Chapter 70Savannah’s POV
I looked at Avan who’s face now changed to a different kind of expression. I sighed in relief inwardly. If
the news came little late then I would have to kill myself. Because of his injection I couldn’t awaken Red
and because he is an Alpha male, I couldn’t fight with him at all. Given my only normal physical
strength it was impossible. Besides, if he had forced me, my baby would have gotten hurt and my body
would have been ruined. I could never look at Hardwick with my dirty self again.
“How the fuck they found this place?” Avan roared angrily.
“I don’t know. The news just came that the whole Bright Shine Clan is dead. And they are charging
towards us” the man who brought the news said again.
“Fuck, that bastard is too fast. He really did destroy my whole clan. Fuck, fuck fuck” Avan cursed loudly.
“What should we do now?”
“We can’t fight with them. We need to leave first. This place is already remote, I never thought he would
actually find it so fast” Avan clenched his fist. I can see his jaw tightened with each word.
novelbin”This is the most private place, Alpha. And if we leave now then we may get caught soon” the other
man shook his head.
“Now you are going to tell me what to do?” Avan growled.
“Alpha we are not safe”
“I don’t fucking care about that. We need to leave this place right now” Avan forced his words.The other man looked like he wanted to say more but before he could make a sound another man
rushed in hurriedly.
“Alpha bad news. They are here and they have surrounded this whole area. We couldn’t leave”
“Fucking bastard” Avan shouted angrily. He turned around and suddenly punched the wall hard. The
wall showed a cracking sign instantly. I rolled my eyes.
“Are you out of ideas now?” I chuckled “I told you, my mate will find you no matter where you hide me.
You have really underestimated him Avan. Now look at your own condition. Your whole plan is
destroyed and now your doom is knocking on your door. And everything happened because of you. Are
you not guilty that because of your own greed so many people had to die?”
He turned around and threw a glare “shut up you bitch. All of this would not have happened if you just
stayed in the pack obediently. But no, you had to run away and put the whole pack under doom. You
didn’t even care about the pack who raised you for so many years providing you with everything” he
snapped at me.
I smirked “providing everything? ” I tilted my head throwing a mocking smile “by that term of yours you
mean the 2 times meal per day? Or are you referring to the humiliation I have suffered all these years?
Let’s not talk about others, turn to you, who was ashamed of showing me as your mate in the pack yet
went around hooking up with Reese and fucking her all around. Then when you get caught you wanted
to make a deal by substituting me in the dark? Is that what you mean by everything? Will all of this
happen if that sinister couple snatched me away from my own parents? If you want to blame then
blame them then blame yourself”
“But unfortunately that sinister couple is already dead isn’t it? And you are already left alone” my smirk
grew wider “do you feel good now? How’s the feeling of being alone? Like I felt all those years I lived in
that fucking place”Avan’s eyes turned dark as he glared at me angrily. He walked forward then slapped me hard making
my head turn at the side. I can feel blood flowing from the corner of my lips. But instead of feeling angry
or pain it just made me smirk.
“Shut your mouth if you want to stay in a good position. You talk too much. Let me clear the outside
mess first then you will see how I deal with you bitch”
I turned my head to look at him again “do you know what? You are a coward, Avan. So much of a
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coward that you don’t have the courage to listen to the truth. I really wonder how I couldn’t see this face
of yours and was so obsessed loving you all those years. I truly regret it” I snapped at him.
“You fucking bit-” before Avan could say a earth shattering roar echoed outside. My heart jumped
suddenly then it started to beat faster.
He is here,
My mate,
My other half,
My man,
The father of my little baby.
“Fuck” Avan cursed as he looked at the door.
“We need to stop them” the two other men ran out hurriedly.
Avan turned to look at me again “you are so into that man isn’t it? Fine, today I will kill that bastard
infront of your eyes then I will fuck you so hard that you until you remember nothing but me”I smiled “dream and reality are two different things Avan. Before you turn dream into reality, you need
to see if you have such ability or not”
He didn’t say anything but glared at me hard. I gave him a mocking smirk, making him more angry.
“We will see” he turned and about to step but the door flung open. I turned my head only to be pinned
under the familiar dominating brown orbs. My eyes suddenly brimmed with tears as I saw his face. My
mate, my Hardwick, was standing on the door steps glaring at us. He was shirtless and only wearing
pants. His muscles fixed and bulged making him more masculine if possible.
He is here. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief. When I opened my eyes again, I found him glaring at
“You really have such big courage to lay your hands on my mate” Hardwick glared at Avan.
“She was my mate first,” Avan retorted.
Hardwick laughed “too bad, you never cared. You never knew the worth of your mate. You have lost the
chance and now she is mine” his sexy lips hooked up “you never knew what you were missing”
“Bastard, how dare you say that?” Avan growled.
