Chapter 64Savannah’s POV
“Everything is normal, I have checked the results and it’s all good. You don’t have to worry about your
health and your baby” Sadie smiled placing the report on the table “Alpha is quite worried, he even
asked me for the 5th time in this morning” she chuckled.
I smiled shaking my head “he is always like this”
Sadie turned to look at me “no, he is not always like this”
“What do you mean?”
“I have seen Alpha since I was 14. So no he is not like this always. Even when his parents were alive
he was always a moody one. I mean, though he talks normally but his behaviour and his eyes were
never gentle. He always had one expression in his life: the great ‘poker face’ ” she laughed.
“But I never expected that he will change this much. I never saw him laughing or joking with others.
Even when he is with Ryan he never looked so jovial like he was with you. You know most of the pack
members are afraid to talk to him directly so they used to ask Alpha or Luna to help them deliver their
message” she laughed “but I must say Luna after your arrival there’s something changed in his
behaviour. I mean he doesn’t look like before. Before you his mood was always surly and that surliness
always caused others to tremble in fear. The only one who goes and talks to him is Ryan. And as for
others they don’t have much courage for that”
“He is always that scary?” I frowned. Though I know that he is quite dark and dangerous, I never
expected him to be this cold blooded.
“Scary? He is more than that. Like Santan in the hell and born as Asura to devour everyone when he is
not pleased. That’s why the whole pack never goes against his order and refers to him as Master thenusing Alpha term. I guess you have noticed that in the whole pack it was only we siblings that call him
I nodded “I know that”
“Hm…. But I am happy. You know it’s quite good to keep the pack disciplined. Because of his surliness
no one dared to disobey him”
I looked at Sadie. She knows much about the pack and what’s happening around. Though she said she
is always interested in practicing her medical research, she is also a member of the pack. I hesitated
for a moment before I made up my mind.
“Do you know Delaney?” I asked her.
Suddenly Sadie’s expression changed. The playfulness gone in a second was replaced by a weird
“Delaney? Humph! That woman is a bitch and couldn’t wait to throw herself in the arms of Alpha. Her
father could not control her anymore and paired with that slutty sister of hers” Sadie rolled her eyes
“both sisters are the incarnation of evil creatures who couldn’t stand still if they had not ruined anyone.
Delaney that bitch even tried to frame Alpha when she was still a teenager. She used dirty means and
told everyone that she slept with Alpha and they had a secret relationship. I mean she is a kind of girl
who has no shame. And that younger sister of hers is the worst. Whatever Delaney says is true.
Delaney ruined Daisy’s clear state of mind by putting all the garbage stuff in her mind” Sadie huffed
angrily. “If I could I would have injected then with a killing virus and have them force to go to hell slowly”
“You sound like you have lots of grudges”
“It’s not like that actually. Though I don’t interfere in this pack matter but I am also a member so I
couldn’t help but hear everything going around. Starting from small to major matters in the pack. I don’thave any enmity with them but the way Delaney tried to frame Alpha is really disgusting. Ever since I
came here Alpha has always behaved warmly towards me, like a brother” she smiled “and I have also
taken him as my brother so if anything happens to him, I can’t forgive the sinner. And that Delaney she
only made me feel disgust whenever she appears in front of me”
I sighed “some people don’t know how to choose” I said. Just like Reese. She chooses Avan even
when she knows their relationship is not appropriate and also knows that he was my mate. But she still
went for him, giving up all her pride. She gave herself and devoted to Avan at the cost of her own real
mate. Thinking about that, I feel pity for her. Her own greed took her high yet she forgot the higher she
goes the fall will be painful beyond imagination.
“You shouldn’t think about this past matter now. You are now with a baby so all your attention needs to
be focused on your baby. Or that mate of yours will have my head in his dinner plate” Sadie jokes,
making me laugh.
“Are you serious?” I shook my head.
“Of course I am. I know I said he changed after you but that doesn’t mean he has become softer. All his
gentleness and care is only limited to you so whether he is changed or not we can’t keep hoping for
much. Besides if anything happens to you he will break into rage and I fear that he would set the whole
world on fire. And I still want to live for few more years doing my research”
“Don’t worry you won’t be dying that soon. You still need to have your mate and build a family”
Sadie shook her head “I am not interested in this mate thing. I know a werewolf needs his or her mate
but I am more interested in my medical term than mate thing. Besides I want to play with my little
nephew or niece and teach him or her the medical line” she squealed loudly like a kid.
