Chapter 314 
As Gideon and Gino were talking, they heard a car pull up in the driveway 

Judy, who had just helped Mildred downstairs, went outside and returned with a happy announcement. “Madan, Ms. Hera and Mr. Killian are fork” 
Just as she finished speaking, Bernard entered with Hera, arms laden with bags 
“Grandma, we’re back,” he greeted, sutely positioning himself as Mildred’s future grandson–in–law. 
Hera shot him a warning look, urging him unt to speak out of turn 
Mildred beamed. “Wonderful! Welcome Why did you buy so many expensive things?” 
Her eyes were glord to the bags Berved. She recognized that all of them were from high end luxury brands. 
“It’s a small token of ag 
Hera remained silent. 
“Bernard certainly isn’t being 
and me,” Bernard replied. 
stepped forward to take the hugs from Bernard. 
Bernard’s constant use of “we” and “Hera and 1” firmly linked the two of them together. 
“We’ll be family soon,” Bernarda 
Gideon was speechless. He said that Bernard wasn’t being shy, and he really wasn’t! 
If it weren’t for the Lever he owed Bernard from the company’s annual meeting, he wouldn’t want to show him any respect. 
He gave Gino a look, signaling him to step in. Gino understood and clutched his stomach, ready to feign illness. 
Right then, Bernard said, “The game console is for my little brother,” 
Gino’s eyes lit up at the sight of the game console’s packaging. It was the globally limited edition one he had been dreaming of! There were only ten in the world, and they were incredibly hard to find! 
“Thank you!” He took the game console and excitedly started unwrapping It. He had completely forgotten about his plan. 
Gideon couldn’t help but curse inwardly, “How useless!” 
“There’s a draft investment contract from Shuttle Ventures inside. Gideon, you might want to take a look,” Bernard added. 
Gideon froze, then quickly found a document among 
ng the gifts. He opened it to find two investment contracts. 
One was for investing in Sedna, and the other was for investing in the Everetts‘ company. The investment amount was a hundred million do… 
at reviving the Everetts. Shuttle Ventures would only take a 30% stake, leaving 70% for the Everetts. They would also send professionals to assist in the initial stages. 
It was like a piece of pie falling from the sky. 
James came out of the kitchen, saw the investment contracts, and was so moved he almost knelt down to sing Bernard’s praises. “Bernard, you’re the savior of the Everetts! I’ll definitely manage the Everetts well!” he exclaimed. 
Gideon didn’t immediately agree, but he didn’t let go of the contracts either. He couldn’t deny that with these two investments from Shuttle Ventures, the Everetts‘ position in Norburgh would rise, and they would eventually become a prominent family. 
Bernard had gone to such lengths that it seemed he was serious about Hera 
Gideon wes changing his opinion of Bernard, 
Just like that, Bernard secured the Everetts‘ favor with two investment contracts and a limited edition game console. 
After dinner, Mildred insisted, “The forecast says there’s a blizzard tonight. Hera was taken aback while Gideon and Glo exchanged surprised had anticipated their grandmother’s eagerness but not her outright 
You two shouldn’t go back. Stay here, the rooms are all ready.” 