85 Dear sister is used to causing trouble 
Ari was regretful that she and Noah’s relationship ended on such a bitter note, but what could be done? This was for the best. She looked at Jeremy’s kind face which was quite similar to Grandpa Nelson, who had treated her like his 
granddaughter. She said to him, “I am sorry, Uncle Jeremy.” 
She didn’t understand why she was apologizing. Was it because she returned his and his father’s kindness like this? Ari 
knew that Old Master Nelson was sick, but she still chose to be 
“There is no need for you to apologize,” Jeremy stated, his lips. curled in a polite smile. However, it slipped down, as he gazed at the lawn, he could see his nephew helping Ariel and sighed heavily. Noah brought her here to convince Ari, but with such a thing happening, how could Jeremy say anything to Ari? 
He turned his gaze away from Noah and looked at Ari. He said, “This is not your fault. It’s Noah who –“he trailed off, not wanting to say anything rude about his nephew. With a shake of his head, he took out a card and handed it to Ari. 
Before Ari could refuse, Jeremy offered her a smile and spoke casually, “Take it. If you require my help, make sure to call me. I might not be as powerful as Noah and his father, but if it’s in my power I will try my best to help you.” » 

With that, he glanced at the happenings inside the lawn, his eyes turned dark, and he said to Ari, “Let’s meet sometime 

Dear sister is used to causing troubin 
later, Ariana.” He then turned on his feet and walked inside the 
Nelson house. 
Ari also took a glance at her ex–husband who was now helping Ariel and curled her lips in disdain. She neatly tucked Jeremy’s card in her pocket and walked away, no wonder Jeremy was angry. It hadn’t been two days since the divorce proceedings finished, and Noah was already embracing Ariel in his arms without any restraint. It would be surprising if Jeremy did not lose his temper. 
The men of the Nelson family were trained to not only dominate the business world but also to never do anything that would embarrass their family. 
Noah, however, seemed to be failing at the latter aspect in 
every way. 
However, Ari no longer cared about him and Ariel. Even if she did, nothing would change, as Noah had no desire to put his trust in her. A relationship that held no trust, there was no point in pushing and pulling it any further as it would only snap into countless pieces. 
So rather than walking on the shattered pieces with a bleeding heart, Ari thought it was better to move forward, no matter how hard the process proved to be. 
“Taxi!” She raised her hand and stopped a taxi. 
The yellow and black vehicle came to a stop in front of her, and Ari told the driver her destination, “Landscape Apartments.” 
“Get in, miss,” the taxi driver said to her before turning on the 
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Dear sister is used to ca 
While Ari got into the taxi and drove away, Jeremy walked inside the lawn of the Harlow family. He looked displeased with the proximity of his nephew and Ariel. However, he kept his displeasure to a bare minimum as he came to a stop in front of the two. 
Ariel was rather pleased when she saw that Noah had come to her instead of going to Ari when she walked out of the house. However, she did not expect Jeremy to suddenly step out of the car. In her heart, she knew that she could fool Noah because the latter believed in her unconditionally, but that was not the case for Jeremy and the rest of the men in the Nelson family. 
She knew that Jeremy must have cottoned on to her small tricks, and must be upset with her. 
“Uncle Jeremy,” Ariel greeted the man with a sweet smile on her lips, but the latter ignored her as if she weren’t even there. He turned to look at Noah and questioned, “Are you done?” 
Noah could sense that his uncle was upset with him. He glanced at his uncle’s expression and even though he could not see even an ounce of anger on Jeremy’s face, the small furrow between Jeremy’s brows was enough to tell him that 
his uncle was furious. 
He knew that Jeremy wasn’t someone who lost his temper, especially in front of someone, as he was too much of a gentleman for that. Now that his uncle was angry with him, Noah couldn’t help but get slightly worried but at the same time, he did not feel it was appropriate to leave Ariel alone. 
Dear Sistnt is used to chueme trouble 
“I am done. Let me just help Ariel inside,” Noah began but was interrupted by Jeremy who turned to look at Ariel and said, “I believe that there is more than one person here to help Miss Ariel. Isn’t that right, Mister Aaron?” 
No sooner than Jeremy finished speaking, Aaron turned to look at his sister with a helpless look on his face. Earlier he was stopping Ariel from doing anything that could be counted as crossing the line, however, his sister did not listen and chose 
to do what she wanted. 
However, before he could stop her, his mother ended up 
rushing out of the house and Aaron knew that she was chasing after Ari. So he hurriedly stopped Mrs Harlow, as he did not want Ari to face any more unpleasant situation than she already had. He never expected that in just a few minutes, Ariel would cause such a disruption.” 
He let go of his mother’s arm and then walked over to where Ariel was standing, he rudely snatched her from Noah, causing Ariel to yelp. 
“You should have called me dear sister,” Aaron said through gritted teeth. His cheeks were red with anger, if not for the fact there were strangers in front of them, he would have flung Ariel on the ground. Since she liked pretending to get injured occasionally, maybe it was better to get injured once for real. 
Who knows? She might end up sitting still instead of causing trouble sometimes. 