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“Who said that to you?” A cold voice sounded in the room. The door opened and Hardwick walked in
holding a tray.”You really have a strong gut to pull my kids in your crazy medical field” he said with a sullen
“How can you say that?” Sadie glared at him. “Learning medicine is good. Just because you are a wolf
it doesn’t mean you are all safe. And regarding your position and power the enemies are lurking around
to hurt you. So it’s better if the pack had more doctors or it would be best if everyone learns medicine”
she said proudly.
Hardwick rolled his eyes “if everyone becomes doctors then I will kick you out of the pack”
Sadie pouted then huffed, turning her head to the other side. Hardwick smirked before placing the tray
on bed.
“Your breakfast is here darling” he smiled warmly.
I glanced at the tray and gasped “what’s all this?” I pointed at the food.
“What? It’s your meal and you are going to finish everything here. You are not getting up until every
fiber is consumed”
“Are you serious?” I frowned.
“I don’t like joking”
I sighed feeling all helpless “how am I going to eat all these? It’s way too much”
“Why can’t you? You are pregnant and you need healthy foods to keep you and our baby healthy” he
“Hardwick I am pregnant but I still can’t eat so much. Even if I need to be healthy , there’s a limit to
eating everything” I smiled.He turned to look at Sadie “what are you doing? You need to give her a good diet plan”
Sadie rolled her eyes “I will prescribe vitamins and nutrients of course. But about eating it depends on
Luna herself. Besides during pregnancy Luna will crave for food that she wants. And it’s better to give
whatever she wants and in this way it will make her healthy”
“Is that so?” He frowned then turned around to look at me.
“What’s the result?” He asked again.
“It’s good. There’s no complications. You don’t have to worry about it. I will be doing some more test to
“When can we see our baby?” I asked.
Sadie laughed “don’t worry. We can do it after the ceremony. You are still in first- trimester so we can
have an early ultrasound test to confirm the due date. The test said you are already 4 week pregnant.
So you need to have your medicines and a good diet first then we can perform the test?”
I nodded “it’s good”
“The preparation for the ceremony is already done. Jenny will be helping you to pick your dress. Since
you are pregnant I can’t allow you to take a journey to the city and tire yourself”
“Then how am I going to choose?”
He smirked “nothing is possible for me darling. I will have the designers bring their exclusive designs
here in the pack. They will come tomorrow and all you need to do is choose whatever you like”
“That will be expensive””Nothing is more expensive than you love” he leaned and kissed me. His words melted my heart and I
felt secured in his arms.
“Hell, don’t start your PDA here. Don’t forget I am still here” Sadie cried out.
“Why don’t you just leave then?” Hardwick glared at her.
Sadie smirked “I was appointed by you remember dear Alpha? Besides, let me tell you one thing: you
can’t have anything funny with Luna during this period for safety. So whatever dirty thoughts you have
in your mind, you better push it away for next few months”
My eyes widened and my face flushed red. Sadie really said it so sharply. While on the other hand
Hardwick cursed down loudly.
Avan’s POV
Finally the day I have been waiting for has come. I am finally going to have my destined mate in my
arms again. Once she is here all the fucking problem in my life will go away. And once she is here I will
never let her go. She was mine and will always be. Just thinking about her made my cock hard and
twitching in pain running against my pants. Just one more day then I can just have her the way I want.
My cock was painfully hard and I fucking need to release myself. Just then the knock on the door
sounded and Jude came in.
“Hi Avan” she smiled charmingly and strode inside the room. Swaying her sexy body “as the deal was
confirmed I am here to sign the papers in behalf of my dad”
“Please sit down” I smiled at her. Jude was a sexy woman. She was wearing a pencil skirt which was
split in the middle showing her white creamy thigh. The white shirt she has was transparent and I cansee her lacy bra.
“Dad said he had already checked the condition” she smiled looking into my eyes. Her full red lips are
inviting me to devour. I felt my cock twitch again.
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“Why do I feel like you are in pain? Are you okay?” Jude asked me, frowning.
“I am fine, just sign the paper” I tried to smile.
“Oh” she picked the paper and was about to sign when it swayed and fell on the floor.
“I am sorry. I will just pick it up” she bent down to pick the pen up. I could feel her stare down there.
