Chapter 21 
Eliza humed along, jogging to hand over the food to the chef. “It might a bit cold and needs reheating” she said 
The chef didn’t say much 
Her phone pinged, confirming the delivery Her fee was deposited into her account 
With a deep breath, Eliza felt the hassle was worth 

At least she got the money 
Back at the villa, the birthday party was still in full swing 
Guests continued to antive, including Aaron.E 
He hadn’t really wanted to come. He couldn’t wrap his head amund why a mamed man would throw such a big party birthday 

Even if Eliza and Casper were getting a divorce, they were still mamied, right? 

“You and Nova 
“It’s her birthday today” Casper raised his glass, cutting Aaron off 
another girts. 
Aaron wasn’t usually chatty, but today, he couldn’t help himself “Doing 
ing this could make Eliza misunderstand, especially since you twen 

“What? She already told you about the divorce?” Casper appeared indifferent but a bit jealous, glancing sideways “Seems like your relationship with her isn’t as simple as it looks 
Aaron frowned. Given his history with Casper, he shouldn’t be questioned like this. His voice turned icy Eliza is 
“Is that so?” Casper chuckled lightly 
“Eliza is only m 
my friend 

Aaron always knew Casper wasn’t a generous man. He was possessive, a bit tyrannical, and domineering Honestly a guy like that wasn’t suited for a peaceful life 
“I just want to remind you that Jeffrey’s illness still needs the antibodies in Eliza’s blood it’s best not to do anything that might misunderstand That’s not good for a marriage, especially if you plan on having kids“) 
Casper’s gaze darkened. “Isn’t there any other way? 
“Well, there is. But it’s not really feas ble,” Aaron said 
Casper frowned, “Let’s hear it.” 

ll of E 
“It would involve draining all 
Eliza’s blood and replacing all of Jeffrey’s. The cost would be Eliza wouldn’t survive” 
Fearing Casper might not fully understand, he added, “if she gets pregnant 
ent, just drawing a tube of blood could purity the antibodies 

As Casper’s wife, Eliza had the duty to continue the family lineage: 
Pregnancy was the simplest, safest, and most efficient solution. Aaron hoped Casper would understand 
Casper remained silent 
Nova came over with her cane, smiling, “Casper, come blow out the candles with me 
He set down his glass, supporting Nova. “Alright” 

Aaron shook his head. 
After parking her electric scooter in the community shed, Eliza finally headed home 
Chelsea was standing at her door, checking her watch: “Where did you go to deliver food? I’ve been waiting for two hours.” 
Eliza smiled faintly. “It was a bit far Why didn’t 
hidn’t you go in 

“I can’t keep using the spare key to open the door”||| 
“It’s okay” Eliza took out her keys, unlocking the door “Did you wait to tell me e something important 
Chelsea helped Eliza off with her raincoat think constantly delivering food isn’t really your thing I found you a job 
there were a stable 

Eliza would be thrilled. Though she wondered who in Falconndge would dark to hire her 1 
end who just opened 
quite pleased 
studio in Falconndge. He needs talented 

commended you, and he seemed

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