Chapter 197 
Clark said, “Hey Ruth, don’t get too worked up. It’s not worth ruining your health over this. Let’s discuss how to deal with her. Do you still have that contract from when she cut ties with you?” 
“Of course I do” Ruth said, pulling out the paper contract from her wallet. “What’s the use of this thing? It just annoys me every day and I was about to tear it up. 
Clark replied. “Don’t do that, Ruth, this contract is solid proof of her disrespect. Do you have anything else of hers, like photos together or gifts you gave her!” 
After thinking for a while, Ruth realized that she had never bought anything for Valerie before. 
Melinda gave Ruth a sidelong glance and interjected, Valerie was only 12 when Ruth brought her over and asked us to take care of her. Forget about buying things. Ruth never even gave her a penny. But if you’re looking for things Valerie used, I have some like her old school bag and pencil case. also bought her two hair ties once, would those be useful?” 
Although Melinda said there were many such items, there weren’t. 
some of the clothes and shoes she wore when she was 
Ruth chimed in, “If these small things count, I also spend money on these tou. I still have son younger, stored in the warehouse.” 

Melinda questioned, “Those clothes were probably hand–me–downs from Julian, right?” 
“Don’t act like you bought her new clothes, all you gave was also the second–hand things from your sons,” Ruth said loudly 
when you two go back, search and collect all Seeing that they were about to argue, Clark quickly interrupted them, “Let’s focus on the main point. her old things. Besides these things, it’s crucial to maintain good relations with your neighbors and let them know how badly Valerie treats you now. So if someone goes and interviews them, they won’t spill the beans” 
Ruth and Melinda were surprised by Clark’s words. “Will there be an interview?” 
“Of course, not just interviews, your house might also get crowded with reporters. So when you go back today, clean up your houses and make them look pitiful to show others that Valerie had been treating you all bailly.” 

Although Ruth was confused earlier, she now understood what they would be doing as she recalled similar stones from social media, which once amused her 
Nowadays, everyone was spending plenty of time browsing the internet. Ruth was eager to see how things go viral online so that Valerie would regret treating her so unfairly 
As for Melinda, she also expressed her willingness to cooperate, Although she only lent Ruth 20 thousand dollars, she would profit greatly if this plan made Valerie pay the full 60 thousand dollars in medical bills. 
At this moment, Clark thought of something and hesitated. “But if we want to write something like this, we’d better get someone more educated and better at writing. Julian is a university student, right? Why don’t we call him over?? 
Upon hearing that Clark was looking for Julian, Ruth quickly rejected the idea. “No, we can’t involve Julian. I don’t know what Valerie has said to him but he listens to her blindly. So, we can’t let Julian know about this and we’ll have to think of another way.” 
“Don’t worry, it’s okay to not find Julian, we can find someone else to handle it, Clark assured her. 
Clark genuinely wanted to help Ruth because she had supported him financially over the years, allowing him to buy a car and start a business. Now that Ruth needed money, she might ask him for the money if she couldn’t get it from Valerie 
He didn’t want to pay for them, so he was extremely 
y concerned about this matter and came up with this plan. 
Josie was uneasy and pulled Clark aside quietly, saying, “Honey, if this online matter blows up, it won’t end well and Valerie might lose her job in the end. Do we want to push her that fark 
“What are you talking about?” 
Clark ered with a cigarette in hand. “Valerie has only been working a over 10 thousand dollars, and now, another 20 thousand dollars is received shady, maybe even illegal or sexual–related. So Im just trying to help her.” 
years and sends money to my sister every year. Last time she handed within days. How is she making so much I think she’s up to something 
After pondering, Jour thought that Clark might be right, agreeing that Valerie couldn’t be making that much money legitimately. So, the few of them huddled together, full of malicious intent and plotting how to ruin Valerie’s reputation.