Chapter 251 
+15 BONUS 

Over the past three years, Winston had chosen Joanna over Millie countless times. Initially, Millie would remind him, “I’m your wife. You should care about me” 
But now, she merely said, “Joanna is looking for you.” 
With that in mind, Winston abruptly turned the car around. 
Millie looked at him and asked, “Where are we going?” 
“Back to the villa,” Winston replied, his voice laden with an inexplicable stubbornness. 
“Winston, take me home,” Millie ordered firmly. 
Yet, he responded in a cold voice, “Stay at my place tonight.” 
“Do you want to take me home, or should I jump out of the car?” Millie shot him an icy glare. Her eyes were full of threat without a hint of hesitation. 
Winston turned toward her. The seriousness in Millie’s gaze made it seem like she was ready to jump out of the car at any moment. 
There was no turning back. They shouldn’t keep getting involved like this. Millie’s next step was to keep her distance from him. 
The car slowed down, and finally, it stopped by the side of the road. 
The raindrops drummed on the car, their relentless tapping was irritating. 
Millie looked at Winston coldly. Her eyes were devoid of warmth and were filled with a profound sense of relief and calm. 
Winston furrowed his brow tightly. It was as though nothing could soothe his irritation. 
He couldn’t help but think that Millie had truly changed. She was no longer the woman who always wanted to be with him. 
In the past, Millie would have been overjoyed if Winston had suggested that they go home together. She would even plan what they would do together. Her eyes used to shine with love, and she would constantly call him “Win“. 
But now, all that was left was disappointment and indifference. In fact, there was a hint of disdain in her aloofness. 
“Winston, let’s end this relationship,” Millie calmly declared. 
Outside, the rain grew heavier, and thunder rumbled. Yet Millie felt strangely relaxed. She had even forgotten about her fear. 
“I’ve already spoken with Grandma and Mom. They said they respect my decision.” Millie cast a sideway. glance at Winston. 
-She continued, “I’ll pick up my ID card tomorrow morning, and we’ll finalize the divorce. Same time. Don’t 
be late.” 
A mix of emotions flickered across Winston’s face as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. 
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Millie didn’t notice the subtle bobbing of his Adam’s apple and muttered, “This time, there won’t be any more accidents.” 
Winston remained silent. He couldn’t tell if it was the relentless downpour or his restless mind. All he knew was his heartbeat was in disarray. 
The feeling was complex. It was a mixture of pain, reluctance, and a touch of regret. 
After a while, the car started moving slowly. Eventually, it pulled up at the entrance of the Caldwell Villa. 
Just as Millie was about to get out of the vehicle, Winston grabbed her arm and passed her a black umbrella. 
Millie stared at it blankly for a while before shifting her gaze upward to look at Winston. 
The car’s interior lights were dim, obscuring his features slightly. Nevertheless, it didn’t diminish his 
Millie felt she could easily fall for Winston’s exceptionally good looks over and over again. Then, she snapped out of her reverie, a lazy smile playing on her lips. 
She couldn’t help but tease him, “Mr. Greer, it looks like you’ve become more caring toward others after getting together with Ms. Lowell,” 
Winston froze momentarily while Millie opened the umbrella. In no time, she disappeared into the night. No matter how hard he tried to glimpse her figure, she remained out of sight 
Millie hurriedly returned to her room and switched on the lights to look outside. Winston’s car’s hazard lights were blinking, and the red glow was especially glaring. 
Millie took a deep breath before drawing the curtains shut. 
The next morning brought clear skies after the rain, and the air was remarkably fresh. Millie had woken up early to collect her ID card. 
Julia got up and summoned her for breakfast, only to find that the room was empty. 
In the living room, the television was airing news of Winston and Millie’s marital crisis, occasionally Interrupted with updates about Joanna. 
“Reporters captured footage of Joanna and Winston in a conflict last night, where Joanna was left alone standing in the rain on the highway,” the news anchor read from the script. 
Annoyed, Julia switched off the TV. She glanced outside and murmured, “Where did she go?” 
