Chapter 196 
Ruth’s eyes sparkled with confirmation that Valerie was indeed wealthy. She regretted asking for only 40 thousand dollars last time as it was indeed too liule. 
Just as she was about to demand the 20 thousand dollars from Valerie, she heard 
and Valerie sneer. 
“I thought we had settled everything at the last banquet. Since everyone wants to play dumb, let me make it clear again. I have no ties with any of you anymore and won’t give you this 20 thousand dollars. 
After saying that, Valerie grabbed Katherine’s hand and said, “Katherine, let’s go 
Katherine was secretly pleased to see Valerie’s firm stance as she was already tired of these selfish people. When Ruth and Melinda tried to intervene and block their way. Katherine even stepped on their feet with her high heels, causing them to yelp in pain and using this distraction to pull Valerie away. 
Touching her sore feet, Melinda was in so much pain and wanted to curse. But compared to venting her anger, she knew the most important thing now was to get Valerie to pay up. 
Turning to Ruth sarcastically, she said, “Ruth, Valerie has grown bold, and she won’t listen to you anymore, will she 

Ruth couldn’t stand anyone challenging her authority, especially alter Valerie’s actions had made Ruth a laughingstock, fueling her anger even 
“If Valerie can’t give the money. I’m afraid your house might… Aunt’s tone turned threatening, causing Ruth’s face to pale 
Valerie’s uncle, Carson Warren, was seriously ill, but Ruth wasn’t inclined to let Valerie pay his medical bills. 
It was because after taking 40 thousand dollars from Valerie that day, Ruth also borrowed more than 40 thousand dollars from Melinda’s family. Coupled with some savings, she bought a new house, which gave her a newfound sense of status, 
But now, with Carson’s illness, Melinda demanded them to repay the money 
Ruth didn’t have the money to pay back. Meanwhile, Oscar had been spending days at the casino and it was already a blessing that he didn’t owe money, let alone asking him to pay the debts. 
Selling the house was out of the question for Ruth because it was a matter of pride. If she lost it, she’d be the subject of ridicule by her relatives. As for Julian, who had a family of his own, Ruth wasn’t willing to let him pay, so she thought that Valerie had to pay up. 

Ruth gritted her teeth and said, “Melinda, don’t worry. I raised Valerie myself and I have ways to deal with her. Since she’s wealthy, I’ll make sure she pays up.” 
Ruth’s brother, Clark Stone, approached them with a sinister smile, suggesting. “Ruth, if you want to deal with Valerie, I have a way to make her pay obediently.” 
“Clark, you’re not going to ask her directly, are you? No way. Ruth thought of Matthew and quickly stopped Clark in fear, thinking that Matthew was too scary. Although she knew that Matthew was just a taxi driver, for some reason, he gave her a terrifying feeling every time. Hence, Ruth was afraid that if Clark met Matthew, Clark would end up in tears 
Clark replied, “I won’t look for Valerie as that girl won’t listen to me now. She won’t even listen to you, let alone me.” 
Then, he waved his phone and smiled sinisterly. “Technology is advanced these clays and there are many ways to deal with her. Since Valerie dares to abandon you and secretly get married, she’s simply cold–blooded and hearkess, not even caring about her uncle who is seriously ill in bed. Let’s post all of this online and let others scold her” 
Clark’s wife, Josie Stone nodded in agreement and suggested, “Ruth, I happen to be working in a media company, knowing a little about attracting online viewers and I’m confident that I can blow things up. Anyway, Valerie is rich and as long as this matter goes viral, she will probably have to come voluntarily, giving us money and begging us to forgive her,” 
tely hit the nail on the head. The more she listened, the more interesting she 
Ruth was already angry with Valerie, while Josie’s words immediately found as she didn’t expect to use such a method 
She wid. “That’s a good idea. I want to teach her a lesson Clark, fortunately, you’re well–educated as I never thought of such a method. However, I can’t amculate or write this kind of thing, so please help me draft it. I want everyone to know her lichavior and attack her. If I had known she would turn out like this, I would have dealt with her long ago.