“A coward like you doesn’t even enter my eyes” Hardwick retorted smirking.
“Since you are so over confident I will show you who has the real power here. Today I will drag you into
hell infront of her eyes” Avan roared.
“Even if I have to go to hell, I will drag you down with me you coward”
Then they both charged towards each other. Both of them were Alpha blood and their powers are
almost the same. Avan threw punches towards Hardwick but he avoided it gracefully. Taking thechance Hardwick threw a hard punch on Avan’s chest making him fall on the ground.
“Fuck” Avan cursed as he wiped the blood from his lips.
“Is that your power?” Hardwick smirked. This man never leaves any chance to mock others. I wanted to
roll my eyes.
Avan got up and charged again. This time he kicked Hardwick hard. Hardwick moved back, hitting his
back on the nearest wall. My eyes widened as I called out.
He looked up then smiled “I am fine baby. Don’t worry” he strengthened himself then rushed towards
Avan. He threw uncountable punches on Avan’s face which Avan tried to avoid. Both of them fought
hard but it’s hard to decide who is stronger. Because they both are the Alpha so their strength is
stronger than others. Few seconds later they both pushed themselves away. Glaring at each other they
“Today is your last day on this earth you bastard” Avan roared then shifted into his wolf form. My eyes
widened. I never witnessed him like this though I used to imagine myself in my fantasy. But today
seeing his wolf I don’t feel anything.
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“I will dig your grave here” Hardwick growled then shifted too. My eyes fixed on his posture. Soon my
eyes met with dominating one. His black eyes almost clouded the white spaces. His dark black hair
was shiny as he stood there with his majestic appearance. Huge and dark. My eyes couldn’t move as
it’s fixed on my mate. This is the first time I am seeing Onyx. He is so handsome, beyond imagination.
They roared and attacked each other. Their attack was so fierce that it made my heart jump. They
growled as they fought trying to show dominance over each other. The Alpha fights were the mostdangerous one. It won’t stop until one of them dies declaring the victory of survival. Onyx jumped on
Avan and stretched his paw attacking him.
“Sav” a panicked tone reached my ear making me look at the door. Devak rushed towards me with a
concerned expression.
“Are you alright?” He pulled me for a hug.
“Yeah” I nodded.
“Fuck. That bastard tried to force you” he cursed when he saw my half naked state. He quickly
removed his shirt and made me wear it. He held me in his arms then broke the ties before pulling me
“Are you hurt anywhere?” He asked again.
“No” I shook my head. Just then a loud growl echoed in the room. I turned my head only to find Avan’s
lifeless body lying in the pool of blood. I stared at his lifeless body. Only if he could just stay out of my
life, he would still be alive. I shook my head. Even though I have broken the bond but he was my first
mate and seeing him die in front of me is really uncomfortable.
Hardwick shifted back in human form then strode towards me. As soon as he reached me he pulled me
for a hug.
“I almost thought I lost you my love” he whispered in my ear, planting sweet kisses.
I hugged him tighter “I was so scared. I thought you won’t be able to come in time” I cried. All the
emotions I was holding back earlier started to pour out.
“Shh….. Don’t cry. Everything is fine now. All those trouble makers are dead now. No one will come
after you” he kissed forehead.”Are you hurt?”
I shook my head “no, he injected me with something and made Red sleep in me”
“We will find a way to awaken her again. For now you need to rest” he scooped me up in his arms
before striding out of the room.
The whole pack members were waiting outside the house. But my eyes widened as shock plastered on
my face when I saw the familiar face standing among the crowd.
“Reese?” I gasped. “What is she doing here?”
“She was the one who told us about this place,” Hardwick replied.
“She told you?” I frowned then looked at her again.
Reese looked quite changed now. She was wearing a light purple knee length dress. Her facial make
up was light. Not like the past who used to show off. She looked like a completely different person. She
smiled slightly at me. But I can see there was nothing but emptiness in her eyes. Her face was pale
and she looked weak.
“Hi Savannah”
“I know. It’s a long story anyways” she shook her head.
“Because you helped me find my mate, I will spare your life. Until you find your place to stay you can
be a guest in Dark Forest” Hardwick said.
Reese looked shocked but then nodded lightly. I turned my head and looked at my mate. He is
forgiving her? I know that Bright Shine is already gone from the history of the wolf tribe. And it wasReese’s home and now she is homeless. But I never thought Hardwick would offer her help.
He looked at me and smiled “everything is over now darling. Let’s go home. Everyone is waiting for us”
I smiled and nodded before placing my head on his chest. He was still holding me in bridal style.
“Yes, let’s go home”
Everything is over, Finally.

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