Chapter 229 A Complete Transformation 
it could potentially draw blood from Kallum in an 
Most would dismiss such an incident as an accidental scrape from an unpolished gemstone, chalking it up to mere coincidence. Yet, it was this very design that could cunningly collect a blood sample without suspicion. 
“Sharp?” Charlene responded, visibly startled, then quickly recovered with a forced chuckle, “Are you talking about the pearls and gems on my bag? Oh, they are not sharp in the slightest. I’m puzzled as to why you would ask.” 
As she tried to reclaim her purse, her efforts were futile against Calista’s firm grip. By then, Kallum’s expression had darkened considerably. 

Exchanging a significant look with Calista, he then turned his piercing gaze to Charlene, his voice cold and steady. “I trust what Callie said. As for you, what exactly are you after? My blood sample? Considering our families are connected through marriage, are you trying to sever that tie now?” 
“No!” Charlene’s face blanched at his accusation. “Have you misunderstood something?” 

She continued to struggle to reclaim her bag, persisting despite the awkwardness of the situation. “Mr. Kallum… Please don’t be swayed by her words! Take a closer look; is there really anything amiss with my bag?” 
She was confident in the bag’s subtle design, convinced that the tiny, less–than–half–a–centimeter needle was well–concealed by the gemstones‘ brilliance. Surely, Calista must have been setting a trap for her. 
Hista maintained her playful demeanor, locking eyes with Charlene. “Well, the only way to be certain of any issue is to put it to the test, isn’t it?” 
Charlene hesitated, unsure of Calista’s intentions. 
In the next instant, Calista tightened her grip on the purse and, without any warning, pressed the side with the embedded needle against Charlene’s arm. 
A sharp cry of pain escaped Charlene as the needle broke her skin. Calista held her firmly against the wall of the corridor, immobilizing her completely. She didn’t stop there; with a chilling smile, she slowly dragged the needle down, creating a superficial cut along Charlene’s fair skin. 
The pain was akin to a knife’s edge, exacerbated by the intensity of Calista’s imposing stare, which seemed even more menacing than the needle itself. 
Charlene felt her sanity fraying at the edges as she cried out, “Let go! You b*tch, let go of me!” 
In her panic, Charlene’s free hand flailed, reaching to grab at Calista’s hair, but Kallum was quicker, seizing her hand before it could make contact. His gaze fixed on the fresh bloodstain, his eyes ablaze with a fierce protectiveness that bordered on murderous. 
Her Vengeful Rebirth