Chapter 9 
Natalie frowned and rubbed her forehead against the pillow. Realizing she was about to wake up, Josh straightened up and stepped back. “Dinner is ready. Let’s go downstairs,” he said. 

Eyes bleary, Natalie licked her lips and asked with hesitation, “Did you just…” 
Josh raised his eyebrow and smiled. “What Did you dream that I kissed you?” 
Natalie blushed and immediately denied it. “Of course not” 
Josh chuckled and said, “Let’s go.” 
Then Josh turned around and went downstairs before Natalie, 
When Nathalie got to the dining room, the hearty meal on the table first met her eyes, Josh then pulled out a chair for her like a gentleman. 
“Have a try,” Josh said. 

“Tastes good,” she said after taking a few bites. 
Josh glanced at Natalie and wiped the oil stains off her face gently. His voice was a little hoarse when he said with a smile, “You’re easily satisfied” 
The gentleness in his tone warmed her heart, but she looked away to avoid meeting his eye. 
I fell silent as both of them dug into their food. 
Noticing this, Josh didn’t say anything else. 
Natalie was lost in thought. I know nothing about this guy I just met except his name so far. Am I really going to marry him!” 
“What are you thinking shout?” asked Josh, looking at Natalie who was absent–minded 
“Nothing, Natalie replied. 
Josh suddenly said, “Nac” 
“Yeah?” she answered subconsciously. Then she belatedly realized that he was using her pet name, which took her by surprise. 
“Would you like to meet my family tomorrow?” Josh asked. 
Natalie pinched her palm and replied, “Sure.” 
After breakfast, they went upstairs together. To Natalie’s relief, Josh didn’t followed her into the bedroom. She remained seated for a while, sunk in thought. So many things happened lately, and she found it hard to sleep these days 
Footsteps could be heard from outside the door, and someone gently pushed open the door before stepping in Natalie stiffened and then straightened up in an instant, keeping her guard up. 
The one who came in was Josh. He didn’t expect Natalie to be still seated on the edge of the bed at this time. 
Seemingly frightened by Josh, Natalie looked at him without blinking, like a cute scared bunny. 
Josh slowly walked up to Natalie. Then he bent down, with his hands on both sides of her body. He smiled and asked, “Still awake? Are you waiting 
for me. 
Natalie’s heart raced suddenly. She lowered her head and clenched her jaw nervously while leaning backward slightly. “No… she murmured. 
“Then why?” he pressed. 
In such proximity, Natalie felt Josh’s manly crisp breath gently caress her cheeks, causing her to blush. Natalie stuttered, _ 1..” 
To her surprise, Josh suddenly leaned so close that the tip of his nose was against hers, and Natalie shut her eyes tight. 
The room fell silent for a few seconds. 
After a prolonged moment, Josh leaned in close to Natalie’s ear and adjusted the slipped nightgown strap from her shoulder. 
Feeling it. Natalie opened her eyes. 
“I was just kidding.” Josh said with a teasing smile. 
Chapter 9 
Natalie was confused. 
Josh said. “Good night! I’ll sleep next door.” 
Then Josh took a last deep look at Natalie and then turned around to go out of the bedroom. As soon as Josh walked out of the door, he licard Natalie inside breathe a sigh of relief Josh showed a complicated look in his eyes. 
Natalie woke up early the next day. When she was about to wash up, she heard a knocking at the door. 
“Ms. Linory. Mr. Franco asked me to tell you that there are clothes for you in the wardrobe. You can choose any one you like,” a maid said outside. 
“Got it. Thanks” Natalie replied. 
Upon opening the closet, she was greeted by a variety of clothes. They were all of her size and fitted her perfectly. Natalie checked the price tags and was shocked. The clothes were all the latest products of luxury brands in the current season. 
‘Oh, my! He’s bought me an entire collection of the latest designer clothing? Who exactly is he? she wondered. 
Natalie picked a random one and changed. Then, she went downstairs and took a seat at the dining table. 
Josh had long been there. He took a look at her and found her wearing a blush pink dress that accentuated her slender waist and nice curves, she appeared even more tender and attractive than usual. 
The dress looks good on you,” Josh uttered. 
“Thank you,” Natalie said. 
