Her Vengeful Rebirth
Chapter 341 Having An Affair
Suddenly, faint, fragmented noises began to reverberate through the hallways. A number of people flung- their doors open in response, yet found the corridors mysteriously empty.
“What’s going on?”
“Did anyone else catch that? I swear I heard whispers about Yelena… something about an affair?”
“An affair? Here? But the place is teeming with housekeepers!”
“Why don’t we sneak a peek and find out for ourselves? Perhaps she’s succumbed to the loneliness. She’s certainly been under a great deal of stress lately…
By the time Yelena became aware of the rising tumult, it was regrettably too late. Several of the household. staff had already quietly ascended to her floor and now formed a barrier at her bedroom door. Trapped, her lover had no chance to escape.
Upon recognizing the identity of the adulterer, someone lost their composure and blurted out, “Mr. Langley!” This call was not directed toward Wyatt, but rather his father, Hans Langley.
At that moment, Hans‘ complexion turned ghostly pale. His initial plan had been to corral the housekeepers who had unexpectedly gathered, coercing them into silence. But as their numbers swelled, the secret spon spread throughout the entire staff of the residence.
This revelation was monumental. Shockingly, Yelena was romantically entangled with her own half- brother, despite being already married!
Meanwhile, Calista, having rushed over so quickly she was still catching her breath, couldn’t suppress a soft chuckle upon capturing Yelena’s desolate expression through her wide–angle lens. This brief moment of levity seemed to ease her built–up tension, providing an unexpected sense of relief.
Yelena, rendered speechless by the situation, faced further turmoil when Joanna, her sister–in–law, arrived and, without a word, slapped her across the face.
“You b*tch! To think you would seduce your own brother!”
However, Hans, Yelena’s secret lover and Joanna’s husband, intervened. “Enough! Quit your shrieking. We need to disperse these spectators first!” he shouted.
In a heated impulse, Joanna pushed Hans, tears filling her eyes. “You’re taking her side? Why dismiss the maid then? Don’t you have any decency left? To engage in such a disgrace with your own sister in the housekeeper’s annex? You’ve completely disgraced the Langley family!”
“Shut up!” Hans snapped back, now visibly agitated, and sternly addressed the housekeepers, “None of you should be here, leave now!”
Reluctantly, the housekeepers began to leave the room, their curiosity momentarily satisfied. Just then, the family patriarch, Matthew, entered. The sight of Yelena and Hans in such disarray, along with his eldest daughter–in–law in tears, filled him with a profound rage that nearly overwhelmed him.
“What a calamity… A true disgrace to our family!” he exclaimed, striking the floor with his cane, his face
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Chapter 341 Having An Affair
“Dad!! Please, think of your health!”
“I mean no disrespect, Hans, but out of everyone, why Yelena? She’s your sister!” exclaimed Matthew’s third son, his tone both mocking and incredulous.
“I’m telling you, Dad, Yelena has got to go! If she remains here with us, she’ll just keep on tempting Hans. She’s been nothing but a source of trouble!” Joanna thundered.
Ultimately, Joanna had no real desire to end her marriage with Hans. Instead, she found it all too easy to lay the entire blame squarely on Yelena’s shoulders.
Until that moment, Hans had held his peace, but upon hearing his wife propose that they should exile Yelena, he couldn’t contain his anger any longer. “How can you be so merciless? Yelena is already a divorcee; where do you expect her to go if we throw her out? It’s like you’re signing her death warrant!”
He has the audacity to call me merciless?
Hans‘ bold accusation left Joanna gasping in shock, her eyes darting from the man she loved to the woman she loathed. The expression she cast at Yelena was fraught with deep–seated resentment and bitterness. “You’re the root of all this mess, you b*tch! I swear, I’ll kill you!”
With the housekeepers out of the picture, as Joanna advanced on her, the only person left to intervene was their other sister–in–law.
“Don’t bother, Joanna,” she implored, “She’s not even worth your energy.
“It’s outrageous, really. Yelena living under our roof was embarrassing enough, and yet she dared to commit such acts…”
“Dad, I firmly believe Yelena should no longer remain here. It’s quite unconventional for a married daughter to move back in with her parents, isn’t it?”
As Yelena perceived their scornful looks, she clenched her jaw tightly, filled with indignation.
Ever since the truth of how Yelena came to be pregnant with Quincy had surfaced, all the women acquainted with the news viewed her as if she were tainted, while the men eyed her with suspicion, as though she were nothing more than a prostitute.
At that time, Hans was the sole person who steadfastly stood by her side. Without his support, her future seemed doomed to despair.
And so, driven by desperation, Yelena suddenly knelt before Matthew.
“Dad, if there must be someone to blame, let it be me! I initially became involved with Harvey to aid our family, but now my reputation is irreversibly damaged. To shield our family from ridicule, it would be best if you ask me to leave.”
Witnessing Yelena’s distraught state, Hans felt a profound pang of anguish. He voiced his objections to Matthew, “Dad, you can’t treat her with such harshness. Yelena has sacrificed so much for our family; how can you be so callous toward her?”
Matthew recoiled slightly, his look filled with a mix of confusion and dismay as he regarded Hans. Is this really the same promising successor I had carefully selected from among many? I can’t fathom what was going through
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Her Vengeful Rebirth