Chapter 208 
Fortunately, Valerie had already turned off all the lights and locked the door immediately when she sensed something was wrong 
As expected, soon afterward, someone knocked on the door and shouted for her to open it. The sound shook the sky and was simply pervasive. 
An explanation? What explanation could she give! 
She had nothing to say to her relatives who wanted to skin her alive. 
However, the people outside the door were not easy to get rid of. Seeing that the door was tightly shut, they directly blocked the corridor 
Cutie Phe was the first to express her stance. “There’s news from the hospital that Melinda is currently in the ICU for emergency treatment. Her husband is seriously ill, and whether she will live is unknown. When it rains, it pours. How sad it is. Everyone, let’s wait and see. I will keep waiting at the door today, I won’t leave until Valerie comes out.” 
“We’re not leaving, either. We have to uphold justice!” 
Other than Cutie The, the other streamers also started their live streams. 

Although they were shouting for justice, they were doing business. Looking at the crazy number of people flooding into their live streams and the rising popularity, they could not stop smiling. 
Valerie returned to the room, but the commotion outside did not stop. Those people blocked the door and had no intention to leave at all. Valerie wanted to scroll through her phone to divert attention, but as soon as she turned on her phone, all kinds of vicious curses drowned her instantly, 
She didn’t realize she had become famous online in just a few hours until then! 
Not only were the videos of Melinda and the others spread like wildfire, but her personal information was also dug out by various skillful netizens on the Internet, including her name, age, workplace, etc. 
“Valerie, you left your family in the lurch. Do you even have a heart! You 
will be punished for your sins 
The curses outside came again, piercing through the door and into her ears. 
Valerie’s pupils trembled violently. 
“Not Valerie thought. That is not true. Uncle Clark and Melinda have fooled everyone! 
Valerie could not help but click on a comment and write. [You don’t know what she has been through in the past. You can’t curse her like this.] Unexpectedly, her phone exploded with dozens of comments in just a minute. Those people refuted her without a second thought and accused her of speaking up for “Valerie“. They said she must be a heartless person like “Valerie” and cursed her to go to hell. 

Besides, she also received messages from a few new colleagues she had added when she first joined Noria Group. They asked if she was the “Valerie Warren” that had caused the commotion 
In an instant, Valerie felt a chill run down her spine. 
She finally realized why Clark and Melinda had come to her neighborhood. Their goal was to use the pressure of public opinion to deal with her They were both her elders, so most people who did not know the truth would believe what they said, especially when Melinda had even committed suicide because of this, which confirmed that Valerie was cold–blooded and heartless. 
At the time, Valerie could not defend herself at all. No matter what she said, no one would believe her! 
Valerie did not think much of it just now, but at this moment, she felt the darkness engulfing her from all directions. 
She thought, “Uncle Clark and Melinda were planning to destroy me. To force me to give them the money, they did not hesitate to do that! Also, Mom dad not come along today. Could it be that she has other tricks to deal with me? 
In a flash, Valerie felt a chill down her back 
a time, Valerie could not help but doubt herself in the face of the surging malice and insults from all directions, wondering if she was too coll- Déwded and heartless 
When remembering Matthew said he would be back late, Valerie suddenly shuddered. She had to call Matthew and tell him not to come back to sleep tonight. Otherwise, he would probably also have to take the curse and blame if others found out he was her husband. 
She was used to all these but couldn’t let Matthew get involved. 
However, when she took out her phone, she suddenly hesitated. Things tonight had blown up so much that it was very likely that Matthew already brand about it What would Mathew think of her? If she called Matthew at this time, what would his attitude bet 
Thinking of a certain possibility, Valerie’s pupils froze. Her dangling finger hesitated for a long time, but in the end, she dared not to 
not to dial it. 
Chapter 208 
She was afraid that Matthew would despise her like everyone else. 
Valerie could not help but smile bitterly 
It was strange. She thought she had been used to facing other people’s malice and could face it calmly no matter what happened. However, she felt a bit upset when she thought Matthew would hate her because of this. 
Suddenly, a loud voice came from outside. I don’t think she’s coming out. We can’t just stand here and do nothing. Why don’t we break down the door!”