Chapter 255 
“Cornett High School had really hit a new low, stooping to such dirty tactics because they couldn’t win fair and square!” 
“The kids from Westbrook High were way too honest for their own good, and now it looked like they were in for a major hit. That ref was clearly in Cornett’s pocket. Winning this time? It was looking next to impossible.” 
“If I ever see anyone from Cornett High, I swear I’ll deck ‘em every single time!” 
In the stands, Cornett High’s students wore faces full of shame. They were just as disgusted with Jack’s antics; winning like this was nothing to be proud of. 
“Let’s bail. Hanging around here is just embarrassing.” 
One by one, Cornett High’s students started to leave, afraid that staying longer would only stir up more anger. 
“Flora, this is beyond ridiculous!” Kaylee was shaking with rage. She’d never seen such blatant cheating on the field, such dirty tricks. 
Florà stayed silent, her pretty face icy cold. Her steely gaze was locked on the 

court, a frosty glint in her eyes. 
Dane and his team were battered, the scoreboard showing a five–point gap, leaving them trailing behind Cornett High. 
However, the ref kept tuming a blind eye, not handing out any real penalties to Cornett’s players. 
Flora pulled out her phone from her pocket, scrolled through her contacts, and fired off a text. Unbeknownst to her, Connor also picked up his phone, his fingers flying over the screen. 
On the court, Dane watched his teammates get hurt by Jack’s dirty moves, shaking with anger. 
“Dane, heads up!” Alex shouted, hurling the ball towards Dane with all his strength. 
As Dane jumped to catch it, Jack came out of nowhere, elbowing Dane in the back and kicking him hard in the knee. 
Pain shot through Dane, and he crashed to the ground. 
Jack easily snagged the ball and, with a sneer at Dane, sank it into the hoop under Dane’s furious glare. 
The ref blew the whistle, “End of the second quarter. Ten–minute halftime.” 
“Dane,” Alex rushed over to help him up. He wasn’t much better off, his face and body covered 
“Jack, you’re a disgrace!” Dane’s eyes blazed with anger. 
Jack crossed his arms, looking lazily at him, a smug grin on his face, “Like they say, love and 
necessary–it’s our game. You could forfeit now and save yourself some pain.” 
Winning by any means 
“Forfeit? Not a chance!” 
“Even better.” Jack chuckled, leaning in close so only Dane could hear, “N 
Then, he sauntered back to the bench. 
quarter… I’ll make 
ake sure you’ll never play basketball again.” 
The entire Westbrook High team looked defeated. With a biased ref and such scummy opponents, how could they keep playing? 
Losing seemed inevitable. 
“Maybe… we should forfeit…” A younger teammate suggested timidly. 
“We can’t!” Dane said through gritted teeth, “Giving up would only make those jerks happy. Even if we to play the next quarter!” 
As Dane finished, applause erupted. 
drop dead on this court, we have 
Connor, Flora, and Kaylee strode over. Flora watched Dane with admiration, “That’s the spirit.” 
“Flora…” Dane’s eyes filled with tears, a lump forming in his throat. He’s almost on the verge of crying. 
Connor handed Dane a black bag, “These are some ointments. They’re really effective. Rub them on your injuries. You’ll feel a lot better.