Chapter 149 Mason asked softly, “What’s making you so happy?” Zoe was rarely in a cheerful mood. However, sharing joy with Mason wasn’t suitable for their current relationship. She held her phone and vaguely said, “The thing I’ve been wanting to buy is finally available.” Mason thought it might be some luxurious item like jewelry. He smiled and said, “Whatever you want, I’ll buy it for you.” Holding her phone, Zoe walked barefoot into the closet. Mason’s voice came from behind. “You never let your phone out of your sight. Are you worried I’ll see something I shouldn’t? Did you add some new eye candy to your contacts list again?” In the closet, Zoe picked out an outfit to change into. She spoke softly, “What secrets could I have? Hucksburgh is your stronghold, right? Returning to a familiar place should bring back some memories, right?” There was a slight twinge in Mason’s heart. He followed her, leaning against the door and gazing at her serene appearance. He couldn’t help but say, “I have no improper relationship with her. I haven’t touched her. That photo was taken by her without my knowledge.” Zoe smiled indifferently and pulled on a pair of black sheer stockings. Her legs were slender, and wearing this made her look alluring. Mason naturally liked it, but when his wife wore that sexy pair of stockings outside, it didn’t please her husband as much. He +25 BONUS expressed his displeasure. “It’s so cold, and you’re wearing this?” Zoe bypassed him to go to the bathroom. “Would you rather I go bare- legged under the coat dress?” Mason frowned. “Don’t you have something thicker?” While Zoe was washing up, she looked up, locking eyes with Mason in the mirror. After a moment, she said softly, “Mason, if you’re not satisfied, I’ll remember to wear something thicker next time. After all, I still rely on you to help my brother with the lawsuit. I wouldn’t dare offend you.” Shoes being sarcastic, and Mason was annoyed by her tone. er, he didn’t fly off the handle. Instead, he followed Zoe to the burgh Opera House. was from Hucksburgh, so he made Hucksburgh the global it station for his classical music. they arrived, the person in charge warmly greeted her. “Ms. Zoe, ou’re here early.”
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Zoe nodded in acknowledgment. The person noticed Mason beside her and asked, “Who’s this?” Mason looked at Zoe, then shook hands with the person and said, “I am Ms. Zoe’s husband.” The pers your denly realized, “Oh, Ms. Zoe, you’re married at such a ed at Mason. a dignified gesture, then retreated to the audience seats. ched Zoe work, personally overseeing the stage design and g adjustments. Her soft voice when communicating with s was like a spring breeze. Beautiful women always had it easier +25 BONUS when they were working. Their efficiency was impressive. All the lights were set up. Zoe stood in the center of the stage and played a violin piece to test the effect. Under the dazzling lights, her posture was captivating. The she delicately pulled the bow was very professional. Her profile was flawless. way Her radiant appearance tempted Mason. His breath became uneven, but he couldn’t bear to shift his gaze away. He simply watched her from a distance, feeling satisfied. There seemed to be a soft spot in his heart. Mason knew he was falling for Zoe. Just when he couldn’t control his emotions, his phone in his pocket rang. It was Ava calling. Mason glanced at Zoe again, unaware that this would be the last time he would see her perform so wonderfully, immersed in her passion for classical music, shining brightly. He answered Ava’s call. As soon as he picked up, he heard Ava’s surprised and flustered voice. “Mr. Mason, something’s happened!”