Chapter 306 
Inside the high–end restaurant, six beautiful waitresses dressed in bright red dresses were each carrying exquisite royal cuisine as they entered the private dining room in an orderly manner. Each had a gorgeous face, a perfect figure, and wore a practiced smile as they served the esteemed guests in the room. Molly couldn’t help but marvel at how challenging it must 
be to be a waitress. 
Soon after, twenty–eight plates were laid out on the table. Yet, only three people were there to enjoy the feast, and Molly felt it was truly extravagant and wasteful. 
A teasing voice beside her remarked, “Stop staring at the beauties and start eating.” 
Feeling self–conscious, Molly immediately diverted her gaze from the beautiful waitresses. She pondered. Even though I’m a woman, I can still appreciate beautiful things, can’t I? Especially these lovely women with their high–slit dresses and long legs peeking through. 
The person who had teased her just now said. “Focus” 
Scott glanced at Molly and slid a bowl of seafood bisque her way 
“Why did you order so much food this early in the morning? The three of us can’t finish it,” she whispered, not wanting to be impolite in front of the unfamiliar male client across from her. 

Yeah, Scott, the three of us can’t possibly eat up all these dishes, the male client across from them also seemed surprised by the excessive amount of dishes. At that, Molly’s face then turned bright red from embarrassment. 
The client seemed to know Scott well and laughed heartily. “Hi there, gorgeous. Are you Scott’s assistant? It’s my first time seeing him bring an assistant out.” 
“I’m not. Molly began to feel nervous 
The client continued, “Oh, then you must be his sister…” 
“I… I’m not.” Molly stammered while lowering her head anxiously 
“Johan, stop teasing her,” Scott sighed, finally coming to her rescue. 
The client, Johan Young, then burst into a hearty laugh, completely disregarding his image. “I see. So, you like this kind of woman, huh? No wonder.” 
Molly wished to explain herself, but her face had already turned beet–red. Just then, the restaurant manager walked in, smiling at them before slowly asking. “Would you like some wine? We have a wide selection in our cellar…” 
“We’re not drinking today, Scott replied promptly. As someone who had once been a rookie at the Innovate Group, Molly knew that in business dealings, the client had to always be catered to as they were always right. 
Therefore, Molly discreetly tugged at his sleeve and whispered. Even if you can’t drink, you should let the client choose. Just because you can’t doesn’t mean he shouldn’t.” 
Scott glanced over at her hand on his sleeve, paused for a moment, and then righteously told her, “Exactly, with you here. I definitely can’t drink. If I can’t drink, neither can you two.” 
Molly stared at him in disbelief, thinking he was being totally unreasonable. 
Johan struggled to hold back his laughter, and once the manager left and the door was closed, he burst out laughing. “You two are adorable.” 
At that, Molly was immediately petrified. Scott then nonchalantly told her, “Johan can read lips.” She thought irritably, Why 
didn’t you tell me sooner!– 
Thus, while the two men talked, Molly kept her head down the entire time and ate silently, feeling frustrated. 
Scott and Johan didn’t eat much. They just picked up some greens to their plates with their forks. They were efficient, quickly bringing out the contract, discussing some details, and signing it without delay. 

Scott then packed his briefcase. As soon as he turned around, he saw Molly gobbling as if she could stuff all 28 dishes into her stomach. He sighed, “Don’t stuff yourself.” He figured she didn’t want to waste any food. 
“But there’s still so much left,” she mumbled while chewing on a piece of some animal’s paw, 
Afterward, Molly looked up at them. Now she understood that Johan was one of Scott’s close friends, just like Vincent. That meant she didn’t need to worry too much about formalities. 
Just as she was thinking about whether to pack up the leftovers, Scott, who had guessed her thrifty thoughts, couldn’t help. but chuckle, “Don’t forget, we live in Havencrest and have to head back tonight.” 
Molly, ever the thrifty one, looked troubled and replied, “But what about all this food? We haven’t even started on those six dishes over there.. 
“Oh no, I drank too much juice earlier…” 
Once Molly felt she didn’t need to keep up appearances, she became very down–to–earth. She had sneaked a peek at the menu earlier and saw that the juice was free, so she refilled her glass three times. Now, nature was calling, and she quickly dashed out of the private dining room. 
Scott was taken aback, watching the woman rush out so quickly He couldn’t stop her and hadn’t expected such a soft- looking person to react so fast. Scott had meant to say that there was a restroom in the private dining room. 
Johan wasn’t about to miss this, quickly sitting next to him, putting an arm around his shoulder like a best friend. “Scott, after all these years, you finally couldn’t hold back any longer. Congratulations!” 
At that, Scott remained expressionless, not wanting to respond to his friend. He sighed inwardly, Seriously, how did I end up with friends who are all idiots like this?’ 
They waited in the private dining room for twenty minutes, and Molly still hadn’t returned. Scott then frowned and said he’d settle the bill and check if she had gotten lost.” 
Johan left the private dining room with him, still teasing, “Scott, this is the first time I’ve seen you care so much for a lady. Looks like a wedding invite is coming my way. 
“You don’t even know, Vincent and I didn’t want to attend your wedding reception last time. That woman Chloe, you need to sever all ties with her after the divorce. Don’t let those old issues mess up your life… 
“I can take care of my own matters. Scott walked down the last step of the stairs, turned back, and added in a colder voice, “She and I are just friends. Don’t make things up.” 
Johan, who had been his friend for years, shrugged. “Sorry. I got carried away.” 

With the contract signed and business concluded, it seemed Scott was a bit annoyed with him. Johan wisely decided to leave early. 
Scott, perhaps feeling he had been a bit rude, called out to his friend’s back, “Merry Christmas.” 
At that, Johan chuckled to himself. Among their circle of friends, Scott was the most rational and calm. But everyone had their own secrets and burdens. Johan realized he had indeed said too much earlier. 
“Merry Christmas, Johan murmured as he looked through the glass door at his friends. In their busy, glamorous lives, even 
Chapter 306 
holidays had become a luxury. For people like them, in a world filled with vanity and hustle, finding someone to bring them joy and comfort was truly a luxury.