Chapter 68Hardwick’s POV
“Wh….who?” Daisy looked at me with a complex expression. Her eyes were red and puffy. Fear could
be seen on her face clearly though she tried to hide it well.
“You know your pretense will only lead you towards hell. So why waste time?” Ryan snorted “Daisy, I
used to think you are intelligent but today I got to know that you are worse than your sister. Do you
siblings have a degree in scheming behind people’s backs? Seriously, I have never seen such a
personality in my life. You are really an exception” he clapped his hand.
Daisy’s eyes flashed with thousands of emotions. She looked like wanted to speak but her lips
trembled as no voice came out at the end.
I pinched her jaw tightly making her cry in pain “I fucking don’t have time to play with you. So you better
tell me everything before I force you to spill every fucking thing. Hard way or east way, the choice is
“Ma-master I don’t know anything” Daisy stammered gulping down her saliva.
I smirked “hard way it is. Ryan”
“You are a fool” Ryan snorted angrily before walking out of the cell.
I looked at her “do you know why I disliked Delaney? Since this matter is about to end I will tell you the
truth. You were crying out because you think your sweet sister suffered injustice in my hand? You said
Delaney devoted herself yet I was so blind that I never saw her devotion and cared about her? Since
you fixed your mind on her side then let me enlighten you with something” my gaze turned cold and I
gritted my teeth. Anger started to bubble inside my chest.”Do you think your sister is innocent and kind-hearted that whatever accusations she suffered were all
false? But let me tell you, your sister is not what you think on the surface and why is that? It’s because
she was the reason my father died”
Daisy’s eyes went wide as she gasped loudly. She shook her head and face was clouded with extreme
“Master-that-it’s not true. Delaney could never do that”
“You think I have free time to joke? Your sister was the one who used poison to kill my father. And the
reason because after her plan of seducing me and getting a title failed as my father refused to accept
her as my wife. Her grievance over this matter couldn’t suppress the hatred and venomous heart. She
really did it so cleanly that It too years to find out the truth. Dad falling ill suddenly then leading to the
death bed-” my fist clenched as the image of those terrible memories flashed. “She not only killed my
novelbindad but also my mom. Mom couldn’t accept the fact of her mate leaving her so she followed him
silently and joined on his afterlife journey. I would have shown her hell if I knew this truth earlier but she
was quite lucky for that. Now that all her truth has been dug out from the past she has to pay for
everything. Ruining my parents and now ruining my life. For such a person like her, there only one
feeling that could place in my heart” I turned and pierced her with my gaze and that is LOATH”
Daisy’s body trembled as she started to shiver. Looks like the truth of her sister shook her hard enough.
“It will be better for you to tell me the truth. You already betrayed me by getting along with my enemy
and helping him take my mate away. You harmed your Luna and this kind of sin is unacceptable” I
Ryan walked in again holding a chain “Bright Shine is under attack” he informed.
I nodded and eyed the chain “go ahead”Ryan didn’t waste any time as he immediately walked towards Daisy and tied the chain on her wrist
then tied her hands on the wall. Daisy was forced to stand up and now almost hanged on the wall. I
walked towards her and grabbed her jaw harshly.
“Where is Savannah?”
“How stubborn!” Ryan said then attached the chain with the plug.
“I am asking you again. Where is she?” I asked her.
“I don’t know,” she shook her head.
I laughed darkly “fine, since you are so eager then. Let’s have fun” I moved back.
“Ahhh……” She screamed. The chain was connected with electricity. Once Ryan switched on it would
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transfer the electric shock through the metals to her body.
“Still not talking” Ryan roared “do you want to enjoy double power my dear. I would love to grant your
wish” Ryan smirked and I increased the level.
“Ahm……”Daisy groaned. Her body shook then she screamed again again the current passed in her
body “AHHH……..”
“Alpha sp-a-re m-e. I will tell you everything”
“You know what to do. Don’t make me repeat again” I told her.
“I…..I….. actually don’t know where he took Luna. He didn’t make it clear because of the shortage of
time. My work was just to-just to let his man cross the border and enter the pack. I don’t know aboutLuna’s whereabouts. But he mentioned he would take her to a different place far from the valley” Daisy
said with a trembling voice. Her body was shaking violently without stopping.
“Far from the valley?” I frowned. My guess was right. That bastard really took her away in different
places so that I couldn’t find them. Bastard you think, you can hide my mate and I will let you?
“Bright Shine must have another secret place where they do private things,” Ryan said, frowning.
“Let’s go”
“To watch the extermination of the Bright Shine” I walked towards the door “increase the amps to 0.2” I
ordered my man who was guarding the cell door. He nodded and walked inside.
Just as we stepped out of the cell I could hear the lethal scream coming from the cell.
“What a loss!” Ryan sighed.
“Right, what a loss” I uttered as we strode out of the cell area.
Devak’s POV
In the Bright Shine Pack-
“Exterminate every fucking thing” I roared as we charged inside the Bright Shine Pack. The armies of
Dark Forest and Snow Moon Pack are enough to deal with all these people in the pack.
“Don’t even leave a single life whether it’s a woman or a child. Kill everyone who gets in your way” I
ordered shouting.The screams of the women in the packed roared in the silent night. No one would have thought that
something like this would happen. This fucking lowly pack was always the eyesore in my eyes and
today they went overboard in their sins by kidnapping my sister. How dare they lay hands on her? Was
not all the humiliation she suffered from childhood enough that they went to plan and take her away
from her mate when she finally started to be happy? I will fucking show them what hell is?
