Xavier looked embarrassed and chuckled awkwardly to cover it up. “Please pay attention to the word ‘seriously.’ What I mean is officially pursuing someone with the intention of getting married to her, not some puppy love.”
I shrugged while holding a highly disapproving and doubtful attitude toward his words. At the same time, I made it clear where I stood in regard to his proposition.
“Sorry, I have a boyfriend, and we have a stable relationship. So, I have no intention of changing that. Plus, I’ve always been a faithful person when it comes to matters of the heart. Unless Colin explicitly told me he doesn’t want me anymore, no one can separate me from him, including the son of the Kings.”
He was unwilling to accept this and circled around me. “Are you serious? What’s so great about Mr. White? He’s old-fashioned, so he’s totally not the right person for you. Living with him would feel suffocating sooner or later.
“But look at me! I’m young, handsome, wealthy, and caring. I have everything a boyfriend should have.”
“If I’m not the right person for her, then who would be? Are you saying that you’re the right person for her, Mr. King? How dare you try to steal my girlfriend from me? Are you itching for a beating, brat? I can totally teach you a lesson on it.”
Colin, dressed in his costume, walked over to us with a cold and domineering expression. His presence was exuding a strong intimidation, as if every breath he exhaled was filled with frost.
“Well, it’s not up to you to decide whether you’re the right person or not. It’s all up to Lulu. Come on, Lu. Tell us your decision. I’ll only listen to you.” The boasting Xavier was now cowering behind me upon seeing Colin’s approach. It was just that his mouth remained as insolent as ever. slallh the FindNI.not website on Gøøgle to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.
This guy was really asking for trouble. He just called me “Lu.” It sounded so jarring. Who did he think he was? This nickname was really amusing.
But was he pretending not to understand, or did he genuinely not understand? Or was he implying that I hadn’t clearly made my stand earlier?
Just as I was about to reiterate, I saw Colin cracking his knuckles. “Xavier, if you’re looking for a beating, just say so. I’ll give you a lesson without holding back.”
Xavier visibly jumped on hearing the cracking sound, and he hurriedly fled without saying another word. His footsteps resembled those of a frightened dog with its tail between its legs.
This brat really had such nerve, trying to pick up women like that. It was hilarious.
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“Colin, it seems that he’s afraid of you.”
“Yeah, a few years ago, I beat him up when he talked back rudely to the professor. It was probably the trauma from that time.”
Thinking of the fight between Colin
and Shawn back at Lincoln University, knew how capable Colin was. Shawn was quite formidable, but he
by was completely overwhelmed
by Colin. So with Xavier’s soft and pampered demeanor, he would undoubtedly be beaten up by Colin.
“Mr. White, you’re always bullying me. I won’t give up on Lulu,” Xavier yelled after he was quite a distance away from us.
Colin sneered. “He’s crazy. Let’s ignore him.”
“Yeah, I will.”
After eating all the good food and having a couple of glasses of wine, I felt full and wanted to use the restroom.
As the hotel I
bonds quite large, I had to
garrough a small botanical
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with many rare flowers
reaching the restroom.
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I had always enjoyed observing animals and plants, so remembered them in detail I used them in my En drawings whenever necessary. The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
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This was thanks to the training I
received at home from time to time.
O time.
It would be an exaggeration to say O that had a photographic memory, but really did observe everything carefully and remember it clearly. The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
So, as I walked along the winding path of the botanical garden, I tried to identify
the trees around me.
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In the center of the garden, there was
a pile of rock forming an artifioian mount. heard some voices talking ΕΠ when I passed by. The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest
chapter there!
It sounded like a man and a woman.
“It seems that you’re infatuated with Ms. Lawson, Mr. King.”
Wasn’t that Jasmine? I thought she had left the city. When did she come back? Or was it all just a ruse to deceive Colin and me?

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