Chapter 205 
As the birthday celebration reached its peak, the Brimer family had become the punchline of every joke. 
Paul couldn’t hide his embarrassment, quickly made an excuse and hustled his family out the door 
Grandpa Josiah had taken a real shine to Flora. Despite her young age, her mature insights often left him, a man nearing the twilight of his life, feeling like he had just discovered something new 
When the party wrapped up, Grandpa Josiah clung to Flora’s hand, reluctant to let her leave. “Flora, you need to come visit me more often. If you’re too shy to come alone, bring Connor along. I’d love the company.” he said with a wann smile. 
Flora returned his smile and agreed. 
“And you, Connor, Grandpa Josiah added, tuming to him with a stem look, “don’t you dare give Flora a hard time. Having such a wonderful fiancée is a blessing for you” 
At first, Grandpa Josiah thought Connor was out of Flora’s league, but now, he wished he could claim her as his granddaughter–in–law himself. 
Raul and Henrik, brimming with curiosity, couldn’t hold back any longer As soon as Flora said her goodbyes, they pulled her away. Flora had hoped to chat more with Connor, but there was no chance now. She tumed to him and mimed a phone call, her hand to her 

Connor mimicked her gesture, his eyes twinkling with a tender smile 
In the car, two pairs of eyes were locked on Flora 
Raising her hands as if in surrender, Flora said Dad Hennk, give me a chance to explain” 
“Go on,” they prompted 
Flora gave a brief account of how the ended up in the back garden mentioned the painting but kept it vague 
Raul and Hennk were both veterans 
| Grandpa Josiah, simplifying the rescue details. She also 
world. They could tell she wasn’t being entirely straightforward. Her story was 
Flora’s transformation amazed them, but no matter how much she changed, she was still their gut. Seeing her grow stronger filled Raul and Hennik with pride. 
Back at the Irving household, Flora had just stepped out of the shower when her phone rang. It was Queen Algria 
“Flora, dear, are you busy these days?” 
“Just get to the point Flora replied, knowing from the last encounter at the opera house that Queen Algria had a favor to ask. She put her phone on the table and glanced at the scat on her paim. The new skin itched, and she couldn’t resist scratching it. 
“Well,” Queen Algria began with a chuckle, “a friend’s daughter has had a heart condition since childhood and wants to see if you could 
Flora noted the roundabout way she was asking “A friend’s daughter? Sounds like you’re not very close. So why come to me?” 
“It’s a bit complicated. I owe him a favor” 
Though she didn’t like the family, a debt was a debt 
“What’s their background? Flora asked, scratching her palm again. The new skin broke, causing a mix of pain and relief. 
“The Bryant family Queen Alga quickly said. She was well–informed and knew Flora had attended a Bryant family event that evening 
The person in question wasn’t from the main Bryant family, and their relationship was somewhat complicated. 
“Which Bryant family? Flora frowned 
“The Bryant family in Maple Grovel Hehe, actually, they’ve related to the Bryants in Cedarvale 
Flora, dear what do you think? Queen Alga asked nervously unsure if Flora would agree to the visit.