Chapter 227 Kallum Has Turned Into A Doll 
And there’s still Kallum… In Harvey’s calculating eyes, there gleamed a shrewd glint. 
It seemed almost too coincidental that Kallum had emerged as that rare fortunate one percent. Harvey couldn’t resist wondering if luck was indeed on his side. 
Meanwhile, the Fairchild Manor had become a bustling hub of activity, with a steady stream of visitors arriving each day. 
The motivations of these visitors were not always transparent, but most were there to probe the depths of the truth about Kallum’s condition. 
Kallum and Silas had decided that hiding away was not a sustainable solution. After much deliberation, they planned a family banquet under the guise of celebrating Wanda’s birthday. Officially, it was a festive gathering, but unofficially, it was a strategic move to allow close associates and skeptics alike to see Kallum firsthand. 
Many of Kallum’s friends were in attendance as well. Over the past year, face–to–face encounters with Kallum had been rare, their interactions largely confined to the digital realm of video calls. Consequently, when the news of the family hosting a banquet spread, each of them made it their priority to attend. 

The day of the banquet saw the mansion brilliantly illuminated, its location in a sea of expensive houses made it the center of attention. 
Despite the pretext of a family banquet, the underlying concern for Kallum’s well–being was palpable. If he truly had recovered, many would need to reassess their positions and perhaps behave subserviently to return to get into the Fairchilds‘ good graces. 

However, if the Fairchild family was concealing the truth, the implications could stir endless speculation. The Fairchilds had long been a prominent and enduring prestigious family, often the subject of envy and intrigue, though Calista had yet to witness the complexities of these internal dynamics, let alone the outsiders. 
Luxury cars lined up one after another, turning the driveway into a spectacle resembling an exclusive car show. 
As the event’s honoree, Wanda was naturally the first to be greeted, although a dressed Kallum was momentarily delayed due to another engagement. 
“Mr. Kallum, you really let me down! We had agreed to go on vacation together, but it’s been a year and I haven’t seen hide nor hair of you!” Remus Shaw, the son of a real estate tycoon from Summerbank and a childhood friend of Kallum, expressed his disappointment. Remus‘ grandparents resided in Horington, and that was how he got to know Kallum. 
“You look quite frail; are you feeling better now or not?” Louis Maynard inquired, his concern genuine and palpable. 
Kallum glanced at them both, his internal debate on whether to reveal the truth of his condition ending with him choosing silence. Instead, he grumbled, “What could possibly be wrong with me? It’s just that this d*mned recovery period is truly unbearable. I haven’t had a decent rest in days!” 
Their faree mirrored cumnathu and Remus clanning Kallum on the hack offered a half–hearted joke 
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Chapter 227 Kallum Has Turned Into A Doll 
At this, a faint smile touched Kallum’s lips as he thought of Calista. 
Isn’t she a blessing? Assuming I won’t die, of course. 
Shaun intervened then, his voice cautious, “Gentlemen, please be mindful. Mr. Kallum is still very weak. Even the slightest touch could cause him intense pain.” 
Upon hearing this, Remus stepped back abruptly, looking guiltily at his hands. “Why didn’t you say so earlier? I wouldn’t have touched him if I knew. He’s truly turned into a doll!” 
Kallum fixed him with a glare, though the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. “Even in my current state, I could take you down. Want to give it a try?” 
“No, no! You’re always the boss!” Remus replied with a laugh. 
While their corner buzzed with laughter, elsewhere the mood was more somber. 
Benedict glanced uneasily at his daughter, impeccably dressed and seated on the couch. “Is Mr. Kallum really all right? People have been asking me lately, and it’s been making me feel uneasy.” 
Benedict genuinely hoped for the best for Kallum, feeling a deep sense of guilt over the circumstances that had ensnared them both. If only I hadn’t been kidnapped, this wouldn’t have happened. 
Calista scoffed lightly. “Well, that depends on who’s asking, doesn’t it? I haven’t had the time to reach out to you lately. I’ve clearly warned you to be careful. Why did you still end up getting caught by Sterling?” 
Alone in the room with her father, Benedict felt compelled to confess. His brows furrowed as he looked down. “Callie, I was foolish and got tricked by Sterling. He sent me a message, claiming he had kidnapped Yelena and demanded a million for her release. He also warned me not to tell anyone, or else he would hurt her. When I saw the photo he sent, it looked like Yelena, and I couldn’t reach her on the phone, so I… But it turned out Yelena was never kidnapped. The photo he sent was probably photoshopped.” 
Calista closed her eyes, a headache brewing at her father’s naivete. Considering his past, it was no wonder he had been swindled so thoroughly, his judgment often lacking when it mattered most. 
“Okay, let’s consider this matter settled then,” she decided, thinking of the repercussions if Sterling or Harvey learned too much. Benedict was not one to hold secrets well, and stirring up trouble now could complicate her path of revenge. 
Seeing that Calista wasn’t going to delve deeper, Benedict exhaled in relief. “By the way, you haven’t mentioned how Mr. Kallum is doing? He should be… fine, right?” 
His tone was tentative, fearing the consequences if the truth were otherwise. 
Calista responded indifferently, “Don’t worry, he’s fine.” 
Reassured by her words, Benedict could finally relax. If something were to happen to Kallum, not even my death could get me out of this situation, and it’s precisely why I dared not step foot in the Fairchild Manor for the past few days. 
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