Chapter 166 
Disappointment filled Sebastian’s e 
seyes. “Who is Mr. Zatch? 
“The eldest son of the Zatch family and your cousin, Justin.” 
A chill flashed in Sebastian’s eyes. The circumstances surrounding his parents‘ deaths were suspicious, and it seemed likely the Zatch family had also been involved. Now, they were even trying to kill him, which was unforgivable. 
“One last question. Why exactly did you betray me? 
This was what Sebastian found most puzzling. He had founded the Supreme Pavilion and recruited many skilled individuals. The Elder was among them. 
The Elder had originally just been a common grandmaster, but then he’d joined the Supreme Pavilion. 
With Sebastian’s help, his strength had greatly increased, and he’d been appointed as the Elder. It was a position second only to that of the Deputy Chief, who ranked above thousands 

Sebastian couldn’t fathom any reason the Elder would have to betray him. 
“Since you’re so desperate to low, I’ll tell you. But I want the Seraphic Tear Pendant first” the Elder declared. 
“You want the Seraphic Tear Pendant merely to obtain that ultimate treasure. However, you should know that finding that treasure requires not only the Seraphic Tear Pendant but also two amulets 
“Even if you obtained the Seraphic Tear Pendant, what use would it be? Sebastian questioned 
The Elder scoffed. “Once I have it, I’ll naturally find a way to acquire the two milets. Once I possess the ultimate treasure, my cultivation will skyrocket. I could even reach the Divine Realm. When that happens, who in the world could stand against me? 
The Elder grew more excited as he spoke, as if he already saw himself ruling over all. 
“Greed drives one mad. Your ambition exceeds your worth. Let me send you to hell” Sebastian’s energy erupted with a formidable killing intent 
He would show no mercy to a traitor. 
The Elder scoffed. “Supreme One, you can’t intimidate me. You must have internal injuries by now. You’ll be the one who dies today. Everyone, kill him!” 

After speaking, the Elder led the way and charged at Sebastian. Without hesitation, the men in black surrounded them from all vides. 
he traitors were all guardians. There were 11 of them, and all of them were grandmasters. The Elder was the strongest among them. He had reached the late grandmaster stage. 
As the dozen joined forces, their momentum was overwhelming. Even a pinnacle grandmaster would need to retreat before them. 
This was why the Elder had dared to risk his life. Even if Sebastian were uninjured, there was still a chance to fight 
When the Elder reached Sebastian, he threw a punch covered with powerful energy, aiming to shatter everything it touched. 
Sebastian’s eyes sparkled with cold light, and he countered with a punch of his own. 
With a massive bang, their fists met fiercely. 
The Elder staggered back. Sebastian just swayed slightly, and blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.. 
Then, the men in black charged at him. Some were empty–handed, while others wielded swords. 
Sebastian leapt up and attacked with an uppercut. 
Below, the men in black struck simultaneously. Terrifying energies surged forward. The energies met midway with a boom so loud, it was deafening like thunder. 
The terrible energy spread in all directions. It knocked the men in black off their feet, causing them to spit blood. 
Sebastian was 
was also blown back by the force. He spewed a mouthful of fresh blood as 
as his face turned pale. 
“He’s injured. Kill him!” overjoyed, the Elder quickly charged at Sebastian again. 
Sebastian suppressed his injuries and continued the battle. A fiercewind howled around him. The men in black didn’t date come close. 
As the two fought indistinguishably, a dark shadow suddenly appeared on a nearby rooftop. The shadow swiftly charged toward Sebastian. 
The attacker was the Celestial Master. Holding a large blade, he quickly reached above Sebastian, with a powerful downward slash, he struck fiercely