Outside the courthouse, a sleek purple Pagani came to a stop. 
In the next second, Millie, dressed in a long red dress, stepped out of the car. Her oversized sunglasses framed her voluminous waves, and she appeared refined and captivating. 
Soon, a black Porsche pulled up beside her.
Chapter 252 
Winston got out of the car and locked eyes with Millie. She casually shook the ID card, proof of residency. and marriage certificate in her hand. 
Winston pressed his lips together. Clad in a black suit, he looked polished and dignified. However, his eyes lacked their usual sparkle. Instead, they showed signs of fatigue and a hint of redness. 
He said slowly, “You-” 
“Let’s go,” Millie cut him off. She strode purposefully ahead and showed no signs of hesitation. 
Winston frowned in response, his thoughts in turmoil. He walked slowly while Millie consistently led the way. 
Her demeanor mirrored the day they got married. She was happy yet anxious. In fact, she was afraid he might regret it. 
However, Winston’s feelings were different from those he had during their marriage registration. 
Back then, he had been unwilling and remained uncooperative throughout. His expression in the wedding photos was particularly grim. It was evident that he had been forced into it. 
Now, Winston was finally parting ways with Millie and could marry Joanna. Although everything was going his way, why did he feel no relief or joy? 
While Winston was feeling troubled, Millie suddenly turned. She grabbed his arm and led him forward, asking, “I’m setting you free. Why aren’t you more enthusiastic?” 
Passerbys glanced at the pair and started gossiping 
“Are they really getting a divorce?” 
“Did Winston really cheat on Ms. Caldwell with Joanna? Poor Ms. Caldwell…” 
“Ms. Caldwell is gorgeous. How could she not compare to Joanna? I wonder what Mr. Greer is thinking.” 
The barrage of comments reached Winston’s ears, plunging his mind into turmoil. He abruptly quickened his pace and moved ahead of Millie. 
Millie glanced at him and then caught up with him. 
After that, they both stopped at the divorce counter, simultaneously handing over various documents. 
It was the same clerk as before. Millie guessed the clerk was associated with Selma. 
Millie couldn’t help but wonder if she would ensure their divorce went smoothly. 
The clerk cast them a meaningful look. “Are you guys sure about this?” 
“Yes,” Winston answered first. 
Millie glanced at him again. He sat there quietly, his demeanor subdued. His face was devoid of emotions and seemed overly suppressed. 
Wasn’t Winston the one who was keen on divorcing? Yet, why did he appear unhappy at that moment? 
With their documents in her hand, the clerk sighed and remarked, “It’s not easy for two people to become 
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a family. Please think it through during the cooling–off period. Don’t act impulsively.” 
Winston didn’t respond. So, Millie replied indifferently. Thank you. We’ve made our decision.” 
The clerk paused. It was as if she was carefully considering her words. 
“Please sign here to file for divorce,” she instructed while handing over two sets of documents. 
Millie picked up the pen. As she stared at the divorce application before her, her fingers tightened involuntarily. 
Three years ago, she was thrilled when they tied the knot. But now, she was just as heartbroken. She never expected their marriage to end like this. 
However, if someone were to ask Millie if she could start over, would she still marry Winston? She reckoned she would. 
After all, life was about experiencing those fleeting moments. Now, all these were behind her. She had no regrets except for failing to make Winston love her. 
Millie couldn’t help but look up at Winston. Right then, she met his dark pupils. 
He didn’t pick up the pen. Instead, he merely stared at her. 
Perhaps, to Winston, Millie was still in the midst of her tantrum. Maybe she was still the woman who decided to divorce one morning, only to regret it half an hour later, crying and begging him not to leave her, as if she were crazy. 
Millie’s love for Winston was genuine, but she knew it was time to move on. From now on, she wouldn’t keep getting entangled with Winston, and he could marry the woman he desired. 
For the rest of her life, through every season and meal, she wouldn’t have to wait for Winston’s presence 
She decided to let all the sorrows and joy, love and hatred, fade away completely from this moment 
Her lips curled into a faint smile as she decisively signed her name–Millie Caldwell. 
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