Chapter 330 “She’s the one I’m arguing with!” Paul angrily pointed at Bonnie. “She’s a good for -nothing who cheated on her SATs! She’s rotten and contributes nothing to the world.” Caleb froze, and his jaw dropped as cold sweat formed on his forehead. However, Paul continued, “Despicable people like you only bring bad things to our society. Your parents made a good choice, disowning you. I wish the Arvandorian government would do its part in eliminating pests like you!” “You son of a-” Caleb was furious as he stomped toward his friend and punched him. Paul spun in place and fell to the floor. He was dazed as he said, “Wh–what do you think you’re doing, Caleb?” Caleb barked, “You’re the pest that needs eliminating, you despicable good–for- nothing! You’re the one who contributes nothing to the world!” “Um…” Paul grew increasingly puzzled. Meanwhile, the other professors and staff members heard the commotion and ran over. Then, they saw the confused Paul covering his face as he sat on the ground. “Caleb, what’s happening? I thought Paul was your friend.” The others thought it was strange for Caleb to punch his best friend. Most of those who worked in the institute knew about their closeness, especially Professor Breanna and Professor Liam, who approved Paul’s entry. Everyone wondered what had happened between the two. Caleb pointed at Paul, enraged, as the former said, “I agreed to help you because you’re my best friend. I never thought you’d insult Ms. Bonita like that! I wish I could just kill you right now!” ‘Wait, what?!‘ Paul whipped around to look at Bonnie. The latter appeared so indifferent that Paul’s heart leaped to his throat. Meanwhile, the onlookers surrounded Paul and Chapler 30  insulted him, “How dare you insult Ms. Bonita! If someone as peerless and talented as her is a pest, what does that make you? You’re the lowest of scums, jackass!” “Oh, dear. I regret approving your entry. I deserve to be punished for letting an animal like you insult Ms. Bonita.” “We must report this to the government and remove Paul from our country’s science community!” 2/2 Paul was horrified at that moment as he looked at Bonnie fearfully. Simultaneously, he inwardly cursed Trina and the Shepards. ‘It seems Bonnie was the peerless Ms. Bonita, after all! She’s the backbone of the nation. How could the Shepards say she’s a good–for–nothing and disown her? They must be blind and foolish!‘ Paul scrambled to his feet and bowed at Bonnie. “I–I’m sorry, Ms. Bonita! I had no idea who you were. I wouldn’t have dared to insult you if I had known sooner!” He began to tear up with regret. Bonnie raised her chin and glanced at him, saying, “It sounds like you’re saying you can abuse your status and insult me if I weren’t Ms. Bonita. Is that right?” “N–No, that’s not what I meant! Please forgive me, Ms. Bonita!” Bonnie asked dryly, “Are you still insistent on helping Trina?” “N–Not anymore! She has committed petty theft and even tried to frame you for it. She deserved to get kicked out of Pyralis University. She can only blame herself.” Finally, Paul understood why Russell defended Bonnie so vehemently. ‘As the university president, Russell must have known about her identity much earlier.‘ Simultaneously, Paul recalled Russell always boasting about an impressive successor to his position. The latter claimed everyone would bow to Bonnie once she became the university president.