Over the years, whenever we were about to take the final step, Colin would
eventually take a two-hour cold shower to calm himself down. Fortunately, he had exercised all year round and was in good physical condition, or he wouldn’t have been able to endure it.
I had no idea if enduring too long would cause his manhood to lose its function. In any case, he would certainly suffer a lot of psychological torture.
However, it probably wouldn’t lose its function. There was no way couples usually split up because they had lost their sexual abilities. Some religious people stayed away from women throughout their lives. Were they all losing that physical function of their bodies? Slalch Thi Find Dølel.nit website on Gøøgll to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.
Colin was being clingy, so I had to do my role as a girlfriend by comforting him. What if his important part lost its function? I might lose my happiness for the rest of my life.
Thus, I decided to encourage him to keep enduring. Victory wasn’t far away, after all.
“You’re not even comforting me. I’ll endure it till death! Hmph, I’ll sleep by myself tonight. I won’t hug you.”
The clingy Colin appeared to be in a nasty mood. He turned around and hugged himself tightly.
I stared blankly at his broad back, unable to recover for a long time. I felt that something was wrong with me.
I was usually tired and sleepy and wanted to go to bed early, but Colin kept kissing and hugging me. I even considered giving him sleeping pills to stop him.
Today, he slept alone and gave me the quiet night I desired, allowing me to sleep as much as I needed. However, I couldn’t get used to it anymore. I felt lonely, cold, and aggrieved that I had been abandoned. Colin’s embrace had become my luxury. I found it difficult to fall asleep without it.
However, I couldn’t let him know because it would make me appear weak in his eyes. Fine then. It didn’t matter if he wasn’t willing to hug me. I’d sleep on my
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I tossed and turned in bed repeatedly without sleeping.
After I counted many sheep, I still couldn’t fall asleep.
What should I do? If I kept tossing, the next day would arrive soon.
Forget it. I’d rely on Colin again. I could practice my independence in the future.
I watched his back for a few minutes, took many long breaths, and then made the wisest decision of my 23 years.
I probed his leg with my foot, then
waist with my finger and
called him several times. He
didn’t respond at all. S
Colin most likely fell asleep.
What should I do? Was he asleep, or was he angry and unwilling to talk to me?
I bit my finger and pondered again. Whatever it was, my pleasant sleep required cunningness.
So, I tightened the straps of my
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cs and checked myself. I
covered myself
pretty safe.
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I didn’t care what Colin’s reaction
would be. I raised my leg ando m straddled his waist before lifting my upper body and lying on his The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
shoulders. With a somersault.ne
successfully landed in front of him, only an inch away from his arms.
I looked at Colin carefully. His eyes remained closed, and he didn’t reach out to
hug me.
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What was going on? He couldn’t have
fallen asleep in half an hour was ignoring me on purpose? The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!
That wouldn’t work. I had to find a way to prompt him.
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I pondered for a while and eventually came up with a brilliant notionton
ensure he couldn’t reject my
approach. The content is on Novelxo.org! Read the latest chapter there!

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