Chapter 100 
Ronald sighed repeatedly, 
But if he hadn’t leaned against the sofa so leisurely, holding a thermos flask and sipping coffee leisurely as he sighed sympathetically, he would not look like he was gloating 
In fact, it was not surprising that Ronald did not like Dylan. It was because Dylan did these despicable things first. He had fooled around with several girls in the car dealership Ronald had a title but no real authority. He could not control Dylan, but he had long detested Dylan’s behavior. He thought. Dylan’s current situation is entirely his own doing 
Valerie wasn’t being saintly either. She thought. Dylan is not a good guy. His wife should also be taught a lesson for helping the evildoer. This car 
dent was not caused by anyone else. It was their own doing. They can’t blame others. 
She said. “It’s a pity that the innocent baby-” 
The child was innocent after all. Dylan’s wife was heavily pregnant. The child was probably fully formed, yet such a thing happened. Valerie herself was pregnant too, so she was particularly emotional about matters concerning children. 

Ronald comforted her, saying. The child is indeed innocent, but having such parents may not be a good thing either. Don’t dwell on this matter. I’ll handle things on Dylan’s side. Take good care of Katherine. We can’t say much about this matter. We can only rely on you? 
Valerie let out a sigh.. 
She immediately called Katherine and told her about this matter 
There was a moment of silence at the other end of the line. This was followed by suppressed crying. However, after crying, Katherine’s voice finally gained some energy. Thank you Valerie, she said, ‘Got it 
“Okay” Valerie said “Rest well then. Remember to have lunch and dinner. Or if there’s something you’re craving. I can bring it over for you?” 
“It’s okay, Valerie, Katherine said. I’m not such a delicate person. Besides, I don’t have much energy now. I just want to get some good sleep” 
Valerie heard the laughter in her voice. It was only n that she felt at ease 
only then 
Now that Dylan had ended up in this situation, he had truly gotten what he deserved. Ronald was very firm this time. Therefore, the coal magnate in Vomez also expressed that he had severely punished the employees who caused trouble the previous night, and he made a sincere apology to Katherine on behalf of these people. 

Valerie had initially planned to gather evidence of Dylan’s abuse of power for personal gain to bring him down. Now, she did not even need to intervene. Noria Group immediately terminated Dylan’s employment on the grounds of excessive drinking on the job and leaving work without permission, damaging the company’s vehicle, as well as causing significant harm to public safety. 
Moreover, if nothing went wrong, even if Dylan recovered and was discharged from the hospital, he would still have to face a large sum of 
Dylan’s matter had come to an end, but Valerie had not forgotten about Isabel. 
Yesterday, Dylan’s wife had come to catch the person who got involved with her husband, but Isabel had pointed at Valerie instead, causing Dylan’s wife to come to her for revenge. In the chaos, Dylan’s wife had even slapped Ronald, causing him to bleed. His right cheek was still red and wollen. 
went too far, Valene thought. She deserves to be taught a lesson. 
Valerie asked a male colleague to find an advertising agency and print something. 
he also searched online for wedding and funeral bands. 
Two hours later, a group of people drove to Lucktown East where Isabel lived. 
The wedding and funeral band thought they were here to perform for a funeral, bait they were surprised that Valerie only asked them to stand at The entrance of the pediburhood. They could not help but be puzzled. “Miss Warren, are we here to perform for a joyous occasion or a funeral” 
“Valerie said. “We have a huge joyous occasion today” 
The wedding and funeral and 
experienced in this line of work and was skilled. it. Right after Valerie huished talking, the band set up drums. and trumpets. Then, they played and sang right away. The shrill sound instantly attracted the attention of passersby. 
Valerie took the opportunity to unfurl the banner printed by the advertning agris 
ing agrity. There was a line of big words written on the huge banner. li tead, “The Sprert family has a daughter who deeply loves Dylan, nan who has already named We’re here to welcome the beautiful second wide on behalf of Dyland 
1128 AM 
Chapter 100 
“Arranging a second wife on behalf of Dylan ik aimynus Decision! Valerie thought.