Chapter 235 Janet stayed in the hospital and listened to the fireworks going on all night long. Cheers could be heard in the distance. Everyone in the Lycan’s Kingdom was happy, except for her. She couldn’t stop wondering if Daran had seen those fireworks as well and if he would blame her for the decision that she made. She would never have the chance to find out what he really thought. The next morning, doctors went into her room and inspected her condition. “It will take a couple of days for the wounds to recover. But other than that, you are in a very good condition,” the doctor said to her with a big smile. “And the King’s heir is very healthy. Congratulations, Queen Janet.” They already started to address her as queen. And her child…. Janet placed a hand on her belly. Officially starting today, her child was Westin’s kid, the heir of the Lycan’s Kingdom. She better get used to that sooner. “Thank you. So can I check out of the hospital today?” she asked the doctor. “We strongly encourage you to stay here a bit longer. The nurses will apply a special ointment to your wound daily so that they will not leave a scar…” “Scars do not bother me,” said Janet calmly. Actually, she preferred to leave the scars. It would serve as a constant reminder of what her enemy had done to her. She wanted revenge. An eye for an eye. “I will check out of the hospital today,” she said to the doctor in a firm voice. The doctor still looked reluctant. But there was nothing he could say to change Janet’s mind, so he signed her release. eventually. Janet left her room. Yet she didn’t leave the hospital right away. Instead, she went into Elder Randy’s ward. If she wanted to destroy Agnes, she would have to first weaken Agnes’s influence in this kingdom. She needed to find something on Agnes, something she could use. As for now, she hadn’t gotten anything yet. Agnes did go into Westin’s study to assassinate her. But Janet asked the servants already and nobody had seen her. There wasn’t any surveillance camera in King’s study. So Janet couldn’t prove the assassination. The only loose end was Elder Randy’s poisoning, in which Janet felt strongly that Agnes must have been involved. If she could prove that Agnes was responsible for poisoning Elder Randy and framing her, she could definitely ruin that vicious woman. A few nurses were taking Elder Randy’s blood pressure when Janet came into the ward. They immediately curtseyed to Janet, “Good day, Queen Janet. “How is Elder Randy?” Janet walked up to the elder’s bedside and asked. “He still hasn’t woken up…And the doctors said that he might stay like that forever without a cure, and die in the endless coma,” said a nurse. Janet inspected the elder. Elder Randy’s face looked sickly grey. He lay on the bed, perfectly still with his eyes shut. He looked as though he was already dead. Janet wanted to find some clues on him that could lead this incident to Agnes. But she didn’t know what she was looking for. And she knew that it was almost impossible for her to find anything on Elder Randy. Almost half a month had passed since the spring ball, and even though there was evidence left, they must have been destroyed already. Yet refusing to give up so soon, Janet started a thorough search on Elder Randy. “What are you looking for, Queen Janet?” the nurse asked, “Maybe we can help?” “I got this. Thank you.” She checked Elder Randy’s clothes. Nothing weird. And his pocket. Empty. His skin and nails. Perfectly normal. At last, she lifted his eyelid to inspect his pupil. And that was when she froze on her spot. “… Why are his eyeballs red?” she turned to the nurses and asked in a strained voice. “What?” The nurses gathered over, and all cried out. It was true! Didn’t know when but there was no white in Elder Randy’s eyes. Just black and red! “Oh my it is so weird…” one of the nurses clamped a hand over her mouth and gasped. “The doctors didn’t see this?” “He wasn’t like this when he was first brought into the hospital….And he hasn’t opened his eves since so nobody noticed “Report this to the doctor immediately,” Janet said firmly. “Yes, Queen Janet!” One nurse rushed out of the ward. The head nurse rubbed her chin, with a pondering look on her face, “Red eyeballs… Why does this sound so familiar to me?” Janet immediately looked at her, “You saw a similar symptom before?” “Yeah…I think so… But it probably isn’t poisoning related, or I would definitely remember…” Janet didn’t want to let go of any possible leads. So she asked, “Are there any medical records? Can you look it up for me? Please, it is really important.” “Of course! I am happy to serve the queen,” said the head nurse immediately. “When I finish today’s shift, I will go into the archives and look this up.. Yet Janet couldn’t even wait a single day longer, “Where is the archive? I can go by myself if you don’t mind.” problem at all! If you don’t mind the dust and musty smell…Here is the key.” Janet took the key and thanked the head nurse. The archive was located underground, in a vault. Janet found the medical section and opened the iron gate with the key the head nurse gave her. The door opened and she immediately started coughing. The air was heavy with the scent of age and decay. Her nostrils must be filled with dust right now. Covering her nose with one hand, Janet stepped into the archive, looking around. Ancient medical records, cloaked in layers of dust, loomed on shelves that seemed to stretch into the ceiling. The soft glow of a flickering light bulb swung overhead, casting eerie shadows as Janet walked down the aisles. She first went to the computers. She crossed the references “poison” and “red eyeballs” and clicked search. Yet nothing showed up. She deleted “poison” and searched again. Still nothing. The head nurse warned her about this already: medical records from 3 years ago or more hadn’t been logged into the computers yet. They still existed in papers. Janet turned around and looked at the shelves of files, letting out a small sigh. …Lots of work ahead. She plunged herself right into papers and files. The atmosphere within the underground vault was hushed. The only sounds were the whisper of her breath and the gentle shuffle of her footsteps on the worn floor. She sifted through crumbling files, cautiously. The musty scent clung to her clothes as she looked, her fingers tracing the spines. Time blurred as she scanned the archives. Nothing. Nothing. Still nothing. She had flipped through files that dated back to 5 years ago yet nothing about “red eyeballs” popped up. She started to get frustrated. Maybe this was a dead end. A complete waste of time. She was ready to give up when her eyes settled on something. ….A solitary file tucked away in a shadowy corner. A surge of anticipation quickened her pulse. She carefully took the ancient document off the shelf. Its cover is brittle beneath her touch. Janet laid it on the ground and studied its content with the help of the dim light. “Died of food poison” “suspected allergy” “Red eyeballs after death” Her finger stopped on the patient’s name- Keavy Hernandez. A creeping chill stole through her chest. She shivered. …Keavy Hernandez?! – That was Clemente’s brother, Agnes’s former mate! Keavy had a similar symptom when he died. Janet suspected that Agnes had something to do with Elder Randy’s poison. If her suspicion was correct, plus the evidence that she just found,
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didn’t it mean that- …Agnes killed Keavy? She killed her own mate!!! Horror surged up in Janet’s chest. No…this was crazy…Killing her own mate? How could anyone be capable of such a cruel thing? Ridiculous as it seemed, Janet’s head had begun to connect the dots. Agnes was the only one who had a cure when Elder Randy was done. Clemente told her that Agnes wanted to be with Westin…She could never achieve that with her own mate still in the picture…. And there was something that Agnes said to her in the hidden room. She said, You, my mighty Gamma, have a bad habit of underestimating people…Oh, I know the sweet feeling of killing.. Agnes admitted that she killed someone before! Could that person be her own mate…Keavy? Janet was so immersed in her own thoughts that she didn’t even notice the sound of door opening, and gentle footsteps crossing the aisles, approaching Janet from her back The footsteps stopped. …What are you looking at?” asked a soft, silky voice from her back. Janet’s heart lost a beat. She jerked around abruptly and stared at the person who snuck up on her. Agnes stood a few feet away, looking down at Janet. A grim smile on her beautiful face. Chapter 236