Chapter 261 
Stephanie turned her head slightly, avoiding his gaze. She didn’t yell anymore, feeling that she was always making herself so embarrassed in front 
of him. 
Neither of them spoke. Dominick glared at her, but his intense gaze gradually softened, becoming calm and gentle. He then furrowed his brow, scrutinizing her face. 
A nurse hurried in, asking, “What happened to the patient?” 
Dominick straightened up, standing tall in the small, brightly lit hospital room. His commanding presence was palpable. He glanced at the nurse. 
“Get the doctor in here, he ordered. 
The nurse, intimidated by his innate authority and air of nobility, nodded quickly. “Yes, right away, she said, rushing out. 
She quietly informed the doctor that the new patient was difficult to handle and advised caution. 

The handsome middle–aged doctor, with a gentle smile, didn’t seem bothered. After a brief, straightforward conversation with Dominick doorway to understand the situation, he glanced at the woman on the bed with a complicated expression, then went next door to gather some 
the medical supplies. 
Stephanie knew the doctor w 
was there to tend to her injured ankle. She lay on the bed, indifferent to her injury, staring blankly at the pale ceiling. When the doctor finally treated her wound and bandaged it, he remarked, “The ankle injury isn’t serious, but she’s frail. She needs three IV drips and should stay overnight.” 
His voice jolted Stephanie. She shifted her gaze to the end of the bed and saw the doctor in a white coat. He was no stranger but Matthew Rowen, who had called her this morning and who had operated on her before. 
“Why are you here? What do you want from me! Who do you work for? What’s your purpose? Stephanie suddenly became hysterical, screaming at the doctor. 

Terrified, she immediately raised her upper body and tried to get out of bed, desperate to leave. 
“Stop the bed 
madness” Dominick’s voice was icy and severe. Dissatisfied with her behavior, he gripped her shoulder angrily and pushed her back onto 
Stephanie’s head hit the headboard, tears welling up from the pain. 
She struggled, trying to get up and flee, desperate to escape. “Dominick, you have no idea what I’ve been through alone. You have no right to judge me. You’re a bastard, a total bastard!” 
Tears finally streamed down her face, 
Fearing they might come to blows, Matthew stepped forward to calm them. “Please, stop fighting and calm down. 
Dominick, his face dark with anger, stood by the bed. His hand pressed hard on her shoulder, making it impossible for her to break free. Stephanie’s face was streaked with tears. She pushed him away with all her strength, struggling desperately. She hated feeling so helpless and powerless, controlled by others, like prey at their mercy, always scared and anxious, 
“Dominick, don’t make me hate your Her clear eyes looked at his familiar face, tears streaming down, crying like “Don’t make me hate w 
you,” she screamed, and her voice filled with despair and helplessness. ‘I don’t know what to do anymore! 
a helpless child. Dominick suddenly fell silent. 
He stiffened as he looked at her, his chest feeling like it had been hit hard, making it hard to breathe. 
Matthew glanced at the bed and lowered his head slightly, seemingly unable to bear seeing Stephanie in such a state. His eyes were filled with complex emotions. 
The ward fell i 
an eerie silence. 
Finally, the sound of footsteps receded, and a deep, cold voice left a final remark “She’s staying in the hospital tonight.”