Don’t Call Me Uncle 
Uncle Jasper has been quiet, he keeps looking at me like he is waiting for something, but I’m not sure what. I excuse myself to the bathroom, not needing it, I just need a break from all my dad’s friends. As I step into the bathroom, my body is slammed against the wall. 

Spinning I face Uncle Jasper. 
“What are you doing Uncle Jasper!” 
“Don’t call me Uncle Harley, do you not know?” He looks at me like I‘ m crazy and I laugh. “Was this really made for you.” He points to my tattoo and I nod. 
“Yes, why? Are you going to tell me off as well, is my daddy not telling me it’s wrong enough?” I laugh and growls at me, and something inside of me just clicks and I almost moan. Hell, that was 
“A few nights ago Harley, I was bored, waiting for a meeting and I visited a dance club.” 
My eyes widen, he was there. “Y…you saw me?” I need to make sure he doesn’t tell my dad. 

“You really have no idea do you?” He looks at me amused, his body. pressed against mine. 
“Uncle Jasper, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I said don’t call me uncle, I was in a private room. The woman. dancing with me was amazing, she had a tattoo, right here, this exact 
Don’t Call Me Unc 
tattoo, Harley.” Wait, my eyes widen, that was him? 
“Maybe someone else stole the design.” I know that’s useless, he doesn’ t believe me. 
“Maybe, there’s another way to confirm it was you though.” His hand moves pulling down my top and exposing my breast. “And there is the bruise and bite mark from where I tasted you.” I moan and shake against his body. 
Hell if I thought the last few nights were hard needing to orgasm and unable to, this is worse. 
“So, what are you going to do? You can’t tell my daddy can you Uncle Jasper.” I smirk at him, he is trapped himself. 
“Don’t call me uncle, I won’t say it again. Nothing will be said, we didn’t know it was each other, so we act like nothing happened.” He turns and walks out, but I feel like chasing him and asking him for more. I mean, sure my dad would kill him if he found out, but there’s a chance he won’t. 
He pushed me right back on the edge and somehow now, it’s worse, because instead of seeing the mask, I see his face. I sort myself out and walk back through, sitting I try and keep my eyes off Uncle Jasper.. 
“Okay princess, so who did you tattoo, you said it was a friend?” 
I nod and smile at him. Okay, it wasn’t a friend, but saying it was I was hoping he would relax and not worry so much. 
“So it wasn’t a friend, just some random you trusted with your body, that’s wrong Princess.” My dad looks at me shocked. 
“I don’t know Daddy, I quit like randoms.” I watch as Uncle Jasper 
Don’t Call Me Uncle 
chokes on his drink, his eyes glaring at me and I bite against my lip. 
“Princess, that isn’t funny. Stop getting defensive. I was about to say if you want any more done, ask, I will make sure that Diesel does them. for you. That way I know they are done right.” I stare at him shocked. 
“Even if I wanted one on my butt or boob Daddy?” I fight back the laugh as Uncle Jasper glares at me. 
“Princess!” My dad looks at me and I laugh. 
“I’m joking Daddy, no stripping for tattoos I promise.” He seems to relax at that, I spend the next hour with my dad talking, and every now and then I say something which purposely taunts Uncle Jasper, and it’s worth it to see his expressions. 
Who knew taunting a biker would be so much fun? I say goodbye and leave, driving home I say a quick goodnight to my mum before going to my bedroom. 
After showering and drying myself, I wrap my body in the towel. Lying on the bed with the sheet over me I go back to that night. My body below his and how it felt when I finally had an orgasm. Why was it so damn good? I need to try again, try and relieve the feelings. I slip my hand between my legs and begin playing, imagining it is him, pretending it’s that night again. 
As my fingers move faster I get closer to the edge but I just dangle there, screaming for the release I need. I move, grinding against my fingers as I begin to feel frustrated. I hear my door and stop, quickly removing my fingers. 
I’m breathing heavily. 
“Uncle Jasper?” My question hangs in the air as he steps further into 
Don’t Call Me Uncle 
the room. Hell, my fingers are soaked and still between my legs. 
