta finally let go of her bite. Mason became enraged when he saw his bloodied arm, and he attacked Jacinta. During the struggle by the window, Mason and Felicia accidentally pushed Jacint out. A scream echoed through the air, followed by silence. 
Cynthia’s heart ached as she watched the scene. Tears streamed down her cheeks, but her eyes were filled with hatred. Jacinta did not end her own life. Mason and Felicia were the ones pushing her. She also found out that Mason was not her biological father. ‘No wonder he had been so cruel to me. They had murdered my mother and taken everything away from me. There’s no way I’ll forgive them!” she exclaimed to herself Cynthia rushed out of the room without watching the rest of the video, in which the two staged the scene to make it appear that her mother had ended her 

It was noon, and Winnie was just about to call Cynthia for lunch. They happened to meet on the stairs. Winnie’s concern grew when she saw Cynthia’s tear–stained face, but before she could ask, Cynthia had vanished. Guessing that something must have happened, Winnie quickly called 
Liam was about to call Cynthia during his break when he received a call from Regalian Garden. Knowing they wouldn’t call unless it was urgent, he answered with a furrowed brow. “What’s up?” 
Winnie’s anxious voice came through. “Mr. Sullivan, Mrs. Sullivan seemed distressed and ran out in tears.” 
When Liam heard that, his heart raced. He hung up and immediately dialed Cynthia’s number. It rang for a long time before she answered. “Cynthia, what happened?” he asked. 
“I’m going to kill them,” Cynthis sobbed. Her voice was tinged with hatred, 
Liam realized Cynthia was emotionally unstable and asked urgently, “Where are your Despite her young age, Cynthia was usually more composed than him. Seeing her that upset was unusual, and he knew he had to get to her fast. Liam quickly took his car keys and got up. He said to Cynthia as he walked, “Don’t be impulsive. Wait until I get there, and we can talk.” 
Liam got in his car and tracked Cynthia’s whereabouts through her phone’s GPS. He headed straight to the hospital, where Mason was staying 
Cynths had driven at high speed, running several red lights. She was lucky not to be involved in any accidents, but Liam got multiple traffic tickets on his phone. After arriving at the hospital, Cynthia parked her car and rushed straight to Mason’s ward. Mason, paralyzed, was being fed by a caretaker when Cynthia stormed in, her eyes burning with rage. She exuded a murderous aura 
Mason should have been discharged long ago. After all, his paralysis was irreversible. Nevertheless, he insisted on receiving treatment, holding out 
Chapter 262 
hope that one day he would be able to leave the hospital on his own two feel 
Cynthia, seething with anger, threw his meal into the trash and yanked the tubes from his body. Grabbing his collar, she screamed, “Why? How can you be this heartless?” 
ed out to get 
Mason began coughing violently as a result of Cynthia’s action, and he was on the verge of passing out. The caretaker, terrified, rushed 
the nurses. 
The nurses were worried that something might happen to Mason, so they tried to intervene. “Miss, please calm down. Please refrain from using violence in the hospital” 
The commotion attracted attention, and soon a crowd gathered outside the ward, watching the scene unfold. Cynthia took a deep breath and tried her best to calm herself. Despite having stopped her aggressive behavior, she continued to stare at Mason with murderous intent. 
Mason, regaining his composure with the nurses‘ help, looked at Cynthia with a furrowed brow. He couldn’t help but wonder why she was so agitated that day. With her now in charge of the company and him bedridden, there seemed to be no reason for her to harbor such vehement hostility. Suddenly, a look of fear crossed his face. ‘Could it be that she had discovered the truth about the past? But how? Felicia and I handled it so well that the police were convinced that Jacinta had ended her own life. Cynthia should not have discovered the truth after so many years, he muted 