After breakfast, Natalie followed Josh into the car. Not until then did she turn on her phone, only to see a bunch of missing calls from her parents and Brian. But she only replied to Elizabeth to reassure her. 
“Did you sleep well last night!” Josh suddenly asked. 
“Yes, I did Natalie replied. 
Just tell me if anything upsets you,” said Josh. 
“Okay, thanks,” Natalie said. 
The car maintained a steady speed as it traversed the city. A glistening river extended alongside the urban landscape, and the car gracefully navigated through the chilly river of light. 
When they saw a mysterious villa among the mountains and by the river, Josh got out of the car and said, “Here we are.” Natalie also followed him 
Inside the villa, Dianna had already dressed up and waited there. She looked both excited and nervous. She checked her appearance from time to time and anxiously asked the maid, Jane Thomas, who was beside her, “What do you think of my outfit? Is it suitable to meet my future daughter- in–law?” 
“You look wonderful in everything you wear,” Jane responded. 
Dianna was upset, muitering. “This is all Josh’s doing! He springs such important news on me at the last minute, catching me unprepared, and I haven’t even gotten a gift for the girl!” 
“Shell understand, Jane comforted her. 
Dianna’s mood dampened again as she worried, “I never thought anyone would be interested in Josh. I’m afraid she might have chosen him impulsively and might change her mind later on…” 
Jane didn’t know what to say. 
Nearby, the housekeeper, Annabel Austin, who was nearly 40, listened to every word and felt a bit irked. 
Footsteps approached from outside as Josh and Natalie came closer. 
Dianna’s face brightened as they armved. She greeted them, “Hello! It’s wonderful to meet you. Please, come in!” 
Natalie was momentarily taken aback when she saw Dianna. Natalie’s own mother, Evelyn, was known for her beauty in high society. The woman before Natalie now, wearing a blue dress and carrying herself with grace, was just as impressive as Evelyn. 
Chapter 9 
As Josh moved to greet his mother, he saw Dianna grab Narlie’s hand with eagerness and head to the living room with her. Without words, Josh could only follow behind them. 
Dianna guided Natalie to the couch and said to the maid, “Some coffee, please.” After a moment, she reconsidered. “Actually, bring some snacks,” Dianna changed her mind. 
The maid nodded and left to carry out the request, 
Then Dianna turned to Natalie with a warm smile. “Dear, what would you like to eat? I can have it made for you.” 
“Thank you, Mrs. Franco, I’m fine with anything.” Natalie replied, a bit shyly. 
Dianna motioned for Josh to come closer. 
“Mom, what’s up?” Josh inquired. 
With a quick glance at Natalie, Dianna whispered. “Is she your girlfriend” 
“Yes,” Josh grinned and responded, “do you like her!” 
“She’s very young, Dianna said, giving Josh a look that could suggest she thought he was doing something wrong. “You’re thirty. Isn’t she less than twenty! You need a partner! How can you think about marrying a girl who might not even be twenty?” 
Josh was momentarily at a loss for words before he clarified. “Mom, she’s twenty–two 
“Twenty–two?” Dianna repeated, surprised, and then commented, “You’re thirty. Are you really a match for her? She’s in her prime, but you, you’re no longer young. How could you do this to her?” 
Josh could only roll his eyes. He couldn’t understand why a mother would be so hard on her own son 
Natalie nervously twisted her sleeves as she noticed Dianna and Josh hadn’t returned yet, and she cast a wary glance their way. Seeing this, Dianna walked back to the couch with Josh 
“Twas just clearing something up with Josh,” Dianna sadd and gave Natalie a friendly smile. “We haven’t really had the chance to talk. Where are you from? What’s your full name? Dianna inquired kindly 
Looking down modestly, Natalie replied, I’m from Gobis. My name is Natalie Linney: Just Nat is fine 
Hearing this Dianna frowned and repeated the familiar name. “Natalie Linney!” 
Feeling uncomfortable, Natalie fidgeted with her sleeves. The Linney family’s wedding situation was widely known, and she was unsure how Dianna would react to it 
Suddenly, Dianna pulled Josh aside again and whispered urgently. “You little rascal: I thought you won her over fairly, but you’ve gone and snatched her from another man! She was engaged to Brian, wasn’t she? You’ve got nerve, fooling around with the Sancée of Gobis’s most influential young man!” 
