189- Detention and deserving “Lady, can you tell me your name?” She asks quietly. She sounds like she doesn’t actually expect me to answer. Which is fair I guess, I’m not even exactly one hundred percent sure that I can. My head is aching. But that’s the question she asked and I am going to … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 189” »
Category: Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan
Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan (Complete)
This book is authored by Kit Bryan. I’m an ordinary waiter, but I can see people’s fate, including Shifters. Like all children, I was tested for magic when I was only a few days old. Since my bloodline is unknown and my magic is unidentifiable, I was marked with a delicate swirling pattern around my upper right arm. I do have magic, just as the tests showed, but it has never lined up with any known Magic species. I can’t breathe fire like a dragon Shifter, or hex people who piss me off like Witches. I can’t make potions like an Alchemist or seduce people like a Succubus. Now I don’t mean to be unappreciative of the power I do have, it’s interesting and all, but it just really doesn’t pack much of a punch and most of the time it is just pretty much useless. My special magical skill is the ability to see threads of fate. Most of life is annoying enough for me, and what never occurred to me is that my mate is a rude, pompous nuisance. He’s an Alpha and my friend’s twin brother.
188- Backrests and basements I consider this new information for a few minutes while Bellamy eats another serving of eggs on toast. Actually, he seems really hungry. Did he wait for me to eat? “Cheryl being able to avoid your commands is… inconvenient. But I suppose if you’re going to go around killing and kidnapping, … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 188” »
187- Accidents and avoidance I wake up feeling groggy and I just know that I’ve slept in late. If I did dream, I don’t remember any of it which honestly is kind of a relief because I needed rest so badly. Bellamy isn’t in bed beside me, so I assume he got up at a … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 187” »
Strings of Fate 186- Examination and exhaustion I startle at the new thread, then freeze. I probably look ridiculous and I’m fairly sure I’m alternating between staring at my own ch*st and Cheryl’s. Ugh, I probably look like I’m staring at my own boobs. I have got to stop. I’m too stunned to speak and … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 186” »
184- Lifeless and lawn The hour and a half that it takes for Alex to gather all the necessary information is somehow the longest hour and a half of my life and the shortest all at the same time. It drags on but is also over far too quickly. We all head downstairs to get … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 184” »
Strings of Fate 185- Honesty and hatred As I approach the house, I can see neighbours peering out their windows at us. I give one of them, a kid, a cheerful little wave before he ducks back behind the curtain. I guess the door breaking was a little loud and this is a bit of … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 185” »
Strings of Fate 183- Pacing and preparing Even though he’s just left, Bellamy calls Alex. I feel kind of bad about it, he’s been here for hours and just when we finally let him go home, we call him with more work. “Hey Alex. I need you to track down Tristain’s mother. I need to … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 183” »
182- Mothers and meltdowns Megan does notice my suspicious glare at Darrien’s back. For a moment she’s confused and I can practically see her replaying the last several minutes in her head to see what bothered me. When she figures it out, she smiles at me. “Did you know that Darrien is very close with … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 182” »
181- Hostility and hearsay “Okay, so since you met Alpha Kane, what arguments or uncomfortable interactions have you had?” Alex prompts, laptop at the ready preparing to take notes. I make eye contact with Bellamy and grin. He suddenly looks VERY nervous. “Well, my first negative interaction since meeting Bellamy would have been… my first … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 181” »
Strings of Fate 180- Increase and interactions We all sit there in horrified silence, no one quite knowing what to say. Finally, Harry is the one to speak up. “Well, they don’t look EXACTLY like you. They all have long, black hair. Your hair is blue. Although it does look black. unless you’re in the … Read More “Strings of Fate by Kit Bryan Chapter 180” »