Chapter 7 
In the evening. Elizabeth visited Natalie in the hospital to find out when she could be discharged. 

I’m not sure. I’m waiting for what the doctor says,” Natalie replied 
“Let me ask about it,” offered Elizabeth. 
Elizabeth approached the nurse’s station to ask about Natalie’s health. The mention of Natalie’s name sparked immediate concern from the nurse, who made a call without delay, 
y must stay for now? 
Once the call ended, the nurse addressed Elizabeth with care and respect, “I’m sorry, but I’ve been told Miss Linney 
Elizabeth thought the mirse’s manner was peculiar and relayed this to Natalie, who didn’t seem bothered. 

The next day. Martin visited, as he often did, but this time he stayed, intent on preventing Brian from seeing Natalie alone. 
“I can wait outside if it makes you uncomfortable,” said Martin. 
Natalie nodded. However, Brian did not appear 
car that morning. 
It was just after four o’clock when a tall, impressive man walked down the hospital hallway towards Natalie’s room. Everyone–doctors, nurses, and patients–paused to watch Josh as he passed by. His good looks and dignified presence drew looks of admiration. 
Seeing him, Martin bowed respectfully. 
Josh knocked on the door. 
“Come in,” said Natalie. 
He pushed the door open and entered. 
Natalie was sitting on the bed, taking a sip of water, and looked up in surprise. “Why are you here?” 
Josh fixed his gaze on her. “I said I’d come to pick you up.” 
Natalie was shocked. She hadn’t taken their conversation seriously, thinking it was absurd, and hadn’t expected him to actually show up. 
Concerned, Josh asked with a friendly smile, “Is everything okay?” 
“The doctor won’t let me leave yet 
“I asked him to tell you that Josh moved closer, observing her bandaged leg. “Are you still in pain?” 
“Not very much” 
sorry about this! 
With a thoughtful look, Josh apologized, “I’m sorry 
“It’s okay,” Natalie replied earnestly, looking up. “Your driver didn’t mean it. I don’t blame you, so don’t feel guilty.” 
Josh gazed at her for a moment before gently patting her head, smiling softly. “I understand” 
Natalie turned her head to avoid has touch. It was too intimate for her. 
He watched her for a second, his lips pressed together, then said, “I’ll help you gather your stuff.” And he began to pack for her. 
g was packed, but as Josh was ready to leave with her, she remained seated. 
Natalie didn’t have many things in the room. Soon everything wi 
“What’s wrong?” 
Natalie lowered her head, uying “”1… 
Josh appeared to be quite patient, and his voice remained gentle. “What is it” 
Natalie clenched her fists, She meant to turn him down, but ended up admitting. “I haven’t packed my clothes yet… 
Josh glanced at the balcony and grasped her meaning. She had been in the hospital for several days and no doubt needed fresh clothes to wear. “III take care of it,” said Josh, walking towards the balcony 
Clupter 7 
Natalie felt awkward and protested, “I can handle it..” 
“You should rest your leg. Just stay here” And with that, Josh moved to the balcony. 
Martin was taken aback. He had never seen Josh do such a thing before. As he watched closely, he heard Josh command. “Turn away” 
It took Martin a while to realize that Josh was talking to him, so he turned around. 
Josh returned with Natalie’s clothes. At her bedside, he neatly folded her light green undergarments and placed them into the bag by the bed. He still wore the dark rosary bracelet on his wrist, and his actions caught Natalie by surprise. He looked completely at case, while Natalie’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. 
“Did you wash your clothes yourself?” he asked. 
“Sorry. I should have thought about that.” 
“I can manage,” said Natalie. 
After ever 
everything was done. Josh said. “Let’s go” 
Natalie felt choked up, unable to speak. She trailed behind Josh as he left the room. He moved quickly, but every so often paused for her to catch 
Josh fiddled with his bracelet and then glanced down at her. After a prolonged quiet, he unexpectedly scooped her into his arms. 
Natalie cried out in a low voice, frightened 
However, Josh had already strode out of the hospital with her in his arms. 
Many people in the corndor watched them, which made Natalie blush and grab him by his collar nervously. 
Josh glanced at her. Then he held the back of her head and pressed it against his chest. 
A Bendey stopped outside the hospital just in time, and Brian got out of the car. He had taken care of Jennifer the whole day and finally got time to come to the hospital 
However, as soon as he went to the gate of the hospital, he stopped. He saw that a man was walking out with Natalie in his arms. Brian clenched his fists and stood in front of them. 
Josh raised his he 
shead and looked Brian in the eye. 
Although Brian was always proud of his reputation in Gobis, he couldn’t help feeling a linle frightened when he saw Josh’s deep eyes. He could even see a slight disdain in those eyes, so he thought, Tm from the Sherman family and no one can look down on me!” 
Brian said coldly. “Let her go!” 
Josh squinted and said in a gentle but threatening tone, “Move” 
“No” Brian clenched his fists and glared at him. “She’s my wife! You have no right to touch her!” 
“Is that so!” 

at so!” Josh laughed in a low voice and continued. “Unfortunately, she’s mine now