Chapter 203 
“No need, since we’re here, might as well visit Grandpa and Grandma” 
Matthew didn’t want anyone to read his thoughts, making it seem like he was overly concerned about Valerie. 
y Charles, who had grown bolder recently and dared to jest with him. It seemed like his year–end bonus was indeed going to take a lit. 
Under the night sky, the black Cayenne slowly entered the underground garage of the Grant Manor. The builer, who had been waiting by the side, immediately went forward to open the door. Then, a pair of long legs clad in black trousers stepped out, 
“Welcome back, Mr. Grant! The servants lined up, welcoming Matthew in unison. 
After taking off his heavy coat, he headed toward the hidden elevator and loosened his tie when the futuristic semi–transparent elevator doors closed. After a busy day without rest, he felt a bit tired. Normally, he would have been back at Slotmond Estate by now, and Valerie would have prepared dinner for him. Thinking of this scene, he surprisingly felt a bit hungry, 
Just then, he noticed the butler looking nervous, seemingly hesitant to speak, then he said, “What’s wrong” 

Matthew did not talk much, and a single word from him carried an indescribable sense of oppression. 
The butler dared not 
twithhold information but also couldn’t speak carelessly. After stumbling for a while, he finally said, “Mr. Mathew, Mr. Lincoln and his family are here.” 
Matthew remained expressionless when he heard this, but his face visibly darkened. Lincoln and his family were here, which meant that Fred who drugged him last time was probably here too. 
At this moment, the Grant family 
nily members were gathered in the living room, chatting and laughing. 
It was the first time Lincoln had returned to the Gram Manor since stepping down from the Noria Group. Due to his past mistakes leading to his resignation, there was some resentment from Nolan and Sophia. However, seeing all the grandchildren gathered today, they didn’t say much, 
Fred was quite charming, making Nolan and Sophia laugh heartily. Despite being happy, Sophia couldn’t help but sigh and say, changed a bit over the years. Why do you still act like a childt. 
Fred immediately exchanged a glance with his father. 
Lincoln spoke up, “Mom. I’m also worried about this boy not growing up. Maybe if he spends some time at the company 
more mature. 
Nolan said. “Go to the company? But the company is under Matthew’s management now” 
“Fred, you haven’t 
y in learn, he can become 
Lincoln tried to persuade, “Mom, Dad, don’t worry. I’m not trying to meddle in Matthew’s affairs. On the contrary. I want Fred to learn from Matthew. Among our younger generation, Matthew is the most capable while Fred lags in many aspects compared to Matthew. If he can learn even a bit from Matthew, our family can work together better and improve the family business. 
Lincoln’s words sounded noble, but his true intentions indicated that he was full of schemes and ambitions. 
After stepping down, the company had essentially become Matthew’s, and Lincoln couldn’t accept that, 
Therefore, Lincoln tried his best to push Fred into the Noria Group. Even though Lincoln was no longer in the company, he had cultivated many loyal followers over the years, and with their help. Fred could compeir for control of the Noria Group in the future. 
Otherwise, if they didn’t act now, it would only become more difficult later. 
Thinking of this, Lincoln spoke again. “Fred is not young anymore and has become more stable that he can help Matthew share the burdens. As for Kylie, she also wants…. 
Unexpectedly, before Lincoln could finish his sentence, a cold yet dignified voice echoed from afar, accompanied by steady footsteps 
A voice sounded. “Five years ago, Noria Group ventured into the jewelry business but several jewelry stores in Wrexion and Pharrfron suffered huge losses and had to close. The person responsible for such a massive failure was none other than my dear cousin, Fred.” 
Matthew stepped out of the elevator and his imposing figure instantly lowered the room’s temperature several degrees. 

Lincoln didn’t expect Matthew to appear at this moment and a hint of panic flashed across his face, Hut he forced himself to say, “At that time. Fred was just learning the ropes in business, and it’s normal to fail as he was still young” 
“Oh, is that normal?* 
Matthew remained expressionless, which added to the mockery in his tone as he continued, “Three years ago, Noria Entertainment invested in twenty–one films. Ten achieved high–level profits, while the rest also passed the qualifying line. Only three lilans incurred such significant losses and they remain the legendary fail examples in the industry. Coincidentally, the creator of these three examples is also Fred.” 
Chapter 203 
Fred couldn’t hold back his frustration 
on and gritted his teeth while saying. That was because I wasn’t familiar with film investments. Anyway, I’ll learn from this in the future” 
Matthew smiled slightly, as he was known for his cold demeanor, hardly anyone had seen him smile. 
The slight lift of his lip now seemed more like sarcasm 
“And also your last year’s decision–making mistake led to Noria Automative’s new energy car series losing for over three quarters. Fred, you’ve accumulated losses of 199 million dollars in these years. If you keep it up, it looks like you’ll soon break the 200 million dollar milestone. 
“You… Fred wanted to retort but couldn’t find a word. 
His face turned dark as every word from Matthew was like a slap with a huge sound on his cheeks 
Sophia and Nolan glanced at each other, feeling a bit relieved. They weren’t naive and they knew Lincoln’s intentions quite well, but they didn’t want Fred to meddle with Noria Group’s business anymore. 
Fred and Matthew were both their grandsons. Each time when Fred had incurred so many losses, it was Matthew who cleaned up after him. They could see Matthew growing quieter and more exhausted each day, and is pained them 
However, Matthew’s confrontation with Fred left Fred embarrassed and had no ground to stand on Sophia had to comfort Fred on the surface and promised to use some of her private funds to support his entrepreneurial ventures, 
But Fred was not satisfied as no matter how much money Sophia had, it was just a drop in the ocean compared to Noria Group, 
He said sarcastically, “Grandma still cares about me, but Grandma, you have to care about Matthew too. Matthew has been busy every day for the past few years. Now that he’s not young anymore, he hasn’t even settled his marriage. If he doesn’t loosen up a bit, when will you and Grandpa get to look after your great–grandchildren?” 
At the mention of great–grandchildren, Siphia thought, ‘Having a great–grandchild is simple, It’s only a matter of time. 
Fred thought Sophia would join him in scolding Matthew, but instead, Sophia cheerfully pulled out her phone and mysteriously showed Fred a picture of a woman, asking, “Fred, what do you think of this girl“” 
Fred wanted to win over Sophia to pressure Matthew into marriage. However, Sopho showed him a photo of a woman, making him think that she was trying to pressure him into marriage. This irritated him, and he casually glanced at the photo of the woman. He didn’t pay much attention to her appearance, but seeing her on a scooter with a helmet, he lost interest immediately. 
“She’s not attractive. Women like her are everywhere. Grandma, where did you find such a woman?” Fred didn’t want to get married as he was not done having fun yet 
statement and he hit Sophia’s sore spot 
Fred completely missed his mark with that sta 
Almost as soon as Fred finished speaking, Sophia’s face turned completely dark as if she was going to eat him alive. 
Sophia immediately scolded. “Shut up! Matthew was right about you having no vision. Not only in business, but you lack vision in everything. I don’t welcome you here today. Get out 
Just a moment ago, Sophia felt sorry for Fred, but now, she was furious as this guy had provoked her Valerie was a girl she approved of and she wouldn’t allow anyone to speak ill of her. Hence, Fred had no right to criticize her.