Chapter 58
alir’s winning, he has no idea–I’m always ten steps ahead.
I might not know every
ry little detail about what happens in the Apex Circle, but I’ve been here long enough to listen, to observe, and to learn.
Deckard may have fired a few mids because of that useless Amica, but I still know everyone who works here. Some of them might have shifted their loyalty to her, but many still owe their allegiance to me. They just keep it quiet, as they should.
Even among the guards, I have allies. One of them happens to be Deckard’s driver, Galus.
Gaius lost his mate a long time ago. For a winle, be kept to himself, but then I started noticing how often he was around me. At first, 1 brushed it off, but then it became different. began to notice him in a way I sadn’t before.
For reasons Tean’t squite explains, Gamis started to linger in my thoughts. Kandorn moments of my day would bring his face to mind. And then, even
my dreams, there he was. My wolf has started to acknowledge himni, too.
Until one day, Gaius came to me and Laid everything bare. He claimed I am his new mate. His words were so sure, so resolute, that I couldn’t even deny it.
Do feel something for him! Of course, I do. But the only mate I’ve ever wanted is Deckard It doesn’t matter what my woll says or how my heari Buiters when fattas is near. I know what I want, and I refuse to settle for less.
That’s why I’ve stayed here, why I’ve endured in much, waiting–hoping–that Deckund’s wolf will finally recognize mine and accept me. That’s the only way I’ll ever truly know if I’ve won. If I can finally conceive, that will be my proof.
But it never happened. Not once. And then, the elders started whispering in Deckard’s car, pashing him to take a mate. I never believed he’d actually do it. Not until that lowlite Amica showed up.
She’s more than just some pathetic, cheating mate. I can feel it in my bones. There’s something about her that doesn’t s right, and I’m going to uncover every last secret she’s hiding.
Gaius and I have always shared a romnection—a derp, undeniable bond that I couldn’t ignore, no matter how much I tried. When he finally confessed his feelings for me, his love, I’ll admit, I was curious. Gaius shows me a kind of love I’ve never experienced before
He surprises me with gifts at the most unexpected times, and I never have to beg for his attention. He offers is freely, wholeheartedly. Unlike Deckard, Gams loves without hesitation, without shime, and Lean’t deny that I’ve enjoyed the warmth of his affection and the way he showers me
But I’ve been honest with him. I’ve told him time and again that I can’t love him the way he loves me. My heart belongs to someone else–Deckard.
He knows it. Everyone knows it. Deckard is the only one I’ve ever wanted. But wanting him feels like chasing something I can never have
And yet, Gaius doesn’t give up. He believes–truly believes that one day I’ll see things clearly. That one day, I’ll stop chasing a man who will new be mine and finally recognize the love standing right in front of me,
Oh Transer it can feel it, I remember my first night with Gaius–electric and breathtaking. He was everything I needed in that moment: tender, attentive, and utterly devoted Calus knows how to touch me, how to make me feel like a woman should feel. He loves me with a gentleness that is intoqucating, and when we’re together, he makes me forget–for a fleeting insient–the ache of wasting someone else.
But that’s all he ju a fleeting moment. Galus is just the driver, a temporary escape on my path to the one I truly desire. He fucks me with such reverence, so lovingly, but that will never be enough. Gaius isn’t an Alpha, not even a Beta. He’s just a pack member, ordinary and powerless. He doesn’t command fiery respect, doesn’t control anything except the car he drives and, occasionally, my orgasm.
I won’t lie to mysell–be is attractive in lais own way. But it’s painfully clear he cannot give me what I need. What I deserve. I want to stand beside power, to share it to wird it. I crave the kind of influence and dominance only Deckard can provide.
Of course, Gaius knows about my relationship with Deckard, but he’s powerless to stop me. He’s tried–several times–and I’ve made it clear to him that while Lenjoy his company, nothing and no one will distract me from my ultimate goal
There were moments when Caius, in his naive optimisin, suggested we run away together, start a new life far from here. The idea is laughable. I’ve told him plainly he can have half of me or nothing at all. And because of the bond we share, he can’t bring himself to walk away. He clings to what line offer, content to take whatever scraps I throw his way.
I know, deep down, he will hailors hope. He thinks that now, with Amica as Deckand’s new nute, I finally give up my chase and choose him. Bat Gains is wrong—so, so wrong. My sights are set, and I’ve never been more determined. There is no way my destiny ends with a common driver!
Cupter 38
Je doesn’t matter how long I love to wait or what obstades I must overcome. Gaius may offer love and loyalty, but my ambition burns brighter than his affections. Dec hand is my goal, my destiny, and I will stop at nothing to claim what is rightfully mine
have Gaius wrapped around my finger. He gives me what my body craves, and usore importantly, he keeps me informed. Our silly pillow talk -his way of baring his soul–olten reveals things he shouldn’t be telling me. Through him, 1 stay up to date on everything happening outside the castle and, most crucially, within the Apes Girdle.
Deckard is set to choose a new member for the Apex Girdle, a decision that could shift power slynamics in ways I need to anticipate. Laick, or maybe Exte, was on my side when I foumil imyself in the room as he began drafting the email to the chosen candidate.
I’m always prepared for opportunities like this Among my carefully hidden arsenal are pills, so potent they could tranquilize seven horses for hours. I slide one into the bottle of ancient wine thun Deckard loves, a wine I’ve been pouring for him all evening under the guise of being the
As I keep serving him glass after glass, 1 position myself near his desk, pretending not to notice the screen while watching closely for the name of the new member. The moment I catch a glimpse of it. 1 spring into action, distracting him with playful kisses and teasing touches,
It doesn’t take long before the drug begins to take effect. His body slackens, his focus weavers, and I smile to myself. Timing is everything, and
OF COURSE IT WORKS! The drugs are strong–strong enough to put a normal wolf into eternal sleep. If Deckard isn’t careful, he could fall into a coma. But I know Deckard is resilient, strong beynod reason. He’ll survive, as always.
As soon as I get him to bed, 1 strip off his clothes and waste no time. I’ve been craving him for days, and nose he’s mine to enjoy. I take him into my mouth, savoring the way his body responds to my touch. His rock hardens, and the way his body reacts excites me, but my focus never wavers from my real objective
With his eyes fully closed and his body plant. Emove swiftly, I make my way in his laptop, ensuring it doesn’t go into sleep mode.
There in the drafted email. My lips curl into a simile. Replacing the name and email address is easy enough, swapping us the original choice for Alpha Dane. Then, I schedule a meeting for two days from now to officially induct the new member of the Apex Circle. One click, and the email is
Mission accomplished, I turn to where Deckin lies. His body remains at my mercy, and I decide to finish is litle game I started. I take my time, indulging myself, knowing that this moment is mine and mine alone, but Deckard’s cock goes anft quickly before I get back, and I couldn’t get it back up, Frant use it to satisfy mipself. I am pissed, this was never an issue until Amical
But it is fine, very
very soon their would all be over.
Morning comes, and I’m up before Deckard stir. I leave nothing to claner. As I prepare to leave, I instruct one of the servants to inform Amica that the Alpha has summoned her in his room.
Lefsee how she lundles the aftermath of this little game.