Chapter 339 
Chapter 339 

“Jillian, you’re a total badass!” 
“Oh my God, how’d you even do that? The rifle’s so heavy, I can barely hold it, let alone aim at the target!” 
“I heard Jillian’s from a family of military doctors, always hanging around army bases. This kind of training is probably a walk in the park for her.” 
With all the praise swirling around her, Jillian couldn’t help but smirk. That spotlight feeling was back in full force. 
While Jillian’s shooting was decent, the others… well, not so much. Some didn’t even hit the target. 
Jason felt a headache coming on. Dealing with these girls–can’t yell, can’t scold. If it weren’t for Ms. Flora being here, he’d be at his wit’s end. 
“Sorry, sorry, Instructor!” 
Cynthia fumbled with her gun, accidentally firing a shot that zipped dangerously close to Jason’s legs. 
Jason, dodging quickly: “. 
“Ah, I’m so sorry, really sorry!” Cynthia apologized frantically. 
“Next up, 
Jason, keeping a straight face, marked a big X in the usual score column. But his tone brightened noticeably when he saw Flora’s name. 
Finally, it was Ms. Flora’s turn! 
Everyone’s eyes were glued to Flora, itching to see what the national top scorer was made 


Jillian’s eyes narrowed with a hint of disdain. No way Flora could outshine her! 
Flora picked up the gun, casually fiddled with it, then squeezed the trigger- 
With a sharp whizz, the bullet hit dead center of the target! 
The whole field erupted in cheers. 
“Holy crap! Bullseye! Is Flora even human?!” 
“No wonder she’s the national top scorer! Smart people really do excel at everything!” 
“I thought Jillian was amazing, but compared to Flora, she’s totally outclassed!” 
Everyone’s attention was riveted on Flora. 
Lance beamed with pride. Of course, their Ms. Flora was incredible! 
Even if they moved the target back another ten meters, she’d still nail it every time! 
Jillian’s grip on the gun tightened until her knuckles turned white, her face looking like thunder. 
After a grueling day of training, Cynthia wolfed down three bowls of rice and two rolls of bread at dinner. It might not have tasted great, but it beat going hungry. 
Each squad had to leave someone on sentry duty, and Flora drew the short straw for the first night. 
Barely five minutes into her shift, Lance and Colton showed up. 
Colton said, “Ms. Flora, come with me.” 
Bored out of her mind, Flora nodded and followed Colton, while Lance stayed on guard. 
“Ms. Flora, after you.” 
Colton stopped at a door, gently pushed it open, and respectfully gestured for her to enter. Flora walked in. 
Colton closed the door softly behind her. 
The room was pitch dark and eerily silent. Then a voice came from behind her, “Flora.” 
She could hear his slightly ragged breathing. 
Her back pressed against the man’s chest, his intense, masculine presence enveloped her. Flora chuckled, grabbing his hand at her waist, and said seriously, “Sir, please behave. I’m already engaged.” 
“How convenient,” the man laughed, “I have a fiancée too.”