“Avan you bastard come out. If I don’t drink your blood I won’t get peace” I roared.
“What’s happening?” Alpha Deven and Luna Artha came running out of the pack house. Their eyes
went wide when they saw our army.
“Alpha Devak? Why are you here at this time and what’s all these?” Deven asked, looking around.
“You don’t know?” I smirked “I should praise you then. It’s really surprising that you are the elder of this
pack yet you don’t even have any idea about what your younger generation is messing with?”
“Alpha Devak, please calm down. I really don’t know anything? Why are you so angry and attacking our
pack like this? We are innocent”
“Innocent?” I laughed “you are really something I must say. i really wonder how the fuck you ruled this
pack all these years with such a low IQ of yours Alpha Deven? Did you use any kind of trickery?” I
His face turned dark then red “what kind of nonsense you are saying Alpha Devak? I have devoted
myself to this pack. Even though I don’t know why you are angry but I won’t let you insult my pack like
I rolled my eyes “is there anything to insult your pack? Do you think you even stand to such a point to
throw any insults? You still need to upgrade to get to the point first””Alpha Devak” he roared angrily.
“Shut up” I roared back “don’t waste my time and bring out that bastard son of yours”
“Avan?” Deven frowned “what did he do?”
“You don’t know?” I mocked “wow, are you still his father? Or did you mistakenly take another’s child as
“What do you mean by that?” He glared at me as if I would get scared of that.
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“As a father you should know what your son is doing. But looking at you I feel pity that you are tricked
by your own son and now his son will bring you all to the path of hell”
“Alpha Devak, there must be some mistake” he tried to defend.
“Mistake?” My anger blasted “your fucking son kidnapped my sister who was happily have crowning
ceremony in the Dark Forest. How do you explain that Alpha Deven? You really raised well your son
that now both of you going to hell together”
“What?” His eyes widened and his face was plastered with shock. “How could this happen? Avan could
not do such a thing” he shook his head.
“Couldn’t? That bastard already did it and now he is hiding her. You are still defending that useless son
of yours?”
“Alpha what’s he saying? What did Avan do?” Artha cried, grabbing Seven’s arm.
“Alpha Devak I really don’t have any idea about it. If I ever knew about this then I wouldn’t let him do it.
Alpha please give me sometime, I will talk to him and knock some sense ik him” Deven tried to plead.”Talk?” I laughed “there’s no point of doing that Alpha Deven. Your son has already done the damage.
Who do you think would pay the price?”
His eyes widened “no, he is the only son left to me. I will make him return your sister”
“Do you think my sister is an object that your son can put anywhere he wants? What do you think of
me? A fool? Alpha Deven you are really something. Even if you plead to me nothing will change. Bright
Shine is doomed to collapse” I hissed.
“No,” Artha shook her head as she cried out. A horrifying expression clouded her face.
“Alpha Devak, you are angry now. Please calm down first. We can talk about it calmly” Deven tried to
“There’s nothing to talk about. Use your trick on them who would believe in you because your tricks are
not acceptable here” I glared at him.
“Shut up” I growled.
“Alpha Devak, my son is ignorant and doesn’t understand the deep meaning of the situation. Please
forgive him. I will ask him to safely return your sister back to Dark Forest. Please give me sometime”
Deven pleaded again.
“Oh, maybe you have such free time but I don’t” another voice rang after him. I turned and saw
Hardwick striding towards us with Ryan.
“Alpha” Deven gasped.
“Since you are so unable to handle your son, I will do it for you,” Hardwick said.”Alpha please spare my son’s life. He is always stubborn and does what he likes. I know he had
committed sin by kidnapping your mate but I will punish him for that. I will ask him to return your mate
safely” Deven insisted.
“After ruining my mate’s reputation you still have the guts to say this?” Hardwick growled angrily. “Do
you think this is kind of a joke? Is my mate’s life a joke to you?”
“Shut up or I will just seal your mouth forever” Hardwick didn’t let him finish. “Do you think that your
solicitation will change the situation? Your son’s audacity is quite impressive, I couldn’t help but praise
him. He dared to covet my mate and crossed his all limits by kidnapping her”
“Alpha Hardwick- ” Deven hesitated for a moment “Savannah was also Avan’s mate. She-”
“You better keep your mouth shut if you don’t want to die without knowing the reasons” Hardwick
warned even before he could finish.
“You bastard, you even dared to bring up the past” I growled. “When she was here all of you never
treated her well but hurted her the worst way possible, ripping her self respect and now you dared to
plaster the broken bond in the present? Alpha Deven you really have such a huge fortitude in you to
put such useless efforts isn’t it?”
“My son is an idiot, please don’t take his actions seriously,” he pleaded again without caring for his own
Alpha image.
“Your son has done what he wanted to do. Now it’s our turn to repay him with respect.” Hardwick’s
voice fell with a chilly tone.
“What do you mean?” Deven was expressionless..Hardwick turned to him and smirked “surprise” he uttered before he roared with a high-pitch voice
almost blasting my cochlea. A huge black figure flashed before my eyes as the huge furry figure
jumped over Deven followed by Artha’s heart wrenching scream.

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