Chapter 593 

Valerie did not expect Lincoln to say that either. She could not help but laugh. 
She did not intend to meddle in this matter. After all, it was someone else’s family matter, and Lincoln was an elder. How could she say anything when she found out Lincoln had a lover? 
Originally, she had planned to discuss it with Matthew when he returned. However, she did not expect Lincoln to come to knock on her door and tell her not to interfere. 
She was naturally happy to be free. 
“Lincoln, don’t worry. My health is the most important thing now. I have better things to do than 
to gossip. 
Then Lincoln was finally relieved. He left in a hurry after leaving the gifts behind. 

Watching his back, Valerie found it funny, Lincoln is already so old, yet he still keeps a mistress outside. How dare he come to my door and warm me not to say anything? He is a disgrace thought Valerie. 
Valerie glanced at the gifts he had brought over. In addition to high–end supplements, there was a whole set of cosmetics. 
She shook her head and got the servant to throw them into a corner, no longer asking 
Unexpectedly, Lincoln came to her home again after two days. He 
e did not h 
have a good temper this time. 
Looking at his angry face, Valerie was a little shocked “Lincoln, What’s the matter with 
“You still dare to ask me what’s wrong? Did you gossip in front of Carrie She said that I turned bad when I had money. I don’t know where she found out I had a lover outside. She wanted to abort the child and divorce me. Did you tell her? What did you promise me? Who told you to spout nonsense!” 
Lincoln was furious. The Grant family had never encountered such a situation before and had always been peaceful. If Valerie had not spouted nonsense, how could someone like Carrie have discovered Emily’s existence? 
‘It must be Valerie. She found Emily, who also went to the Cat Cafe that day. When Emily returned, she panicked and told me Valerie saw her and recognized the brooch, thought Lincoln. 
Lincoln was furious at that time, so he knocked on Valerie. 
It turned out that Valerie had promised him, but she turned around and told Carric 
“Valerie is not easy to deal with. I have to teach her a lesson today thought Lincoln. 
Lincoln was furious. After arriving at the place, he rushed toward Valerie. “If you don’t give me an answer today, don’t expect me to go back!” 
Although his relationship with Carrie was not so good in their middle ages, it shouldn’t be like this. 
Now that Carrie knew that he had a mistress, she wanted to have an abortion. 
Carrie had fainted from crying and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment before he came. Fortunately, Carrie had stabilized and said Lincoln had betrayed their family. She would never forgive him and even told him to get outf 
The first person Lincoln, who was chased out, thought of was Valerie. No one else could tell Carrie other than Valerie, 
1 have been with Emily for a long time and have hidden it well. How did Carrie know after Valerie saw it thought Lincoln. 
Lincoln was furious. When Carrie finally stabilized, he went straight to Valerie’s door to denounce her 
“Why aren’t you saying anything! I warned you not to meddle in other people’s business. You ignored my words and tried to sow discord between us. What are your intentions?” 
Valerie frowned. When she saw Lincoln roaring at her like a madman, she could not help but sneer. “Lincoln, would you believe me if I said I didn’t?” 
“You still wa 
want to quibble? If it’s not you, who else can it bel 
Lincoln went forward to beat her up. Valerie held her belly and quickly took two steps back. Ryan, the butler, hurried over and stood in front of Valerie with the bodyguards. 
“Lincoln, do you want to use violence in the old residence?” said Valerie. 
Lincoln sneered. “Do you think these bodyguards can stop met Guards!” 
apter 593 
ncoln shouted. More than two dozen bodyguards suddenly appeared behind him and surrounded them. They were twice as many as Valerie’s. 
erie’s face darkened 
e had only about a dozen bodyguards left by Matthew before he left. 
ncoln was well–prepared. He was here to denounce her and force her to submit. That was why he brought so many people over. 
made Lincoln proud. “Valerie, admit your mistake to me today. I’ll let you go later. Otherwise, don’t think you’re so great just because you’re egnant. I’ll still do you!” 
alerie stared at Lincoln, who was livid and angry. However, it didn’t seem like he was standing up for Carrie. He became mad and embarrassed -cause his scandal had been exposed. 
at why would Valerie admit to something she hadn’t done? 
derie shook her head. “I didn’t say that. You can ask Carrie to confront me if you don’t believe me. 
Or ask Miss Anderson to come over and ask if she revealed the information to Carrie on purpose. 
After all, she’s the most suspicious. You and I have no conflict of interest, but she’s waiting to be promoted!” 
incoln immediately sneered. “Good girl. You have a sharp tongue. I’m your elder. You interfered in my family’s matters and now you dare to insult 
Jalerie frowned and thought, “Why doesn’t Lincoln understand human language? 
She took a deep breath. “Whether you believe it or not, I have never tried to drive a wedge between you. Instead of asking me, why don’t you ask he person beside you? Are you so sure that it wasn’t Miss Anderson! 
In any case, Carrie already knows about it. Since you’re here to denounce me, why don’t you find out and ask Miss Anderson?” 
Upon seeing how confident Valerie was, Lincoln snorted coldly. “Valerie Warren, don’t be stubborn. When she comes later, I’ll see how you explain yourself! But don’t even think about leaving now.” 
With a wave of his hand, the bodyguards stepped forward and shortened the encirclement again. Both sides were at daggers drawn.