His Contract 
I wake up with a sore head and dry mouth. I squint my eyes open and look around confused. I’m not at the hotel. I sit up, seeing my dress folded on a chair in the corner of the room. 

Okay, think Harley, remember last night. I try to think back, but a lot of it is a blur. I remember doing shots with a guy. Did I go home with him? Fuck, I can’t remember. It’s a nice house though if this room is anything to go by. 
I see a glass of water and painkillers on the nightstand with a note picking it up I read it. 
Take them and drink it all. You will need it. 
Well, he seems sweet. I try and remember last night as I take the tablets and drink the water. Nothing is coming back to me though. I pick up a shirt that is on the bed and put it on, walking to the door I step out and stop. 
I see Jasper standing there leaning on the kitchen side looking at his phone and last night floods back. I called him not the taxi. How did I manage that? 
“Well, you’re alive that’s something.” His words have me smirking. “It’s not funny Harl, you were about to get in a taxi with a random guy when you couldn’t even see that you called me and not a taxi.” 
I want to argue but I can’t, I didn’t even recognise his voice, which says a lot. “Sorry, I didn’t realise that I went that far.” I felt fine last night. 

“Well you did, so it’s a good job you dialled the wrong number. As I 
His Contract 
said, he was sober.” 
I laugh slightly. “He wasn’t he was taking shots as well.” 
“Really? Because I watched and he looked and acted drunk, but as soon as he noticed I knew you, he didn’t. He then walked down the street, got into a car and drove off. That’s how sober he was. He was getting you drunk just to fuck you.” 
“At least he was willing to finish what you started.” 
“I didn’t start anything Harl.” 
“You did, you were laid on top of me talking about giving in. You had me believe you were going to then you ran, again!” 
“Because it’s wrong.” 
“So you keep saying, so stay out of my life. If I’m happy to fuck a guy while I can barely remember my name, that’s my choice. You’re just jealous because you want me, but won’t have me.” I stand and decide to get ready and leave, his hand stopping me. 
“I know Jasper, it’s wrong. I’m your best friend’s daughter. I called you uncle for my whole life, save it.” 
“If we’re doing this, we’re doing it my way!” I stand shocked. “You follow rules as my submissives do, this isn’t a fucking relationship and it isn’t love. Agree?” He stands waiting and hell I want to say agree, but there’s a chance he will change his mind then I may actually 
“Before you say anything, I need you to read this, I need to make sure you’re aware of what this will be. I need to make sure you can handle it and won’t in six months turn around and act like you didn’t know.” I 
take the papers from him, my eyes looking at it. 
It’s a contract. He means it, it already has my fucking name on it, he is really going to agree and let me be his submissive? I feel like it’s a trap, but I want him, I have wanted him since that first night. 
“Read through it while I make breakfast. Highlight anything that you need clarifying, or aren’t happy with.” He walks off leaving me with it, I sit and read through it. I highlight certain areas that I need to speak to him about. 
Sitting at the table I eat breakfast with him, and he is flipping through the papers. 
“Right, explain why each section is highlighted.” 
“Well, I need clarification on section one, clause two. It states I will not be your only submissive, does this mean I can fuck others?” 
I laugh slightly at his blunt answer. 
“Then I don’t agree. It’s one thing for me to agree and we both exclude. people, but for you to still have other submissives and me being expected to be a saint is wrong.” I won’t be just another random. 
“Fine.” I watch as he changes something and I look at him shocked. 
Has he really said I can sleep with other men? I won’t be, I just found it rude that he would with women. “It states it’s exclusive, I will not see 
any of my submissives I may have seen on and off.” 
Shit, I stare at him, I didn’t think he would do that. 
His Contract 
“Next issue?” 
“Erm, hand it here.” I can’t remember it all, flicking through I stop and hand it back to him. “I’m not happy with the money thing.” I’m not. 
“Look, I have always had an account set up for my submissives. It is used if they are buying new lingerie and such. It’s the account I would use if we go out anywhere. I changed it. Normally I put one hundred per cent of the money in, but I know your stubborn ass, so I put fifty, fifty. When this ends any unused money is yours. I will put a set percentage in each week from what I earn.” 
“Fine.” I won’t argue with it, not if it’s to pay for things we both might use or need.” I look at the papers again. 
“I have never used signals before. So it’s something you would have to teach me. All commands were verbal as such, never signals.” 
“That is fine baby girl, what’s next?” 
“Sleeping naked, no.” I can’t do that, 
“What is your fear around sleeping naked?” 
There are so many, and one I can’t explain, so I will explain the others. “Well, what happens if there’s an issue and I need to get up and out of the house quickly?” 
“You will have a gown next to the bed.” He thought of that clearly. 
“What about when I’m on? When I’m bleeding, to be entirely naked then wouldn’t feel right.” It wouldn’t. 
“You’re joking right?” He looks at me shocked and I shake my head. 
His Contraci 
“Why are you ashamed that your fucking bleed? It’s natural and shouldn’t be hidden. What did you do with your exes or any other masters you had when you were bleeding?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I mean what was the usual routine, sleeping, pleasure all that?” 
“Well, with partners I would sleep with them just wearing some form of nightwear. As for when I was with a master, we rarely shared the same bed. As for pleasure, there was none, I don’t expect there to be. Often they would get pleasure either using my mouth or another way.” 
He stares at me, what did I say–wrong? 
“Every partner? You’re being serious?” 
“It’s blood, so yeah.” I’m not a fool, men run from that. I’m used to it, when I’m on, I pleasure them, but that’s where it ends. 
“That’s fucked It’s fucking childish, and I will prove to you that you bleeding isn’t something you should hide from, or be ashamed of. You certainly should still get pleasure as well, never and I mean this. Never give a guy pleasure if he won’t give it to you.” 
“How can they when I’m on?” Is he fucking crazy? 

“So fucking what. Look, I don’t care, so no clothes, agree?” He looks at me and I nod, deciding to move on to the next part, most of it isn’t anything big.