Chapter 192 
Valerie raised his eyebrows. “Mr. Santos, feel free to speak.” 
It’s like this. The Santos Group has recently collaborated with the National Culture Program to launch a series of jewelry exhibitions. It wasn’t easy for us to hire a leading artist in the literary world. In addition, we need to choose another young female model to shoot a small advertisement together. However, this artist is very picky. The models we found according to her requirements were all rejected by her. However, I think Miss Warren, you actually meet her requirements.. 
Louis said sincerely. 
The artist wanted a dignified and tranquil classical beauty 
Although Valerie was beautiful, there were celebrities in the entertainment industry who were prettier than her. However, there were very few who were beautiful and had a classical temperament, 
Ever since Louis first met Valerie, he had quite an impression of her. Later on, he learned from Katherine that Valerie was from a family where her parents were resentful and they wanted to skin her alive and tear her apart. Louis was shocked. He thought that even if Valerie was not born with a silver spook, she was at least a girl who had been doted on since she was young 
Valerie had an elegant temperament. More importantly, she had an indescribable nobility. Her skin was also extremely clear, it was as smooth and fair as high–quality pearls. These were all very in line with that artist’s requirements.. 
However, Valerie was clearly not interested. 

I’m sorry, Mr. Santos. I’m actually very introverted. I’m afraid I can’t help you with this matter.” 
Louis tried to persuade her again. “Miss Warren, if you’re introverted and scared of strangers, I can guarantee that one will disturb you other than during filming” 
Valerie said indifferently. “Mr. Santos, I’m just an ordinary person. I’m also ordinary–looking. That artist doesn’t even like professional model. How can she like mer 
This time, Katherine did not agree. She could not help but hold Valene’s face and say angrily, “Valerie, do you have some misunderstanding about your face! You’re not ordinary at all Your skin is so smooth. I’m so envious!” As she said that, she could not help but pinch it twice. 
“I still don’t want to do it. 

Valerie refused again. At this moment, Louis’s phone rang. It was a call from the company’s planner, asking if Louis had found a new model. Louis looked at the stubbor Valerie and could only sigh helplessly. “I haven’t reached an agreement here. Find another suitable candidate. If you really can’t find one, choose the one that asked for 20 thousand dollars and discuss it with Mrs. Anderson.” 
Little did he know that Valerie’s eyes lit up. 
“You can earn 20 thousand dollars from a small advertisement?” 
“Yes, we’re mainly doing a print advertisement this time. We just need to shoot some promotional posters. Moreover 20 thousand dollars was actually considered low. This amount of money was nothing to the Santos Group. However, it was rare for Mrs. Anderson to come out of retirement for this collaboration, so Louis was so concerned. 1 lowever, it was useless to be concerned. If he really couldn’t find a second model, Mr. Anderson might reject this shoot. 
Unexpectedly, Valerie suddenly grabbed his hand and said with a smile, “Mr. Santos, I’ve changed my mind.” 
Valerie was afraid that he didn’t hear her clearly, so she quickly repeated, “Mr. Santos, I’m willing to participate in the advertisement shoot. I hope we can work well together!” 
It was 20 thousand dolları! 
Aluugh Noria Group had raised the salary, she still had to work hard to save for half a year. Now was the time when she was most in need of monry. Of course, making money was more important! 
Louis did not know whether to laugh or cry. The change in attitude around Valerie was obviously because of the 20 thousand dollars. She was swayed by 20 thousand dollars, could he have misjudged 
However, he could not care less now. Today was the last day of filming. Louis immediately brought Valerie and Katherine to the Santos 
When Valerie sat on a chair in the Santos Group’s dressing room, she remembered that Louis lud just said that the person who participated in the hlmung seemed to be Mr. Anderson! 
2.10 PM 
Chapter 192 
Valerie’s eyes lit up. When she heard Katherine describe Mrs. Anderson just now, she felt very impressed. She did not expect to meet Mrs. Anderson so quickly. This was too much of a coincidence!