Chapter 8 

“She’s never yours.” Brian stepped forward, grabbed Natalie’s wrist, and said in a cold voice, “Tell him, Nat. Tell him who’s your husband.” 
Natalie parsed her lips. 
Josh became a linte impatient. “Martin!” 
Martin immediately stepped in. He grabbed Brian’s arm, forcing the latter to let Natalie go, and started a fight 
Josh carried Natalie in his arms and walked away calmly 
Brian was so angry that he tried to chase after them. 
However, Martin held him back and calmly advised, “You don’t want to do this, Mr. Sherman.” After saying that, he let go of Brian and caught up with Josh. 

Brian was irritated. He watched Josh take Natalie into the car and drive away. Furious, he punched the wall with his fist. Then he took out his phone and called someone. I need you to look into someone” 
It was quiet in the Lincoln. 
Once they were in the car. Josh seuled Natalie on his lap, holding her by the waist. She became very still too nervous to move. Since Josh stayed quiet, she didn’t say anything either. 
After a good while, when she was trying to sit beside Josh, he took our a handkerchief and started to gently clean her wrist where Brian had grabbed her. He took his time, carefully patting it clean with absolute focus, as if he were cleaning something fragile. You have been with him for four years, right?” 
“Yes,” Natalie admitted. She had been with Brian from 18 to 22. She spent her youth with him. 
“You love him,” Josh said firmly. He noticed that Natalie grabbed his collar more tightly when she saw Brian just now. 
Natalie pursed her lips and said nothing. 
After she was brought back to the Linney family, she was looked down upon by many people, and Brian was the only one who treated her differently. He never had any prejudice against her or laughed at her. He even defended and protected her when she was bullied 
He was the only light she had in the darkness. 
“Maybe I do,” Natalie said, 
A disappointed look came into Josh’s eyes. After he finished cleaning her wrist, he threw the handkerchief into the trash can, and Natalie moved to the side seat 
A few moments later, Josh took out a cigarette and asked, “Do you mind if I smoke!” 
“Not at all,” Natalie said, shaking her head. 
Josh flicked the lighter open and a spark lit the cigarette in an instant. The smell of cigarettes was everywhere. 
After a a long silence, Natalie couldn’t help but ask, “Where are we going?” 
Josh leaned back on the chair and said, “You’ll know when we arrive.” 
About half an hour later, they left the big road and the city behind. After taking a few twists and turns, they finally stopped at the gateway to a large 
unsion. The villa looked mysterious and splendid. 
Josh stepped out of the car and offered his hand to Natalie. She hesitated momentarily before accepting it. Hand in hand, they walked into the large 
Ginkgo and cedar trees lined the stone walkway, their leaves drifting down. Natalie looked around in wonder. Had she not seen it for herself, she would never have imagined such a peaceful and gorgeous place existed in the heart of the city. 
The sun was setting, and a ginkgo leaf slowly fell on her shoulder, Josh reached out and gently brushed it away for her. 
Natalie looked up at him and asked, “Do you like ginkgoes! There was a large area of ginkgo trees in the manor, 
103 PM c c. 
Chapter 8 
a fixed his eyes on her face and said, “Yeah” After a short–pause, he stared at her and continued, “I like it very much.” 
Josh ! 
Natalie was confused by the passion in his eyes, but she somehow felt a little flustered. She looked away and asked calmly, “Where are we?” 
“Galaxy Manor.” Josh kept walking with her. “It’s my estate and we’ll live here after we get married.” 
Natale almost choked when she heard what he said. 
When she finally snapped back to reality, they were stepping into the Irving room, the floor scattered with yellow ginkgo leaves. 
The servants had already stood in line respectfully, and the bauler, Spencer Gomez, came forward and said, “The bedroom has been cleaned as you requested. Mr. Franco, 
Josh nodded. He took Natalie upstairs and opened the door of the master bedroom. It was a light blue room decorated in a warmly luxurious style. 
“You live here from now on. 
“What about you!” Natalie asked, before pausing abruptly. She then realized that she might have been better off not asking this question 
“I won’t leave my bride alone.” Josh replied with a soft smile that sent a blush to Natalie’s cheeks 
Josh paused for a second and continued. “It’s early now. Get surne rest and let you know when dinner is ready” Then he turned and went 
Looking around the big room, Natalie was in a daze. 
Townstairs, the servants were whispering. 
“I can’t believe that Mr. Franco brought a woman back.” 
“Who is she?”. 
“Mr. Franço was even holding her hand. He had never done that to Ms. Olivia Austin.“ 
Josh came down the spiraling staircase and stopped on the second floor, glancing at the servants while holding the railing. All the chatter among servants instantly stopped. 
Josh took a look around at the servants and said. “She’s in charge of this house from now on. You all should listen to her,” 
“The servants nodded and said, “Yes, Mr. Franco. 
Brian came back to the Linney residence and told Gordon and Evelyn what happened in the hospital. 
Gordon slapped hard on the armrest of the couch. “That’s ridiculous! 
Evelyn also frowned. 
Jennifer was the only one who secretly felt happy. However, on the outside, she requested a servant bring Gordon a cup of coffee and said, “Don’t be upset, Dad 
Jennifer had been brought up by Gordon and Evelyn, and she considered them her parents. The news of Natalie’s marriage was good news to her. 
After a sip of coffee, Gordon asked, “Do you know who the man is 
Bran spoke quietly, “I’ve had people looking into him, but he’s so secretive that they couldn’t dig up anything. Despite this, Brian couldn’t believe there was anyone better than him 
Jennifer grinned, “The wedding is only delayed. How could Natalie marry a stranger? Plus, we know nothing about this guy. What if he’s a con artist. or some creep? Did she think of our parents and the Linney family when she made this choice? And what about you, Brian? She threw a glance at Bran, only to see he was furious. 
Gordon got irritated. “She’s imane?” 
“Enough“” Evelyn said. “The most important thing now is to find her as soon as possible” 
Gordon frowned and said with a steer, “It seems that she’s eager to get married. Fine, but I’ll be the one who decides who she’s marrying!” 
1:03 PM c c 
Chapter 8 
Josh had been busy with his work in study for the afternoon 
At sundown, he put down the documents and walked towards the master bedroom. 
It was dark in the bedroom, Josh stepped on the carpet and walked quietly to Natalie’s bed. 
Natalie was asleep and her long hair spread on the pillow. On her cute linde face were long eyelashes and plump lips which had an irresistible allure. 
Josh’s eyes darkened. The next second, he stroked her hair and tucked a few strands behind her cars. Then he bent over and kissed her hard on the lips.