Fuck. I cursed inwardly.
She got up and smirked. Then checked the paper again “All the conditions are fine. But there’s
something I want to add”
“What?” I frowned.
She smirked then licked her lips “these conditions may satisfy my dad but what about me Avan? I am
also a partner and I also need a term for myself”
“What do you want?” I asked.
She smiled then got up from the chair. She tried around and came in front of me. Leaning down and
novelbinshe looked erotically “you know you are so handsome. I have been charmed by you and couldn’t get
you out of my mind. Don’t you think you should do something for that?”
Suddenly a smirk appeared on my face “you want me to be responsible for that?”
“I know you are smart but for now I want to be responsible for what’s happening to you down there”
before I could say she knelt down and opened the zip of pant before pulling it down. She pulled thepants and my boxers together, freeing my cock.
“Fuck” I cursed when she took whole of me in her mouth. Her hands went down to massage my balls
and I groaned in pleasure.
“Yes, they’re just like that. Fuck do that ” I groaned and got hold of her hair then pushed my cock in her
mouth. Jude tried to settle with my speed as she gagged but didn’t stop. I had a few thrust in her mouth
then released myself and pulled her up.
“You are fucking sexy” I groaned and straddled her on my lap. I kissed her neck and she moaned.
Opening her shirt I pushed her lacy bra and grabbed her perky big breast. The softness of her skin
made it even harder for me.
“Fuck you are hard” I took her hard nipple and sick it hard while she kept moaning.
“Um…… Oh my god please suck me” she moaned. I took her other breast and sucked on it. I travelled
my hand and pushed her skirt up to her waist before slipping my hand in her panties. I cursed down
when I found her pussy dripping wet. I pushed three fingers in her wet pussy making her scream.
“Ahmm……” She clutched on my shoulder as she threw back her head and screamed.
“Oh my god yes….. Ah….. Avan please do that”
“You like it?” I smirked and sucked her nipples again while fingering her. After a few strokes she
cummed in my hand.
“Ah …that’s so good” Jude leaned and kissed me wildly “I knew you also wanted me Avan. Please fuck
me. I am dying with this crave”
My cock was so hard that I could hardly wait for it. I pulled her up a little. then slipping the condom I
positioned my cock and slid inside her in one thrust. We both groaned in pleasure.I fucked her hard making her jump on my lap. Her breast bounced as I thrust in her. I was not gentle
and for such a woman like Jude. She offered herself and I wanted my release so we both are in the
same mutual condition. I want it hard and fast and she wants it wild.
“Oh my god, you are so good Avan. Ahm… Please fuck me harder” Jude moaned again..
I pumped in her harder than the chair I am sitting shook vigorously along with the table beside me as
she held it. The slapping of our skin echoed in the room mixing with our groaning and moaning.
“I am cuming” Jude rocked her hips.
“Cum” I slapped her but harshly making her wetter.
Her walls clenched around my cock squeezing it and I groaned.
“Ahmmmm……Avan….” Jude screamed. She rocked her hips hard and I thrust in her before letting
myself cum.
“You are so good” she smiled then got up. Her skirt was still on her waist as she smiled at me sexily. I
raised my eyebrows then grabbed her and placed her on the table.
“Are you satisfied?” I asked.
“More than ever,” she smiled.
I smirked “but I am not” then I leaned and parted her legs before sucking her pussy.
“Oh god…..ahm….yes …. Suck baby…..suck my pussy ….” Jude moaned, grabbing my hair.
I groaned and pushed my tongue in her core fucking it again. Her pussy leaked more juice and I
sucked it off. I reached out and kneaded her breast while she was a moaning mess.After sucking I got up and looked at her. Her face flushed and she looked sexy. I threw the used
condom and put another then I entered in her again and fucked her like a beast.
“Oh my god. Yes Avan please fuck me hard. Please make me sore” she clutched my waist with her
long legs. Soon we reached our climax and we both moaned as we released our cum.
“That was so good” Jude came down from the table then steadied her dress.
I wore my pants and sat on the chair with a satisfied smile.
“The deal is done Avan, thanks for satisfying us with the agreement” she sighed at the paper and
walked out like nothing happened.
I looked at the paper and smirked. Another knock was sounded on the door. I looked up and found
“What is it?” I closed the agreement file.
“Daisy is here”

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