Chapter 237 Push Him To The Brink 
Sterling widened his eyes, stammering almost incoherently. “Why did you save him but refuse to spare 
He simply couldn’t believe this. This is so unfair! Am I really not dreaming? Perhaps it’s all a dream, and I’ll wake up tomorrow in my bed. The K Virus, Calista… everything must be a dream! 
Calista, entertained by his deranged expression, refrained from informing him that Kallum was infected because of her, and instead, continued to provoke him. “Because you deserve to die. I want nothing more than to see you dead. But death will not come easy for you. I will do research on you and torture you, just as I was tormented in my past life. I will use your pain and your body to save Kallum. He will continue to live in glory, while you will die. Ouce my research is complete, I will remove your nutrient IV drip, leaving you to slowly die of weakness, living out the rest of your days in despair.. 
Sterling was at a loss for words. 
Calista chuckled lightly. “Are you angry? Are you furious? You were born an orphan, always striving to achieve success. You believe those born into privilege are nothing special. With your intelligence, your abilities, and even your ruthless nature, you could easily manipulate those privileged ones like puppets on strings. But I’m going to sacrifice your life for Kallum’s sake. I want to prove to you that his life is valuable, while yours is worthless.” 

“Enough! Stop it!” he shrieked. 
“Why should I? You’re destined to grovel on the ground, weak and helpless, just like now. You’re no more than a pest, so insignificant that people wouldn’t even bother to trample on you. What do you have to compete with others? Your background? Looks? Character? You’re utterly worthless. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” 

“Enough! Enough! Enough!” he bellowed like a madman, his bound legs flailing wildly, before he burst into a disconcerting fit of laughter. 
As he cackled, his face was streaked with tears, making him look both miserable and repulsive. 
“I am the most powerful one here! You people are just privileged by birth! You think I’ll just obediently let you experiment on me? You think I’ll allow you to use me to conquer the virus, to gain fame and success, and then use me to heal that d’mned Kallum? Ha, in your dreams! In your dreams!” 
After he finished speaking, he bit off his own tongue. 
Thick blood dripped from his mouth as he wore an eerie smile that was tinged with despair. 
“Dream on… I did nothing wrong… I did nothing wrong…” he mumbled. I did nothing wrong, I was just born underprivileged. 
It was only after watching him die that Calista finally put down her crossed legs that had grown numb. 
“You’re right. You did nothing wrong. There’s no fault in being persistent, in striving to climb higher. If one isn’t born into privilege, what’s wrong with struggling to create a future for oneself?” She laughed self- deprecatingly, her voice dissipating in the wind. 
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1 Coin 
Chapter 237 Push Him To The Brink 
Indeed, she could have inflicted the cruelest tortures on Sterling, exploiting his unique constitution to test drugs recklessly. This approach would have yielded quicker results compared to her current method of trial and error. 
But if I do that, how am I any different from those monsters who used me as a guinea pig in the past? However, letting Sterling off the hook and forgiving him is simply out of the question! 
Therefore, Calista chose to drive him over the edge. 
She intimidated him, providing him with hope before filling him with despair, poking at his most sensitive psychological weaknesses and breaking down his defenses. In the end, it was only natural for him to end his life in agony before her, marking the conclusion of it all. 
Having reincarnated, she never intended to become a good person. 
When Calista finally exited the room wearily, she happened to run into Quintus. She said to him, “Sterling has chosen to end his own life by biting his tongue because he was terrified of becoming a test subject. His body carries the virus and is a biohazard, so cremate it.” 
Quintus was taken aback. “Sterling ended his life?” 
How is that possible? Sterling doesn’t seem like the kind of person who’ll commit suicide. 
Filled with doubt, Quintus, while overseeing the collection of Sterling’s body, made a point to examine it. He discovered that Sterling had indeed died from biting his own tongue and that there was no trace of any ⚫ human intervention. 
In other words, Sterling was either so mentally vulnerable that he committed suicide, or Calista had pressured him into suicide with her words. 
If it was the latter… Quintus shuddered in fear. He still remembered the vitality and reluctance to give up in Sterling’s eyes when he brought him over. Sterling was not the type to take his own life. He was still holding on to the hope that the government could conquer the virus using his body and restore his health. Even if he was destined to spend his life in prison once he recovered, there wasn’t the slightest hint of despair in his eyes. 
So, if Ms. Calista really did drive him to death, she’s just… too scary. 
Given that Sterling had committed a serious crime and was infected with the incurable K Virus, the nature of his death wasn’t investigated. The police didn’t comment on the matter, allowing it to be swept under 
the rug. 
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