Chapter 80


A trap for him?”

‘Yes, Luna. “Serafina sobs. “They know Alpha is coming. One of the men informed David and told him that…Boss will send us a gift for our help soon.”

My heart sinks in the depths of my stomach. For a few moments. I find myself rooted on the spot, unable to come to terms with the sudden revelation.

Then, my instincts kick in.

I hurry towards the center table, pick up my phone, and dial Alexander’s number. Like before, the line doesn’t connect. The voice tells me that he is unreachable.

Panicking and shivering, I dial Levi’s number. It doesn’t connect either.

“Layla.” Daphne comes rushing outside, her face pale and filled with fear.

“Ayla, where—”

“I left a warrior with her. She is fine.” She interrupts, grabbing my arms.

“What did I just hear? Is it a trap? ” Her eyes widen. She must have heard everything because of her heightened hearing.

In a trance, I nod my head. “How- – -How do we reach them? How do we send a message? ‘

“I can’t mindlink Levi. ” Daphne cries out, covering her face with her palms. “I can’t talk to him, Layla. I can’t feel him.”

Blood runs cold in my veins. I whip around and face Serafina.

“You.” My finger trembles as I point it towards her. “Where is your mate? That Gamma?”


He sent me, Luna. David is too ashamed to face you.” She whispers under her breath and bows her head. Remi. “I address the warrior still standing at some distance.

“Yes, Luna. ”

“Take some warriors with you and put David and his son on house arrest. ” I hiss.

“Luna, please forgive me. Please, don’t do this to us.” Serafina’s face turns pale.

But I can’t focus on that. Alex is in danger. I can’t lose him. I just can’t.

“You, Serafina. If you want your mate and son to live, you need to come with me now. “I rush towards the door without waiting for an answer.

I won’t let him get hurt. I can’t live without him. Now that I know his love, I can’t go a single day without it.


Layla. ” Daphne follows me hurriedly.

I turn around, barely holding myself together. “D. You need to stay here.”








13:34 Thu, May 30

Chapter 80


She shakes her head, tears-starting to fall from her eyes. ” he is my mate, Layla. I can’t stay behind. I need to be there for him.”

I grab her arms, my eyes burning with the effort to hold back my tears. I can’t cry just yet. Alexander needs me.

Daphne, I will not let anything happen to Alexander or Levi. Trust me. Please, stay with Ayla. I can’t trust anyone but you. Please.”

Reluctance and pain swim in her eyes in the form of tears but she is my friend. She can sacrifice anything for me.

I feel selfish for doing this to her, but I have no other option.

She nods. Please bring them back.”

“I will. “I whisper, directing my gaze towards Serafina who is approaching me on her wobbly legs.” Hurry up! We don’t

have time.”

She rushes to my side. After shooting Daphne a final glance, I walk out of the pack house and find a spare car in the driveway.

On the way, I ask Serafina to explain the situation to me. According to her, Cleodore has planned to blast the building where Alex and his men are supposed to meet him.

These past days, he delayed the meeting by giving many excuses. This made Alex suspicious so he cut off all contact with the pack.

Now, Cleodore is sure that Alexander is desperate and he will readily step into the bait so he is planning on-

Killing them today.

A shudder rolls down my spine at the thought. No. I will die to save him if that’s what is required. But he can’t die.

After hours of driving, we finally make it to the club where they are supposed to meet. My hands tremble, my mind goes blank and my heart still pounds in my ears as I stop the car outside.

Everything is still fine.

The bodyguards standing at the entrance are guarding it, oblivious to the threat that looms over them.

I open the door, ready to step out and run inside but Serafina grabs my arm and pulls me back.

“Wait, Luna.”

“What? I need to find Alexander as soon as possible. Let me go. I jerk my arm free, and clench my hands into fists to suppress the shivers.

“The guards won’t let you step in. ” She points towards the two bulky men. ” we need a plan if you want to get to the Alpha.”

I hate to admit it but she is right at this moment. The hawk-like guards that are scanning the entrance as if a treasure is hiding inside won’t just let me barge inside.

“Time is running out.” My heart is drowning.











13:34 Thu, May 30

Chapter 80




The guards are Cleodore’s men. Until they are here, he won’t do anything. I don’t think so.” She murmurs, scanning the surroundings nervously.

Besides, Luna, who knows if you step out recklessly someone might recognize you and drag you to Cleodore.”

I don’t care. “I whisper and open the door again. “There is no time for plans. If you want to come with me, you can. If you don’t want to, you can stay inside.”

I step out before she can grab me again and make a beeline for the entrance of the club. The guards, built like mountains, turn towards me sharply.

“What do you want, woman?” One of them snarls at me.

“I am here for Alpha Alexander. “I blurt, realizing my mistake only a moment later.

They exchange a look before one of them smirks at me. ” Alpha Alexander, huh? Come here. Let me take you to him.”

Yes, I can pretend to go along with them. At least, they will lead me inside.

“Yes, please take me-

My words die inside my mouth as a loud explosion shakes the ground beneath my feet. Fire and debris fly everywhere. I scream, dropping to the floor while covering my head.

My ears ring as my vision goes black. Memories, one after another, of happy moments and of sad moments revolve inside my head like a movie.

One of them is the most prominent.

I will make you happy-Alex said. I will love you forever.

A pain spreads in my chest, as a cry erupts from my mouth. ” Alexander!”